Plagiarism Checker

Our plagiarism checker is simple to use. In the box below you simply copy and paste your document. Our checker then scans it against all available resources on the Web to see if there are any unique phrase matches. While there are many common phrases and lines used in the English language, these are not going to be the main focus of our plagiarism checker. We look for content that matches in ways it probably should not. We say “probably” because we’re looking at probabilities here. It may be that the match is purely coincidental—hey, coincidences do happen so don’t seem so shocked! That’s why we also provide you with likely sources for the match so that you can cross-reference those sources to see if you might have taken any words from them without realizing it.

Enter the text you want to check for plagiarism


Plagiarism is a dirty word that no one likes to have to use. That’s why we developed our plagiarism checker—so that you never have to hear it used against you. We know how hard it is to express someone else’s ideas in your words. You invariably end up taking some of their words and mingling them in with your own. It just happens—but the problem is that if you’re writing a paper for a professor there will be trouble when the professor starts thinking that you just copied and pasted. To prevent the accusation of plagiarism from being leveled at you, use our plagiarism checker. It helps you to see whether any of the words you used belong to anyone else. Let’s get started!

Why a Plagiarism Check Helps

Our plagiarism checker helps because it allows you to see whether your document is going to be flagged when your teacher runs a similar check using another program. To reduce your risk of being flagged, you can use our checker and it will identify which phrases, lines and ideas seem too similar to others on the Web. You can change them to put them into new words, or you can compare them and decide for yourself whether it is worth the trouble. Not every similarity is going to necessitate a change—but some might if you would rather be safe than sorry. Nothing is worse than being accused of plagiarism by a professor when you honestly believe you wrote the paper all on your own.

The problem is of course that even when we think we are writing our own material other people’s material can seep into our unconscious minds and we don’t even realize it. It is like singing a song—all of a sudden the lyrics of another song start intruding and you didn’t even invite them in. The mind is on a kind of automatic, unstoppable treadmill and data is constantly being brought down for processing. Some of that data may end up in your paper and if you don’t properly reference it you could be accused of plagiarism. So consider this as simply a safety tool that you can use to prevent any unwanted encounters with your professors in the future.

And in case you aren’t aware of what plagiarism is, let’s just go over it one more time. Plagiarism is the passing off of another person’s words as your own. You might try to do it intentionally or it might happen by accident—but in the end no one really cares why it happened. They just are concerned that it happened.

Remember when Melania Trump passed off Michelle Obama’s speech as her own? Do you think she really intended for that to happen? Of course not! She handed Michelle Obama’s speech to her own speech writers, implying that she wanted something similar. Her own speech writers, however, were too lazy to see where the words came from or else did not use a plagiarism checker and decided to just use the words Melania gave them. Instead of putting the text into their own words they literally just used the cut and paste option. A simple check would have shown that the words belonged to Michelle Obama and it would have saved everyone a great deal of embarrassment. But no! No one bothered to check!

Or remember when Shia LaBeouf used words from a Daniel Clowes graphic novel for the introduction of his short film Howard Cantour? The short film was great and Jim Gaffigan knocked it out of the park in the film—but the fact remains that LaBeouf accidentally incorporated all of Daniel Clowes’ words into the script and passed them off as his own, never referencing Clowes or asking for permission. The inspiration simply took hold and LaBeouf ran with it. If had used a plagiarism checker he would have seen that there were big problems with using the words he had in his script because they actually belonged to someone else!

Don't Get Accused of Copying and Pasting

Use a plagiarism checker and stop running the risk of letting your mind get you into trouble. The mind is a place where all sorts of hi-jinks can happen, so it’s best to keep it under control. The way to keep it under control is manage risk—and that’s what a plagiarism checker does. It scans your document against others on the Web and shows where there might be danger. Check it out, look at the likely sources, determine whether the match is too close for comfort, and make adjustments if necessary.

Everybody wants to be recognized as unique and special. When you use other people’s words, you get branded a cheater and thief—even if you didn’t mean it or had no intention of stealing someone else’s words. Sometimes it just happens! That’s why you need to use this plagiarism checker. Plagiarism is one of the worst labels to get stuck with—so avoid it as best you can be coming here and using this tool!


Our plagiarism checker is here to help you get a handle on your writing. You may think you did your best to put all the ideas you incorporated in your essay in your own words. But we know how minds are. They are constantly trying to fool us. So don’t trust yours and don’t put it past yourself to make a mistake. Run our plagiarism checker by cutting and pasting your text into the box above then clicking the Run Plagiarism Checker button. We’ll kick the results back to you and show you where your text matches or is similar to other text on the Web. We’ll focus on the words that are not commonly used in phrases and expressions but rather on the words that shouldn’t ordinarily have any matches—unless they were lifted. Now we know not every match is going to be an indication of plagiarism, so check our potential sources to be sure. Our algorithm will scan the content—but the context may be completely different—so you do need to check yourself just to be sure.

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