891 + documents found on "Diamonds"


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Diamonds Advertising

Page(s): 11 (3453 words) Sources: 1+ Document #:6613572

Diamond Advertising

Diamonds may be a girl's best friend, according to a concept popular in the 1950s. Alternatively, diamonds might also be forever, a concept popularized in advertising for several decades. Diamonds are a symbol of love, but they have hardly been the source of much loving interaction between various populations of humans. In fact, diamonds have……


Works Cited

De Beers advertisement. History Wired,  http://historywired.si.edu/object.cfm?ID=246 

Diamond History. Retrieved 14 June 2004 at http://www.diamondsonweb.com/learn/history.pl

Dubois, Bernard & Paternault, Claire. "Understanding the World of International Luxury Brands: the "Dream Formula." Journal of Advertising Research, 35.4, 1995, 69+. Accessed at www/(Dubois & Paternault 1995, 69+) Accessed at www.questia.com/

Greed For Diamonds and Other 'Lootable' Commodities Fuels Civil Wars." World Bank Web site. Retrieved 14 June 2004 at http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/NEWS/0,contentMDK:20014607~menuPK:34465~pagePK:64003015~piPK:64003012~theSitePK:4607,00.html


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Diamonds Are Among The Most

Page(s): 2 (704 words) Sources: 5 Document #:7704943

In the cases of the kimberlite or lamproite pipes, open-pit mining is most commonly used. This involves a progressive digging at the source of the pipe (Open Pit, No Date). In effect, a giant crater is created that allows for transportation of trucks, people and heavy equipment to the bottom (Open Pit, No Date). A mining……


Works Cited

Diamonds and Diamond Simulants" (No Date). Retrieved Nov. 24, 2006 from the Web site for the University of California at Berkeley at  http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~eps2/wisc/Lect6.html .

Diamond Mining" (No Date). Retrieved Nov. 24, 2006 from the Web site for the Environmental Literacy Council at  http://www.enviroliteracy.org/article.php/1121.html .

Diamond Trading Company" (No Date). Retrieved Nov. 24, 2006 from the Web Site for De Beers Group at (http://www.debeersgroup.com/debeersweb/About+De+Beers/De+Beers+World+Wide/Diamond+Trading+Company+(Dtc)/.

Learning About Diamonds" (No Date). Retrieved Nov. 24, 2006 from the Web site for Kings Jewelry at http://www.kingsjewelry.com/learning_diamond_mining02.shtml.


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Diamond Water Paradox Economics General

Page(s): 7 (2641 words) Sources: 10 Document #:42777408

Differentiations are always brought up by the contemporary mainstream economists and their theories regarding ontological questions and assumptions or mere recognition regarding conformity of preference structures regarding some rules can be approximated usefully. This is done by the commodities' association or there quantities uses. Taking into account that preference can as well be taken as a……


Venkatesh, B. (2003). The diamond-water paradox. Retrieved August 31, 2010, from  http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/iw/2003/01/05/stories/2003010500241300.htm 

Yousuf, D (1996). Adam Smith and the division of labour. Retrieved August 31, 2010, from


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Diamond-Water Paradox The Diamond Water Paradox Is

Page(s): 3 (985 words) Sources: 3 Document #:13186700

Diamond-Water Paradox

The diamond water paradox is a classic example of the numerous paradoxes that can be seen in everyday life. According to the diamond water paradox, the cost of diamonds is more than the cost of water despite the fact that water is essential for human existence while diamond is more of an optional luxury item.……



McLaughlin, Dan. (July 11, 2007). Rich Athletes, Poor Teachers. Mises Daily. Retrieved from:  http://mises.org/daily/2626 

Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2011). Occupational Outlook Handbook 2010-2011 Edition. Retrieved from: http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos251.htm

USA Today. (2011). Major League Baseball salaries. Retrieved from: http://content.usatoday.com/sportsdata/baseball/mlb/salaries/player/top-25


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Diamond Wars In Western Africa

Page(s): 10 (2548 words) Sources: 1+ Document #:58696568

Diamond ars in estern Africa

Throughout estern Africa, the quest for diamonds has taken control of many of people and affected the stability of economic and governmental status throughout the nation. The diamond mines have caused civil wars, which have resulted in many casualties over the years.

Possibly the major cause of the diamond……


Works Cited

Campbell, Greg. Blood Diamonds: Tracing the Deadly Path of the World's Most Precious Stones. Westview Press, 2002.

Collier, Paul, "Economic Causes of Civil Conflict and Their Implications for Policy," World Bank. 15 June 2000.

Epstein, Edward Jay, "Have You Ever Tried to Sell a Diamond?" The Atlantic Monthly, February 1982. at: www.theatlantic.com/issues/82feb/8202diamond1.htm

Kerlin, Katherine "Diamonds Aren't Forever: Environmental Degradation and Civil War in the Gem Trade," The Environment Magazine. Sept. 2001.


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Diamonds By J Sorie Conteh

Page(s): 6 (2074 words) Sources: 1 Document #:40389710

The entire framework of the country is shifting, and it is leaving the people from the rural outskirts behind. Soon, the natives will be like strangers in their own country, and they will not retain any rights or voice.

Even worse, those whites with power and money run the government, and own just about anyone they want……



Conteh, J. Sorie. The Diamonds. New York: Lekon New Dimensions Publishing, 2001.


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Diamond Catalyst Shows Promise In

Page(s): 6 (1908 words) Sources: 6 Document #:99630874

Based on these findings, researchers believe that lower elevation with drier environments is being heavily impacted by temperature changes. This not only threatens the ecology of these lower elevation sites, but it also could contribute more to the rapid changes in greenhouse gases. Without forests to be able to repopulate themselves, there will be fewer trees……



Science Daily. (2013). The quantum secret to alcohol reactions in space. Science News. Web.  http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/06/130630145004.htm


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Czech Film Diamonds Of The Night

Page(s): 4 (1219 words) Sources: 1 Document #:17741677

Diamonds of the Night

One of the overwhelming themes which stayed with me upon screening of the Czech film Diamonds of the Night (1964) by Jan Nemec was the motif of everything being illusory. This film definitely played with the notion that perhaps everything is a dream or an illusion. Throughout the film images are presented time……



Nemec, J. (1964). Diamonds of the Night. Ceskoslovensky Film Export.


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Blood Diamonds Of South Africa

Page(s): 5 (1663 words) Sources: 10 Document #:72677703

(Janine Roberts 2006)

Acts like the Kimberley process are presumed to guarantee that the diamonds that people buy have not been related to the killing and mutilating of children from a South African country. However, as most critics state, the certification alone is not enough to guarantee such a thing. The process of providing guarantees that the……


Works cited:

1. D. Davey. (2006). "bad blood, blood diamonds." Retrieved May 2, 2009, from Pop and Politics Web site:  http://www.popandpolitics.com/2006/12/13/bad-blood-blood-diamonds/ 

2. Durham, Dick. (2001). "De Beers sees threat of blood diamonds." Retrieved May 3, 2009, from CNN Web site:  http://archives.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/africa/01/18/diamonds.debeers/ 

3. Johnson, Eric. (2002). "Blood Diamonds: The Conflict in Sierra Leone." Retrieved May 2, 2009, from Stanford University Web site: http://www.stanford.edu/class/e297c/Conflict%20in%20Sierra%20Leone.htm

4. Masin-Peters, Jon. (2003). "Conflict Diamonds." Retrieved May 2, 2009, from Hampshire University Web site:  http://pawss.hampshire.edu/topics/conflictdiamonds/index.html


Study Document Study Document

Blood Diamonds The Prologue In

Page(s): 5 (1513 words) Sources: 1 Document #:57241445

101). Plus, diamond mining hires over a million people, eeks adds.

On page 114 Campbell explains that at about the same time -- ironically -- that he was being pitched by the De Beers people about the "huge economic impact that bad publicity about conflict diamonds could have on sales" planes piloted by Al Queda were crashing……


Works Cited

Campbell, Greg. Blood Diamonds: Tracing the Deadly Path of the World's Most

Precious Stones. Jackson TN: Westview Press, 2002.

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