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...Movie Abstract
The untimely death of Kobe Bryant, a well-known basketball player and philanthropist, sent shock waves through the community. The impact of the death was magnified by the fact that the accident that killed him also took the life of his daughter, Gianna Bryant. While he was mourned by people from all walks of life, his death seemed to hit the African American community the hardest, as he had long been considered a role model for African American men, especially in terms of fatherhood. However, while many people mourned his death, others found it disturbing that posthumous coverage of his death did not address the fact that Bryant had been the subject of credible rape allegations, leading to heated discussions about when it is appropriate to discuss the possible wrongdoings of someone who has passed. This article covers Kobe Bryant’s life, his career, his personal life, and the allegations against……
Badenhausen, Kurt. “Kobe Bryant’s $600 Million Fortune: How He Won On- And Off-The Court.” Forbes. 28 January 2020. . Accessed 15 March 2020. Editors. “Kobe Bryant Biography.” A&E Television Networks. 25 February 2020. . Accessed 15 March 2020.
CBS News. “Kobe Loses McDonald’s Deal.” CBS News. 23 January 2004. . Accessed 15 March 2020.
Sanchez, Ray. “Kobe Bryant Was a Living Legend. In His Final Hours, He Was an Ordinary Dad and Friend.” CNN. 3 February 2020. Accessed 15 March 2020.
Wikipedia. “Kobe Bryant.” Wikipedia. 8 March 2020. . Accessed 15 March 2020.
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...Movie Microeconomics
Enron Corporation is an example of one of the largest corporate scandals in the history of the United States. Given a series of corporate mismanagement, Enron is regarded as a shocking example of corporate corruption in the modern business world. The company took 16 years to increase its assets from 10 billion to 65 billion, which was significantly reduced in 24 days (Gibney, 00:00:38-00:00:47). Enron’s corporate scandal has been the subject of numerous studies within the business sector as it offers significant lessons on economics and corporate management. Alex Gibney’s film Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room provides insights on various topics that are relevant to microeconomics in relation to Enron corporate scandal.
One of the topics discussed in the video relating to microeconomics is market regulation, which is a board term used to refer to government policies that regulate the market. Market regulation is evident in the……
Works Cited
Amadeo, Kimberly. “Deregulation Pros, Cons, and Examples.” The Balance, The Balance, 16 Jan. 2020,
Gibney, Alex, director. Enron: The Smartest Guys In the Room. YouTube, Magnolia Pictures, 20 Oct. 2009,
Kienitz, Paul M. “ENRON: THE SMARTEST GUYS IN THE ROOM (2005).”,,
Study Document
...Movie Disney and Pixar
The acquisition of Pixar by Disney in 2006 is an example of vertical merger, which is best described as a merger that occurs between two firms that work at separate and distinct stages of the production process. By merging operations, the two firms become one and their oversight of the production process is made that much more complete. Prior to the merger, Pixar produced films and Disney released them, marketed them, and so on. After the merger, the entire process would be overseen by Disney with Pixar leaders still playing a fundamental role in the creative development phases of production (Jain, 2013). As Debruge (2016) notes, however, the merger was more of a bailout for Disney, whose animated studio had floundered ever since Pixar’s hit Toy Story took animation and audiences in a whole new direction. Disney thus wanted to keep the firms separate while retaining ownership……
Debruge, P. (2016). Disney’s Pixar Acquisition: Bob Iger’s Bold Move That Reanimated a Studio. Retrieved from
Jain, P. (2013). The Disney-Pixar merger. Retrieved from
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...Movie Abstract
This paper provides an extensive review of literature on deaf students and deafness. The purpose of the literature review is to obtain an understanding of what deafness is, what causes deafness, how it occurs, and what deaf culture is like for deaf people. The review identifies schools and programs that are used to help the deaf community and it also examines the outcomes of deaf students in general education. It discusses whether deaf students are better served in an inclusive environment or whether they are better served in a deaf community based learning environment. It examines the characteristics of hearing loss and how there are different tools and ways to treat hearing loss when it occurs in cases where reversing the hearing loss is possible. In some cases, reversal is not possible but surgical solutions may exist.
One of the more remarkable qualities of deaf culture is that……
Arizona Office for Americans with Disabilities. (2007). Retrieved from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019). Retrieved from
Curhan, G., & Curhan, S. (2016). Epidemiology of hearing impairment. In Hearing Aids (pp. 21-58). Springer, Cham.
Gallaudet University. (2019). Retrieved from
Hill, M. (2019). Embryology Sensory - Hearing Abnormalities. Retrieved from
Hyde, M., Nikolaraizi, M., Powell, D., & Stinson, M. (2016). Critical factors toward the Inclusion of deaf and hard-of-hearing students in higher education. Diversity in deaf education, 441-472.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. (2006). Retrieved from
Padden, C. A. & Humphries, T. (2005). Inside Deaf Culture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Study Document
… the street like stars” (Janaraghi par, 13).
Works Cited
Janaraghi, Parissa. “A Star Is Born Best Quotes - 'I Think You're Beautiful.'.” MovieQuotesandMore, 31 Jan. 2019,
Schramm, Molly. “The 10 Best Quotes from A Star Is Born.”, Paste Magazine, 29 June 2019,…
Works Cited
Janaraghi, Parissa. “A Star Is Born Best Quotes - \\\\\\'I Think You\\\\\\'re Beautiful.\\\\\\'.” MovieQuotesandMore, 31 Jan. 2019,
Schramm, Molly. “The 10 Best Quotes from A Star Is Born.”, Paste Magazine, 29 June 2019,
Study Document
...Movie Disney Studios and the Online Streaming Wars
Disney was at its best when it was not just Eisner but rather the triumvirate of Eisner, Wells and Katzenberg. The three complemented one another well, but individually and on their own they could not recreate the same magic. Thus, strategy formulation and implementation has to start with the question of who is calling the shots and making the decisions at Disney? Who is bringing the vision? What is the vision? This has to be clearly defined and it has to be directional. Once the direction is defined, the parenting strategy has to be defined: this is the “manner in which management coordinates activities, transfers resources, and cultivates capabilities among product lines and business units” (Wheelan, Hunger, Hoffman & Bamford, 2010, p. 5). The strategy has to focus on what the company is doing with its human capital. Intangible assets are human……
Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, J. D., Hoffman, A. N., & Bamford, C. E. (2010). Strategic management and business policy. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Study Document
...Movie Effects of Domestic Violence on African- American Women: Opinion Paper
Issue and History of the Issue
Young women are primary victims of domestic violence and it has been estimated that every minute, 20 people suffer from domestic violence in the U.S. (NCADV, 2017). This issue is therefore one that is quite serious, but it is one that particularly impacts the African-American community. African-American women struggle particularly because the African-American family has suffered for decades in the U.S. because of a number of issues—from the incarceration of black men to such an extent that black disproportionately make up a greater percentage of the prison population than any other group to the fact that black culture has been abused by the pushing of drugs culture and liberalism into the homes and streets of black communities. However, this issue goes all the way back to the days of slavery when black women were……
Adorno, T., & Horkheimer, M. (2007). The culture industry: Enlightenment as mass deception. Stardom and celebrity: A reader, 34.
Bandura, A. (2018). Toward a psychology of human agency: Pathways and reflections. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(2), 130-136.
Bent-Goodley, T.B. (2001). Eradicating domestic violence in the African American community: A literature review and action agenda. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse: A Review Journal, 2,316-330.
Franklin, D.L. (2000). What\\\\\\'s love got to do with it? Understanding and healing the rift Between Black men and women. New York: Simon and Schuster
NCADV. (2017). Statistics. Retrieved from
Institute for Women’s Policy Research. (2017). Violence Against Black Women – Many Types, Far-reaching Effects. Retrieved from
Jones, F. (2014). Why Black Women Struggle More With Domestic Violence. Retrieved from
Lee, C. (2017). Inside Whitney Houston’s Violent Marriage to Bobby Brown. Retrieved from
Study Document
...Movie I would like a computer that is portable so that I can work on the go, during travel, and when I am away from home. I do not have a preference for brand and am familiar with both Apple and Windows operating systems. I would have a preference for a touch screen laptop if available within my budget, which is $1500 for the computer and $500 for the software. This paper will compare three advertisements for computers based on specs and affordability.
The advertisement for the Apple MacBook Pro on the Best Buy website is compared to the advertisement for the Microsoft Surface on Amazon and the Dell XPS 15 2-in-1 on Dell’s website. The Dell computer has the largest screen size at 15 inches. However, for a laptop that is meant to be taken on the go, 15 inches is pushing the boundaries of portability. The best size is……
Apple - MacBook Pro. (2019). Retrieved from
Microsoft Surface Laptop. (2019). Retrieved from
XPS 15 2-in-1 Laptop. (2019). Retrieved from
Study Document
This literature review first looks at the history if intelligence oversight (IO) and then explains the current problem it faces in terms of ethics and the arrival of the Digital Age, which has complicated the matter. It next synthesizes the literature on what the various ethical theories are and how this further complicates the issue of IO. Finally, it discusses research on the fundamentals of ethics and gives recommendations for future research.
History of IO
The history of IO begins with the purpose for which it was established, which was to safeguard the privacy and rights of U.S. persons while enabling the Department of Defense to carry out its intelligence functions most effectively (Ford 2006, 721). The question that has always been at the forefront of IO, however, is the question of ethics. As Goldman (2013) notes, as far back as 1929 this question of ethics and its role in……
Bailey, Christopher and Susan M. Galich. “Codes of Ethics: The Intelligence Community.” International Journal of Intelligence Ethics 35.2 (2012), 77-99.
Brown, William F., and Americo R. Cinquegrana. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Warrantless Physical Searches for Foreign Intelligence Purposes: Executive Order 12,333 and the Fourth Amendment.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Cath. UL Rev. 35 (1985): 97.
Cantarella, Michele. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Intelligence ethics in the digital age.\\\\\\\\\\\\" (2016).
Congressional Research Service, “CIA Ethics Education: Background and Perspectives” (2018).
Ferrari, Rachel. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Moral Relativism and Dangerous Ethical Dilemmas in the US Intelligence Community.\\\\\\\\\\\\" (2018).
Ford, Christopher M. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Intelligence Demands in a Democratic State: Congressional Intelligence Oversight.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Tul. L. Rev. 81 (2006): 721.
Goldman, Jan. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Teaching About Intelligjence and Ethics.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Journal of US Intelligence Studies 20, no. 2 (2013): 79.
Hayes, Jonathan. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The Cinema of Oliver Stone: Art, Authorship and Activism by Ian
Study Document
...Movie How to Use Social Media Influencers to Promote Products
Social media marketing has become an important marketing strategy for companies today, as many consumers turn to social media for information on products and for their peers’ opinions on products (Lou & Yuan, 2019). Through influencers, blogs, video-sharing platforms, and messaging apps, companies can use social media to gain followers, build brand equity, and answer questions and tease coming products (Ki & Kim, 2019). Thus, companies that want to influence the consumer’s intention to purchase are looking at social media as the best way to do this (Lim, Radzol, Cheah & Wong, 2017). This paper will describe the pros and cons of social media marketing and examine an example of a practical application.
Pros and Cons of Social Media Marketing
The pros of social media marketing are that it allows the company to directly connect to consumers on platforms that consumers……
Ki, C. W. C., & Kim, Y. K. (2019). The mechanism by which social media influencers persuade consumers: The role of consumers’ desire to mimic. Psychology & Marketing, 36(10), 905-922.
Lim, X. J., Radzol, A. M., Cheah, J., & Wong, M. W. (2017). The impact of social media influencers on purchase intention and the mediation effect of customer attitude. Asian Journal of Business Research, 7(2), 19-36.
Lou, C., & Yuan, S. (2019). Influencer marketing: how message value and credibility affect consumer trust of branded content on social media. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 19(1), 58-73.
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