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Dance is often said to be one of the unique aspects of being human. Dance can be informal or formal in nature. Some dances are performed solo; others in pairs or groups. Specific dances may have a sacred or ceremonial component. Some dances are mainly performed by people of a specific gender or stage of life. Other dances are art forms in and of themselves. One of the most famous of these is ballet, a medium which requires years of intensive … medium which requires years of intensive study, usually beginning at an early age. Yet while the art of ballet versus a form of dance which emerges organically from the streets may seem to have little in common, all forms of dance still share common connections.
Ballet, for example, as a classic style of dance originated as a highly formalized style involving intensive preparation to pointe work for women……
Works Cited
“A Dance with Jane Austen by Susannah Fullerton – A Review.” Jane Austen’s World. September 15, 2012. Web. July 2, 2019.
“Types of Ballet.” Pittsburgh Ballet Theater. Web. July 2, 2019. ballet/
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… behavior, and differ from other cultures. During the experience, both women and men took part in the fish and pork roasting, including the dances. The cross-cultural experience was also fun, interesting and motivating. Indulging in the new way of roasting fish and pork, and taking part in … was also fun, interesting and motivating. Indulging in the new way of roasting fish and pork, and taking part in a completely new dance motivate individuals to learn even more about the culture. It is the fun and interesting side of the interaction that pushes people from ……
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U.S. Census Bureau, USA QuickFacts, accessed December 2019.
Study Document
… country,” (Benowitz 1). Calle Ocho is important to share with the world because of the way it showcases Latin American music, food, art, dance, and culture and also because of the way it defines Miami as a unique urban hub.
Traditionally, the Calle Ocho street festival would … the way it defines Miami as a unique urban hub.
Traditionally, the Calle Ocho street festival would have featured primarily Cuban sounds and dance. The area the festival comprises is still known as Little Havana, which includes a substantial twenty block stretch of the iconic street replete ……
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“8 Reasons to Fall In Love With Little Havana and Calle Ocho.” The Miami Herald. Retrieved from:
Benowitz, Shane. “Calle Ocho Music Festival.” Miami and Beaches. Retrieved from:
Calle The MSC 2019 kick-off party. Retrieved from:
“Little Havana, Miami, neighborhood guide.” Time Out. Retrieved from:
Study Document
… given society. Ellis points out that myth functions as a symbolic language and that language is then used to imbue other elements like dance with meaning. Tribes or large societies differentiate themselves from one…[break]…marriage, and death. People in societies that rely more on science than religion may … at all on ritual practices whereas in another it would. Myth also parallels the creative arts in the societies that sustain them, informing dance, art, and other forms of literary……
Eliade Mircea. “Myth.”
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Study Document
...Dance Introduction
Milton Friedman’s quote gets to the heart of the conflict between shareholder theory vs. stakeholder theory. Shareholder theory posits that a corporation’s sole responsibility is to maximize the return on investment (ROI) for shareholders. Stakeholder theory posits, on the other hand, that a company owes a duty to all stakeholders (not just shareholders)—members of the community, workers, consumers; in short, anyone who is part of or who is impacted in some way by the company. The question is: Do corporations exist only to serve the interests of shareholders or do they also have a responsibility to serve stakeholders as well? This paper will answer that question by looking at the nature and essence of business social responsibility from the standpoint of the four major sources of ethical values in business: Law, Culture, Philosophy, and Religion. It will show that in today’s business environment, stakeholder theory needs to be pursued……
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Study Document
...Dance Does Criminal Profiling Work or is it Unjustified The Case of Tim Masters
Criminal profiling allows law enforcement to develop their understanding of particular types of crime, criminals, criminal behaviors, and crime-ridden areas. The FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program is one data set tool used in criminal profiling (FBI, 2019). However, criminal profiling is not an exact science but rather more of an art and there is a high degree of subjectivity that goes into creating a criminal profile. Thus, when it comes to the criminal profiling of serial killers, there are many factors that must be considered—biological, sociological, environmental, criminological, and psychological inputs. This paper will describe what is involved in the criminal profiling of serial killers, how the process works, who conducts it, what traits of serial killers profiles tend to focus on, and how effective the process is at helping law enforcement agents catch killers.……
Alldredge, J. (2015). The" CSI Effect" and Its Potential Impact on Juror Decisions. Themis: Research Journal of Justice Studies and Forensic Science, 3(1), 6.
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Sarteschi, C. M. (2016). Serial Murder. In Mass and Serial Murder in America (pp. 45-67). Springer, Cham.
Study Document
...Dance Contact in Canadian Literature: The Use of Gothic Elements in the Negotiation of Cultural Differences between Settlers and Indigenous Nations
Common elements of gothic literature include mystery, fear, omens, curses, preternatural settings, gloomy atmospheres with a hint of being haunted, some dimension of the supernatural, romance, an arch-villain, nightmare situations, anti-heroes and ladies in distress (Mulvey-Roberts; Smith). Popular examples on both sides of the Atlantic include works by the Bronte sisters, works by Poe, and Shelley’s Frankenstein. The gothic was a popular genre form in the 19th century. It was romantic, vibrant, dark, brooding, frightening, exciting, and visceral. It resonated with readers because after a century of Enlightenment (hyper-emphasis on reason and naturalism), the romantic era had ushered in something desperately needed: feeling. Thus, authors of the 19th century, like Duncan Campbell Scott and Pauline Johnson, found elements of the gothic genre to be a useful way to explore……
Works Cited
Gray, Charlotte, and Clara Thomas. "Flint and feather: the life and times of E Pauline Johnson, Tekahionwake." Canadian Woman Studies 23.1 (2003): 183.
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Mulvey-Roberts, Marie, ed. The Handbook to Gothic literature. NYU Press, 1998.
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Smith, Andrew. Gothic Literature. Edinburgh University Press, 2007.
Study Document
...Dance Middle East Literature: Portrayal of women in the Arabian Nights
Women play a significant role in the Arabian Nights. Many of the stories and tales in the collection explore the nature, potential dangers, and limits of the sexual drive or desires of women. The frame narrative about women and their sexual desires starts to emerge when in a tale about the wife of a sultan and her affairs with a slave. This calls into question the loyalty of women and puts into focus infidelity among women. This forces the storyteller, Shahraz?d, to use her storytelling skills calm down Shahrayar's rage against women by letting him know that other women like herself are different and do not in any way threaten marital institutions and families (Shamma, 239-260). So the work goes from the portrayal of women as bad or as lesser beings to their portrayal as princesses or good people.……
Works cited
Blythe, Andrea. Beyond Shahrazad: Feminist Portrayals of Women in the One Thousand and One Nights. Zoetic Press, 2019.
Haddawy, Husain, and Muhsin Mahdi, eds. Arabian Nights. English.; Alf Laylah Wa-laylah. WW Norton & Company, 1995.
Nicholas, Caleb, \\\\\\\\\\\\"Living Subversive Narratives: Shahrazad\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Stories of Women.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Honors Projects, Bowling Green State University, (2016). 269.
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Zafar, Attiya. Arabian Nights: Seaming the Embroidery of Feminism in the \\\\\\\\\\\\"Couch.\\\\\\\\\\\\" University of Management and Technology, 2019.
Study Document
...Dance Gangs
Gangs in America have formed the subject of a large number of research works, thereby becoming a growth sector (Sanchez-Jankowski, 2003). The definition of the term ‘gangs’ is: an ongoing informal or formal group, party, or alliance of at least three individuals whose primary activities include perpetrating at least one of the crimes listed below: 1) attacking using a lethal weapon, 2) murder, 3) burglary, 4) selling or holding in possession for production, selling, offering for sale, transporting, or offering to produce controlled substances, 5) arson, 6) shooting at any occupied automobile or inhabited house, 7) intimidating victims and witnesses, and 8) carrying out a grand robbery of a vehicle, vessel, or trailer, in addition to sharing a common sign, symbol, or name, whose members have separately or, as a group, previously or currently participated in some pattern of hang crime (California Department of Justice, 1993).
Classification of……
California Department of Justice. (1993). Gangs 2000: A call to action. Sacramento, California: Department of Justice.
Department of Public Security. (2007). Definition and classification of gangs: Executive summary. Washington, DC: Organization of American States.
Sanchez-Jankowski, M. (2003). Gangs and social change. Theoretical Criminology, 7(2), 191-216. DOI: 10.1177/1362480603007002413.
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...Dance The Effects of Operation Desert Storm on Human Behaviors, Human Expression and Ethics
In early 1991, the United States launched Operation Desert Storm in response to Saddam Hussein’s invasion and occupation of Kuwait while the American public held its collective breath to see whether Hussein’s threat to wage “the mother of all battles,” including threats to use chemical weapons of mass destruction, would come to fruition. Although the Iraqi military was never able to live up to their leader’s claims, the political and social fallout from this successful prosecution of this regional war by the United States had long-term implications for American political and military leaders alike. This topic is important to analyze today because the Middle East remains a global hotspot with the very real potential to erupt in other conflicts with Western powers in general and the United States in particular. To determine the facts, the overarching……
Curtis, J. (2015, November). Reflecting on strategic results of Operation Desert Storm. Army, 65(11), 24-27.
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