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Pages:2 (615 words)
Document Type:Essay
C. It may be assumed that skepticism among his political peers has been influenced by the media and Gore refutes the allegations that that the scientific community is split on the matter and therefore Gore's presentation on the matter is propaganda by analyzing peer-reviewed journals and articles, as opposed to articles written by the mass media.
Despite the skepticism initially encountered by his political peers, Gore's efforts have led to the introduction of 15 climate related bills to Congress and the establishment of political offices to further study the subject. President Obama created a the position of Assistant to the President for Climate and Energy while both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives established a Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming (Climate Crisis). Since the release of An Inconvenient Truth, there have been immediate measurable changes within the public sphere. It is estimated that more than 106,000 tons of carbon were offset a year after the film's release with more than 4,200 tons of carbon being offset by simply switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs (Climate Crisis).
Since the filming of the An Inconvenient Truth, Gore's grassroots effort to raise awareness of the impact that society is having on the planet has reached more than one billion people. Furthermore, his message is being spread by over 2,600 trained people with more than 4 million people on the Earth's seven continents being privy to the presentation. Continued efforts will ensure that people become aware of the situation at hand. Through continued efforts, people will be able to change their habits and reduce their carbon emissions, ensuring that the planet is maintained for future generations.
Works Cited:
Climate Crisis. 2008-2011. Web. Accessed 7 May 2011.
Guggenheim, Davis,…
Works Cited:
Climate Crisis. 2008-2011. Web. Accessed 7 May 2011.
Guggenheim, Davis, dir. An Inconvenient Truth. Paramount Classics, 2006. Film.
Study Document
The hope, of course, that to the extent possible, both groups will invest themselves, and their money, in the ways that Mr. Gore is going to suggest in the film. The Scientist and Mentors Finally, Mr. Gore shows an image of earth that was made by a friend of his - all of the experts in the film are friends of Mr. Gore. The image was, again, made over a period
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The evidence Gore presents comes from verifiable and reliable scientific sources. Furthermore, Gore and Guggenheim capitalize on the slide-show format, which makes the material seem somehow more believable than it would in a more sensationalistic format. A slide-show evokes images of university physics classrooms or keynote lectures given by visiting climate change experts. Even though Gore is not himself a scientist, he does come across as professorial and knowledgeable. Gore
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It is certainly what we have learned to take for granted about our planet. "I am Al Gore, I used to be the next president of the United States," and there is laughter in the audience. So far, no science, but emotional and political emotions are played upon. The scene goes to the view of the planet Earth from the moon, "Earth Rise." Now Gore has appealed to the
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Article Summary
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