1000 + documents found on "Parents And Children"


Study Document Study Document

Child Development The Middle Childhood

Page(s): 4 (1614 words) Sources: 1+ Document #:42084620

In order to provide an age appropriate program with activities that enhance the numerous stages of growth and development in children, the adult should have a good understanding of where the child is developmentally coming from, where the child is currently, and where he or she is heading to into the near future.




Baumrind, D. (1991). The influence of parenting style on adolescent competence and substance use. Journal of Early Adolescence, 56-95.

2. Erikson, E., (1950). Childhood and Society

3.Piaget, J., (1966).The Psychology of the Child


Study Document Study Document

Children Of Alcoholic Parents It Is Generally

Page(s): 4 (1017 words) Sources: 1+ Document #:24374496

Children of Alcoholic Parents

It is generally accepted that alcoholism tends to run in families and that compared with children of non-alcoholics, children of alcoholic parents have approximately four time greater risk of becoming alcoholics themselves (Reich Pp). However, the causal factors that determine the development of alcohol abuse and dependence have not yet been conclusively determined……


Work Cited

Nishioka, Elaine. "Helping children of alcoholics."

Journal of School Health; 11/1/1989; Pp.

Chassin, Laurie. "Academic Achievement in Adolescent Children of Alcoholics."

Journal of Studies on Alcohol; 1/1/1999; Pp.


Study Document Study Document

Children And Bereavement How Do Healthcare Professionals

Page(s): 3 (1019 words) Sources: 3 Document #:80848449

Children and Bereavement

How do healthcare professionals, psychologists and others help a child transition to a life without its mother or father? hat are the best support methods for children when they are dealing with bereavement? This paper sheds light on the best practices -- and the less-than-ideal practices -- when helping a young person or a……


Works Cited

Germain, Alison. (2011). How to help children and young people understand death. Primary Health Care, 21(1), 22-23.

Mitchell, Ann M., Wesner, Susan, Brownson, Lynn, Dysart-Gale, Deborah, Garland, Linda,

And Havill, Allyson. (2006), Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 19(3),



Study Document Study Document

Children Act 1989

Page(s): 8 (2359 words) Sources: 8 Document #:20522907

Though some have called for the abolition of the substitute parent juvenile justice system, Gardner argues that the punitive model need not result in such an abolition or in the reincorporation of the juvenile justice system into the adult system (Gardner 1987, pp. 129-151).

The earlier American system was based on similar concerns raised more recently about……



Bennett, G. 1989, Crimewarps, New York, Anchor Books.

Children Act 1989-2008. Office of Public Sector Information, the National Archives,  http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1989/Ukpga_19890041_en_1.htm .

Curran, D.J. 1988, October, Destructuring, Privatization, and the Promise of Juvenile Diversion: Compromising Community-based Corrections, Crime and Delinquency, 363-378.

Franklin, B. 2001, the New Handbook of Children's Rights: Comparative Policy and Practice, London, Routledge.


Study Document Study Document

Parenting No One Would Say

Page(s): 2 (644 words) Document #:14688327

Also, I gained a lot of childrearing wisdom from the two articles on romantic relationships. Although they discuss mainly marriage, Mosier and Shulman's articles can address healthy ways of relating to children. For example, adults should never believe that having a child will be a panacea for their problems. Similar to the myth of the soul……


Study Document Study Document

Children's Literature Sass's The Cat

Page(s): 7 (2352 words) Sources: 2 Document #:47786566

In addition, the human pronoun "her" is used to refer to the mother penguin, while "it" would have been a more appropriate choice if the author wanted to reinforce the penguins' animal aspects (BBC 3, 8). hile the author does use the term "chick" throughout the book, mixing it with the human-like terms further allow the child reader to grasp……


Works Cited

BBC. Baby Penguins. New York, Scholastic, 2009.

Dr. Seuss. The Cat in the Hat. New York: Random House, 1957.


Study Document Study Document

Children And Television

Page(s): 7 (2051 words) Sources: 1+ Document #:62658697

Children and Television

Television may be an almost universal feature on the domestic scene, however it is not sued I the same way by everyone who has access to a set (Gunter 1). The television set has become an integral piece of the household furniture, and practically every house has at least one set, if not more,……


Work Cited

Alexander, Allison. "Children and Television." Retrieved November 04, 2005 from The Museum of Broadcast Communication Web site:


Bower, Bruce. "Social channels tune in TV's effects." Science News. September 14, 1985. Retrieved November 04, 2005 from HighBeam Research Library Web site.

"Children and TV Violence." Retrieved November 04, 2005 from the American


Study Document Study Document

Child Development The Quality Of The Relationship

Page(s): 4 (1328 words) Sources: 3 Document #:73614516

Child Development

"The quality of the relationship between parents and young children is one of the most powerful factors in a child's growth and development," (Brotherson, 2005, p. 1). esearch unequivocally supports the notion that a young's child's social and emotional well-being is enhanced through the development of positive attachments, especially in the first three years of……



Belsky, J. & Rovine, M.J. (1988). Nonmaternal care in the first year of life and the security of infant-parent attachment. Child Development. Vol. 59, No. 1 (Feb., 1988), pp. 157-167

Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne, Han, Wen-Jui & Waldfogel, J. (2002). Maternal Employment and Child Cognitive Outcomes in the First Three Years of Life: The NICHD Study of Early Child Care. Child Development 73(4): 1052-1072.

Brotherson, S. (2005). Understanding attachment in young children. NDSU Extension. Retrieved online: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:yid4mF2O0HcJ:www.ag.ndsu.edu/pubs/yf/famsci/fs617.pdf+&hl=en&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESipHzJnj3jwaFvNOfadieU9Hm5SGZHZOLg0r9QO1QL-cEdt6_zquVn4pRA0zOQywVbCART3nk-obmfyTHQnM6BNzTMtZxmzHIm7JFloG7PvyA8kblXYcMzqKJJXNJi03g89deu3&sig=AHIEtbTu0NmiNlPIVWfsvozgKv1AwAFeFw

Davis, D. & Clifton, A. (n.d.). Psychosocial theory: Erikson. Retrieved online:  http://www.haverford.edu/psych/ddavis/p109g/erikson.stages.html


Study Document Study Document

Children's Safety On The Internet

Page(s): 15 (4143 words) Sources: 1+ Document #:97494937


However surprisingly, there have been arguments for pornography and have stated that it encourages experimentation with new media and any act to censor it would go against the First Amendment which has not only intellectual, moral, political, and artistic value, but practical and economic value as well. It is believed that the First Amendment supports accepting……


Works Cited

Huycke, D. (1997) Protecting our children: U.S. Customs Service Child Pornography

Enforcement Program. Police Chief Journal (February):34.

Kaplan, D. 1997. New cybercop tricks to fight child porn. U.S. News and World Report (May 26):29.

Rimm, M. (1995) Marketing pornography on the information highway. Georgetown Law Journal 83:1849.


Study Document Study Document

Kid Kustomers -- Rhetorical Analysis Kid Kustomers

Page(s): 2 (413 words) Sources: 3 Document #:83486952

Kid Kustomers -- Rhetorical Analysis

Kid Kustomers: Rhetorical Analysis Outline

Writing Strategy #1: Language

The essay 'Kid Kustomers' assumes a casual, almost-informal tone to reflect the nature of the essay itself, which is about popular and consumer cultures, and to also make the essay appropriate for its target audience -- the……

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