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Ethical Dilemmas in Counseling American Counseling Association Essay

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This situation, in which a counselor agrees to see a client named Robert, without contacting Robert’s marriage counselor, does not necessarily violate an ethical code of the ACA. The ACA Code of Ethics begins with an extensive overview of appropriate counseling relationships. This section covers professional comportment in situations similar to those faced by Robert’s counselor. The essence of Section A in the ACA (2014) Code of Ethics is trust. According to the ACA (2014), “Trust is the cornerstone of the counseling relationship, and counselors have the responsibility to respect and safeguard the client’s right to privacy and confidentiality.” Therefore, the counselor needs to consult first with Robert before divulging the intent to see the client personally—the primary ethical obligation is to Robert and not to Robert’s marriage counselor. According to the ACA (2014), the counselor’s primary responsibility is “to protect the dignity and promote the welfare of clients,” (Standard A.1.a).

Section A.3 covers issues pertinent to this scenario: clients who are served by other counselors or mental health practitioners. As you mention, this section suggests that the counselor should “request release from clients to inform the other professionals and strive to establish positive and collaborative professional relationships,” (ACA, 2014, A.3). This means that the counselor first asks Robert for permission to consult with the marriage counselor. If Robert provides informed consent, in accordance with ACA Code of Ethics Standard A.2, then the counselor is obliged to consult with the marriage counselor to establish the “collaborative professional relationship” the ACA urges in Standard A.3. If the marriage counselor seems unwilling or uncooperative, Robert has the final word. Robert has the power of choice, to decide whether or not to terminate the relationship with the marriage counselor in favor of individual counseling or to refuse the individual counseling services in light of the marriage counselor’s suggestions. The marriage counselor also needs to protect Robert’s confidentiality, as does the counselor in the scenario.


ACA (2014). Code of ethics. Retrieved from:

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