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Women 's Role in Middle Eastern Politics Research Proposal

Pages:9 (2589 words)


Document Type:Research Proposal


Role of Women Empowerment in Political Economy: A Comparative Study of UAE and OmanIntroductionThe impact of gender mainstreaming and women empowerment initiatives and legislation on UAEs domestic economy.In the past few decades, gender mainstreaming and women empowerment initiatives/legislation have had a significant impact on UAE's domestic economy. These policies have helped to close the gender gap in many sectors, including education, employment, and business ownership. As a result, women are now playing a major role in the country's workforce and are contributing significantly to its GDP. In addition, these programs have also led to increased social stability and prosperity, as women are more likely to reinvest their earnings in their families and communities. As the UAE continues to implement these initiatives, it is likely that its domestic economy will continue to benefit significantly (Al Khayyal et al., 2020).Structural economic reforms that have led/leading policy interventions in process of women empowerment.The UAE has embarked on a series of structural economic reforms in recent years, with a view to promoting womens empowerment. One area of reform has been the introduction of policy interventions aimed at increasing womens participation in the labor force. For example, the government has enacted laws and regulations that give women equal rights to work and establishing quotas for womens representation in decision-making bodies. In addition, the government has launched initiatives to encourage businesses to hire and promote more women. As a result of these reforms, the percentage of women in the workforce in the UAE has increased significantly in recent years.These reforms have also led to an increase in womens entrepreneurship and ownership of businesses. The government has enacted laws and regulations that give women equal access to finance and property ownership. In addition, the government has provided training and support for women entrepreneurs. As a result of these measures, there has been a significant increase in the number of women-owned businesses in the UAE in recent years.The UAEs structural economic reforms have had a positive impact on womens empowerment in the country. These reforms have increased women's participation in the labor force and entrepreneurship, and have given them greater access to finance and property ownership. As a result, Women in the UAE have made significant progress towards equality with men over the past few years.Institutionalization of women representation and its impact on governance in UAEThe United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a federation of seven emirates, each governed by an absolute monarch. In recent years, the country has taken steps to increase women's participation in governance, including reserving seats for women in the Federal National Council (FNC), the country's advisory body. The FNC is not elected, but rather appointed by the rulers of the emirates. While the institutionalization of women's representation in the UAE is a positive step, it is important to consider its impact on governance in the country.The FNC plays a limited role in governance in the UAE; its primary function is to advise the government on legislation. However, the increased presence of women in the FNC may help to increase gender equality in other areas of governance. For example, women are now better represented in Cabinet-level positions, and there are more women serving as ambassadors and judges. In addition, the increased visibility of women in government may help to change social attitudes about gender roles in society. The UAE has made great strides in promoting gender equality, but there is still more work to be done. The institutionalization of women's representation in governance is a step in the right direction, and it is hoped that it will lead to further progress on this issue.Womens Empowerment in UAE Compared to OmanThus one can see that in the past few decades, there has been a marked improvement in the status of women in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This is most evident in the increasing number of women who are participating in the workforce and taking on leadership roles in both the public and private sectors. There have also been significant strides made in terms of women's access to education and health care. These positive developments are in contrast to the situation in Oman, where women still face significant barriers to empowerment.In Oman, women make up only a small fraction of the workforce and are largely confined to traditional roles within the family. While there has been some progress made in terms of womens access to education, there is still a long way to go before equality is achieved (Varghese, 2011). Yet, some ground is being gained: for instance, the government of Oman is developing policies that will give greater flexibility to working parents and women and open the door for greater access for women to power positions (WAF, 2021). The situation in Oman highlights the importance of continued efforts to empower women in the UAE. Only by ensuring that all members of society have an equal opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of life will either state be able to reach its full potential.Purpose of This StudyThe main purpose of this study is to compare womens empowerment in UAE to the situation in Oman, with special focus on institutional representation, structural economic reforms, and gender mainstreaming. Jabeen and…

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…Additionally, this research is based on secondary sources; the only primary data to be collected for this study is that from interviews with participants. Given these limitations, this paper provides a useful overview of the role of womens empowerment in the political economy of UAE and Oman.Definition of Core TermsEmpowerment is a term that is often used in the context of gender equality. In general, it refers to the process of giving individuals the power to make their own choices and exercise control over their lives (Chamberlin & Schene, 1997). When applied to the political economy, empowerment refers to the extent to which women are able to participate in and influence the decision-making process. Classically, political economy refers to the nature, production and distribution of wealth (Senior, 1849). In both the UAE and Oman, womens empowerment has been a key priority for the government (Abou-Shouk et al., 2021).Proposed TimelineThe proposed timeline for completion of the study on the role of womens empowerment in the political economy of UAE and Oman is six months. The study will be conducted in three phases. The first phase will involve a review of the literature on womens empowerment and its relationships to the political economy of UAE and Oman. This will be followed by a qualitative data collection phase, which will include interviews with key participants in both countries. Finally, the data will be analyzed and interpreted, and the findings will be reported in a final report.ConclusionThere is a growing body of evidence that suggests that women's empowerment can have a positive impact on the political economy of a country. For example,Studies have shown that when women are empowered to participate in the workforce and politics, they are more likely to invest in their children's education and health, which can lead to improved economic outcomes for the next generation. In addition, research has shown that gender equality can help to reduce corruption and improve governance. Given the above, it is clear that empowering women can have a number of positive ripple effects on the political economy of a country.In the UAE and Oman, there has been a concerted effort in recent years to empower women and promote gender equality. As a result, women have made significant progress in terms of education and employment opportunities. However, there is still room for improvement in terms of political participation. In both countries, women make up a minority of parliamentarians and there are few women in senior positions within the government. In order to fully harness the poential of women's empowerment in the political economy, it is essential to ensure that…

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