Studyspark Study Document

Liberalism Modern Conservatism and Fascism Creative Writing

Pages:2 (649 words)

Document Type:Creative Writing


Political Participation1. Three primary agents of political socialization are family, education, and media. Family plays a crucial role in shaping an individual\'s political beliefs by providing their initial exposure to political ideas and values. Education exposes individuals to political knowledge, concepts, and ideas. The media disseminates political information. Three secondary agents of political socialization are religion, peer groups, and political leaders. A person\'s political opinion can change over time due to changing circumstances, personal experiences, exposure to new information, or a shift in values.2. Political ideology refers to a set of beliefs about the role of government. Libertarianism emphasizes individual liberty and minimal government intervention in economic and social matters. Classical liberalism advocates for limited government intervention. Modern liberalism emphasizes the government\'s role in promoting social justice, equality, and individual freedoms. Traditional conservatism emphasizes the importance of preserving traditional values. Modern conservatism emphasizes a strong national defense and free-market capitalism. Socialism advocates for collective ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods and services. Communism is a form of socialism that advocates for the elimination of private property and the establishment of a classless society. Fascism is a emphasizes authoritarianism, nationalism, and the subordination of the corporation to the state.3. Three factors that contribute to or detract from political participation are socioeconomic status, political…

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…winner of the election is determined by the electoral college.9. Campaign funds come from a variety of sources, including individual donations, political action committees (PACs), political parties, and self-funding. Individual donations are the most common source of campaign funds, and PACs and political parties can also donate to candidates. Self-funding occurs when candidates use their personal funds to finance their campaign.10. Direct democracy refers to a system of government where citizens directly participate in the decision-making process. Examples of direct democracy include initiatives and referendums, which allow citizens to propose and vote on legislation, and town hall meetings, which allow citizens to voice their opinions on issues directly to elected…

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