Study Document
Pages:2 (604 words)
Topic:Endocrine System
Document Type:Essay
Health Letter to Friend
Hormone problems. Who can't relate to those these days? People talk a lot about symptoms like high blood pressure, emotional ups and down, obesity, all of which might well be related to serious medical concerns that come with our age, or that might be caused by stress or junk food!
Which means you are right to have questions and a bit of anxiety. Some hormone conditions (minor or severe) need attention because they tell us how well the endocrine system is in balance -- and it's the endocrine system that influences how the body works and how different parts of our system function together. So the balance is important.
But hormone imbalances can vary a lot, and it takes information to figure out what's wrong. Diabetes (or being overweight), reproduction problems, infertility, thyroid conditions, high blood pressure, poor cholesterol levels and even lipids (not putting on weight properly) are associated with hormone irregularities. Blood pressure problems can make you feel dizzy. Fatigue (a lack of desire to do ordinary tasks), emotional swings, no interest in intimacy can be the result of medical problems, or they might not be.
Which means step number one is going to the doctor and taking the tests. [By the way, I am giving you a single source but you can find others online to learn more (Kemp, 2011).]
So rest easy. Your doctor will likely do the kinds of simple review that he or she always does: take your blood pressure, check for aches and pains, weigh you, measure your height, and talk with you about what's happening in your life. Only then MIGHT they decide if more specific, targeted tests are needed, and even these tests usually just require a needle poke.
Here are a couple examples of what you might hear…
Kemp, S., Chausmer, A.B., and Talavera, F., (2011) emedicineHealth, Anatomy of the Endocrine System. Retrieved on October 15, 2011 from
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