Behavior Plan Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Pages: 3 (865 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:91189614

… that are characterized by uncontrollable obsessions and compulsions. The condition is a chronic, long-lasting disorder in which the individual has recurring thoughts and behavior. The obsessive and compulsive symptoms can affect all aspects of a person’s life including personal relationships, school and work. There are various kinds … discusses treatment recommendations for an adult patient suffering from Body Dysmorphic Disorder. The discussion includes analysis of medical management, community resources and follow-up plan for the patient’s condition.
HPI and Clinical Impression for the Client
Jane is a 38-year old individual diagnosed with Body Dysmorphic Disorder, which … flaws and contributed to her body shaming. She not only compares herself to others on a constant basis, but has also performed repetitive behavior or acts of grooming to improve her appearance. Some of Jane’s symptoms include behavior that are focused on fixing the perceived defects/flaws, comparison with others, perfectionist tendencies, preoccupation with……



Ahmed et al. (2019, October 3). Body Dysmorphic Disorder Treatment & Management. Retrieved October 10, 2019, from 

Harris, P.M. & Drummond, L.M. (2016, October). Compliance of Community Teams with Specialist Service Recommendations for Obsessive-Compulsive and Body Dysmorphic Disorders. BJPsych Bulletin, 40(5), 245-248.

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2016, April 28). Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Retrieved October 10, 2019, from 

Phillips, K.A. & Hollander, E. (2008, March). Treating Body Dysmorphic Disorder with Medication: Evidence, Misconceptions, and a Suggested Approach. Body Image, 5(1), 13-27.

Phillips, K.A. (2006, July). The Presentation of Body Dysmorphic Disorder in Medical Settings. Primary Psychiatry, 13(7), 51-59.


Study Document Study Document

Intake Information For Mental Health

Pages: 9 (2605 words) Sources: 13 Document Type: Document #:76744601

… ever in deep thoughts and worries, and she felt as if everyone was looking at her. She denied having any suicidal thoughts or behavior. She stated that running away from her issues would be great, but she knew that that she could not take her life.
She … ill when pregnant during her third pregnancy. She said that despite being on birth control she still got pregnant. It was not a plan pregnancy and she constantly felt depressed and drained all through the pregnancy. She added that Zeke changed her entire life right from the … Thoughts of being worthless or feelings of guilt most part of the individual’s day, almost daily
7. Recurrent suicidal thoughts without an specific plan, or a suicidal attempt or plan to commit suicide
To get a depression diagnosis, the above symptoms should cause the patient medically considerable impairment or distress in occupational, social,……



American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. BMC Med, 17, 133-137.

Buntrock, C., Ebert, D. D., Lehr, D., Smit, F., Riper, H., Berking, M., & Cuijpers, P. (2016). Effect of a web-based guided self-help intervention for prevention of major depression in adults with subthreshold depression: a randomized clinical trial. Jama, 315(17), 1854-1863.

Davaasambuu, S., Aira, T., Hamid, P., Wainberg, M., & Witte, S. (2017). Risk and resilience factors for depression and suicidal ideation in Mongolian college students. Mental health & prevention, 5, 33.

Gilbert, P. (2016). Depression: The evolution of powerlessness. Routledge.

Hammen, C. (2018). Risk factors for depression: An autobiographical review. Annual review of clinical psychology, 14, 1-28.

Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. Macmillan.

Khoury, B., Langer, E. J., & Pagnini, F. (2014). The DSM: mindful science or mindless power? A critical review. Frontiers in psychology, 5, 602.

MacGill, M. (2017). What is depression and what can I do about it? Medical News Today. Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

Case Conceptualization Group Therapy CBT And Psychodynamics

Pages: 10 (2982 words) Sources: 11 Document Type:Essay Document #:27547144

… for at least six months, most of whom attend regularly on a weekly basis. The case conceptualization includes background information on the clients, behavior observations, clinical interpretations, and diagnostic impressions based on the DSM-5. A treatment plan and interventions for the clients are grounded in two primary theoretical orientations including cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and psychodynamics. A summary of the treatment, including client reactions, plus future recommendations are also provided. Ethical issues and quandaries are … spiritual practice or belief system that was not part of organized religion, and the other three claimed to be either agnostic or atheist.
behavior Observations
Using a mental status exam (University of Nevada, Reno, 2020), formal observations and assessment methods were used to provide an overview of … the future, the client’s judgments and clarity, and level of self-awareness or insight. Because of the diversity of the clients comprising the group, behavior observations……



American Counseling Association (2014). ACA Code of Ethics. Retrieved from: 

American Group Psychotherapy Association (2007). Practice guidelines for group psychotherapy. Retrieved from:!-evidence-on-the-effectiveness-of-group-therapy.pdf?sfvrsn=ce6385a9_2

“Clinical Thinking Skills,” (n.d.). Retrieved from: 

Glasofer, D.R. (2019). Generalized anxiety disorder. Retrieved from: 

MacNamara, A., Kotov, R. & Hajcak, G. (2016). Diagnosis and symptom-based predictors of emotional processing in generalized anxiety disorder and Major Depressive Disorder: An Event-Related Potential Study. Cognitive Therapy and Research 40(2016): 275-289.

Plummer, F., Manea, L., Trepel, D., et al. (2016). Screening for anxiety disorders with the GAD-7 and GAD-2: a systematic review and diagnostic metaanalysis. General Hospital Psychiatry 39(2016): 24-31.

Suszek, H., Holas, P., Wyrzykowski, T., et al. (2015). Short-term intensive psychodynamic group therapy versus cognitive-behavioral group therapy in day treatment of anxiety disorders and comorbid depressive or personality disorders: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 16(2015): 

Thimm, J.C. & Antonsen, L. (2014). Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral group therapy for depression in routine practice. BMC Psychiatry 14(292):


Study Document Study Document

Anxiety And Depression Treatment Through Mindfulness

Pages: 3 (959 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:question answer Document #:94130498

Abnormal Psychology Questions
Q1. According to your text please describe how negative reinforcement increases the avoidance behavior often associated with anxiety.
Negative reinforcement refers to the withdrawal of an unpleasant stimulus to reward behavior. Using operant conditioning in a laboratory experiment, this might be accomplished by the withdrawal of an unpleasant sound when the desired behavior is completed. However, in the real world, for someone experiencing anxiety, the usual way in which someone suffering from this psychological disorder deals … because of the fear. For fears of very common things—such as driving—it can significantly impair the individual’s ability to engage in normal social behavior.
Q2. What percentage of individuals diagnosed with an anxiety disorder have another disorder or depression?
An estimated 60% of people with a diagnosed ……



Cameron, O.G. (2007). Understanding comorbid depression and anxiety, 24 (14). Retrieved from: anxiety

Facts and Statistics. (2020). Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Retrieved from: 


Study Document Study Document

Cyber Espionage

Pages: 16 (4895 words) Sources: 24 Document Type:Case Study Document #:27491269

… its potential threats to national security. This qualitative case study research explores the proposition that cyber security should be deemed an acceptable state behavior while cyber attack is unacceptable. This study seeks to answer the question, “How is cyber espionage an acceptable state behavior for intelligence gathering though it potentially damages relations between nation-states?” The qualitative case study examined existing studies on this issue and employed thematic … existing studies on this issue and employed thematic analysis to analyze the data. The study found that cyber espionage is an acceptable state behavior since it plays a key role in cyber warfare, helps to establish appropriate countermeasures against cyberattacks and potential threats in cyberspace, and enhances … provides significant insights on this topic, future studies should examine the issue based on empirical or primary data.
Keywords: cyber espionage, acceptability, state behavior, cyberattacks, relationship, intelligence gathering, national security, cyber warfare, cyber……



Ablon, L. “Data Thieves: The Motivations of Cyber Threat Actors and Their Use and Monetization of Stolen Data.” RAND Corporation, March 2018. 

Agarwal A. & CERT-IN. “Cyber Espionage, Infiltration and Combating Techniques.” Indian Computer Emergency Response Team, 2013. 

Banks, W.C. “Cyber Espionage and Electronic Surveillance: Beyond the Media Coverage.” Emory law Journal 66, (2017).

Baxter, P. & Jack, S. “Qualitative Case Study Methodology: Study Design and Implementation for Novice Researchers.” The Qualitative Report 13, no. 4 (2008).

Brown, G. “Spying and Fighting in Cyberspace: What is Which?” Journal of National Security Law & Policy 8, (2017).

Connell, M. & Vogler, S. “Russia’s Approach to Cyber Warfare.” CNA Analysis and Solutions, 2017. 

Creswell, J.W. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches, 4th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc.

Diplomacy Data. “Cyber Security and Cyber Espionage in International Relations.” Diplomacy Data, 2015.


Study Document Study Document

Psychological Health

Pages: 11 (3279 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Evidence Based Practice Document #:50896264

… to evaluate possible cognitive processing prejudices in health conditions like chronic pain, irritable bowel syndrome, cancer, and chronic fatigue syndrome together with health behavior like smoking, eating, and alcohol abuse. Experimental studies in these fields could inform hypothetical development by allowing access to types and levels of … hypothetical development by allowing access to types and levels of information and data processing that might underpin unhelpful disease representation and manipulate health behavior. Therefore, this paper is a study that aims to review evidence-based practices and programs within psychological health via literature review on various studies … and management of depressive disorders, psychological interventions play a key role as an alternative treatment. Several treatments have been developed mainly founded on cognitive-behavior, psychodynamic, humanistic, or interpersonal approaches. According to one latest huge network meta-analysis involving 198 random trials conducted on patients suffering from depression, even … is important to understand how……



Australian Psychological Society. (2010). Evidence?based psychological interventions in the treatment of mental disorders: A literature review. Victoria: Australian Psychological Association.

Barth, J., Munder, T., Gerger, H., Nüesch, E., Trelle, S., Znoj, H., ... & Cuijpers, P. (2016). Comparative efficacy of seven psychotherapeutic interventions for patients with depression: a network meta-analysis. Focus, 14(2), 229-243.

Castelnuovo, G. (2017). New and old adventures of clinical health psychology in the twenty-first century: standing on the shoulders of giants. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 1214.

Hofmann, S. G., Asnaani, A., Vonk, I. J., Sawyer, A. T., & Fang, A. (2012). The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy: A review of meta-analyses. Cognitive therapy and research, 36(5), 427-440.

Hughes, A. M., Gordon, R., Chalder, T., Hirsch, C. R., & Moss?Morris, R. (2016). Maximizing the potential impact of experimental research into cognitive processes in health psychology: A systematic approach to material development. British journal of health psychology, 21(4), 764-780.

Kirkham, J. G., Choi, N., & Seitz, D. P. (2016). Meta?analysis of problem solving therapy for the treatment of major depressive disorder in older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 31(5), 526-535.

Lenz, A. S., Hall, J., & Bailey Smith, L. (2016). Meta-analysis of group mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for decreasing symptoms of acute depression. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 41(1), 44-70.

Linde, K., Rücker, G., Sigterman, K., Jamil, S., Meissner, K., Schneider, A., & Kriston, L. (2015). Comparative effectiveness of psychological treatments for depressive disorders in primary care: network meta-analysis. BMC family practice, 16(1), 103.


Study Document Study Document

Assessment Of Clinical Practice

Pages: 9 (2570 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:36257557

… one going through puberty at the same time, the effects of emotional devastation and loss can be confusing and even traumatic. Therefore, Jim’s behavior, his shift in social scene, and his differential identity during this time do need to be viewed in context. Perspective can help Jim’s … Likewise, Jim’s personality changes—such as being more withdrawn and not participating in class—are possible warning signs of ineffective coping. Whether or not Jim’s behavior are due to suppressed emotions connected with the trauma of losing his sister, or whether those behavior would have manifested regardless, is irrelevant in this case. In fact, Jim’s father has used silence and suppression of emotion as the means … In fact, Jim’s father has used silence and suppression of emotion as the means by which he deals with stress and trauma. Jim’s behavior could be a result of modeling his father. What matters most is……



American Psychological Association (2007). Record keeping guidelines. American Psychologist 62(9): 993-1004.

Fadus, M.C., Squeglia, L.M., Valadez, E.A., et al. (2019). Adolescent substance use disorder treatment. Current Psychiatry Reports 21(96).

Godley, M.D., Passetti, L.L. (2019). Behavioral interventions for substance use and relapse prevention. Treating Adolescent Substance Use. 

Hogue, A., Bobek, M., MacLean, A., et al. (2020). Core elements of CBT for adolescent conduct and substance use problems. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice(2020): 

King, G. (2016). The Role of the Therapist in Therapeutic Change: How Knowledge From Mental Health Can Inform Pediatric Rehabilitation. Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics, 37(2), 121–138. doi:10.1080/01942638.2016.1185508 

Oud, M., de Winter, L., Verimeulen-Smit, E., et al. (2019). Effectiveness of CBT for children and adolescents with depression: A systematic review and meta-regression analysis. European Psychiatry 57(2019): 33-45.

Rodriguez, M., Walters, S. T., Houck, J. M., Ortiz, J. A., & Taxman, F. S. (2017). The language of change among criminal justice clients: Counselor language, client language, and client substance use outcomes. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 74(4), 626–636. doi:10.1002/jclp.22534 

Shulman, L. (2011). Dynamics and skills of group counseling. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.


Study Document Study Document

Trauma Of Sexual Assault

Pages: 4 (1053 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Case Study Document #:34764506

… the psychological impact of sexual assault is such that it can deeply scar an individual. Ward categorizes the impact in three ways: psychological, behavior and interpersonal: psychological maladjustment issues include “anxiety, withdrawal, restlessness, tension, insecurity and emotional instability,” while behavior issues include lying, substance abuse, inability to hold a job, and interpersonal issues include “ambivalence toward family members and fear of men” (p. … bad or immoral person. Once this trauma has been addressed in this way, the CBT could begin again with a new set of behavior goals identified that will allow Suzy to avoid triggers or to address them in a positive manner that will prevent her from turning ……



Billette, V., Guay, S., & Marchand, A. (2008). Posttraumatic stress disorder and social support in female victims of sexual assault: The impact of spousal involvement on the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Behavior modification, 32(6), 876-896.

Elliott, D. E., Bjelajac, P., Fallot, R. D., Markoff, L. S., & Reed, B. G. (2005). Trauma?informed or trauma?denied: principles and implementation of trauma?informed services for women. Journal of community psychology, 33(4), 461-477.

Ward, C. (1988). The psychological impact of sexual assault: case studies of adolescent victims. Singapore medical journal, 29(6), 619-623.


Study Document Study Document

Counseling Infidelity And Clients

Pages: 1 (342 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Essay Document #:49979046

… child, and Tommy fears his wife will divorce him. In this instance, the counselor may need to overcome her personal feelings about Tommy’s behavior. According to the ACA Code of Ethics, “counselors know that they must not force their own beliefs on clients, but what happens when … to embark upon an extramarital affair and show empathy without necessarily endorsing those feelings.
Additionally, the counselor can help Tommy devise a realistic plan to inform his wife of what has transpired, and also a plan to talk to the woman about to have a baby about what she can expect in terms of support. Rehearsing the different communication ……



Meyers, L. (2016). Counseling unlikeable clients. Counseling Today. Retrieved from:


Study Document Study Document

Organizational Situations And Interventions

Pages: 6 (1880 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:43843471

… An example of an organizational situation relating to socialization is the integration of new members. Organization X has established human resource policies and plan to integrate new members into the workforce. However, these policies and practices are seemingly ineffective because new employees report of role uncertainties as … socialization in an organization is associated with four major benefits i.e. reduced turnover, transfer and maintenance of organizational culture, positive employee attitudes and behavior, and learning organizational political and social norms. Despite these benefits, many organizations face challenges in integrating new employees. Existing socialization practices for new … focus on the traditional view of learning, which is ineffective. As a result, many new employees experience difficulties in acquiring knowledge, attitudes, and behavior that are necessary to engage effectively in an organization. Formal practices are not entirely effective in enhancing socialization and integration of new employees … about their specific duties and……



Bhui, K., Dinos, S., Galant-Miecznikowska, M., de Jongh, B. & Stanfeld, S. (2016, December). Perceptions of Work Stress Causes and Effective Interventions in Employees Working in Public, Private and Non-governmental Organizations: A Qualitative Study. BJPsych Bulletin, 40(6), 318-325.

Kelly, E.L., Moen, P. & Tranby, E. (2011, April). Changing Workplaces to Reduce Work-Family Conflict: Schedule Control in a White-Collar Organization. American Sociological Review, 76(2), 265-290.

Khan, N. & Khurshid, S. (2017, February). Workplace Stress and Employee Wellbeing: Case of Health Care Staff in UAE. European Scientific Journal, 13(5), 217-226.

Korte, R.F. (2007). The Socialization of Newcomers into Organizations: Integrating Learning and Social Exchange Processes. Retrieved from Institute of Education Sciences website: 

Kossek, E.E. & Lee, K. (2017, October). Work-Family Conflict and Work-Life Conflict. Retrieved March 24, 2020, from

Njegovan, B.R. & Kostic, B. (2014). Impact of Organizational Socialization Towards Employees’ Social Adaptation. Journal of Engineering Management and Competitiveness, 4(1), 34-40.

Van Kleef, D., Steen, T. & Schott, C. (2017, October 26). Informal Socialization in Public Organizations: Exploring the Impact of Informal Socialization on Enforcement Behavior of Dutch Veterinary Inspectors. Public Administration, 97(1), 81-96.

Zhou, S., Da, S., Guo, H. & Zhang, X. (2018, April 17). Work-Family Conflict and Mental Health Among Female Employees: A Sequential Mediation Model via Negative Affect and Perceived Stress. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(544), doi:

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