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Abstinence Practices in the Mormon Church Today Essay

Pages:7 (1964 words)


Document Type:Essay


Revision MemoWhat I believe I did well in this assignment:Although this assignment covered a lot of bases, I believe I did well because I addressed each prompt thoroughly using relevant scholarly resources and empirical observations and experiences.What I would work on if I had more time:It would be interesting to learn more about the debates that took place among early Church leaders concerning the Mormons policies about adherence to the Word of Wisdom. The prevailing views about healthful lifestyles in the 19th century and early 20th century clearly had an influence on these debates and learning more about any opposing views that were advanced during these conclaves would be informative for modern researchers.My view on the topic of debate changed as I worked this semester in this way:Upon closer examination of my observations regarding when and how members break the Word of Wisdom in relation to their membership, there may be an alternative way to interpret the connection between food and identity in the context of the Word of Wisdom. It should be noted that some former members continue to abstain, and there are also non-members who abstain from alcohol, coffee, and other prohibited substances for various reasons, which complicates the relationship between food and identity. Moreover, active or partially active members who fail to adhere to the Word of Wisdom may still regard themselves as belonging to the Mormon community, which raises questions about the connection between use of prohibited substances and identity and whether experimenting with or using prohibited substances is not a means of expressing independence or belonging, but rather an act of resistance against the demands of the Mormon identity.Contribution Essay: Observance of the Mormon Churchs Word of WisdomIntroduction SectionToday, active members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who are commonly referred to as Mormons follow certain food and other restrictions that are based on the guidelines set forth in the Word of Wisdom. While it is reasonable to suggest that most Americans have heard about the Church of Mormon, it is also likely they do not know about the Word of Wisdom which plays a central role in the lives of its members. The Word of Wisdom is based on the scripture contained in the faiths holy text, The Book of Mormon which is regarded as divinely inspired. Some of the foods and beverages that Mormons are prohibited from consuming include many that average Americans enjoy on a regular basis, including coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs (Ferguson et al. 2018). To maintain membership in good standing with the Mormon Church requires members to adhere to these standards. Notwithstanding these modest lifestyle sacrifices, though, most members of the Mormon Church willingly and even enthusiastically follow the dietary and other restrictive guidelines that have been established by Church leaders over the past two centuries as a way of demonstrating their faith and commitment to the principles and values of Mormonism. The purpose of this contributing essay is to explain why I believe that the Word of Wisdom provides an important identify for Mormons for those who belong to the group as well as for those who do not. In sum, adherence to the guidance contained in the Word of Wisdom can serve as a way to demonstrate belonging and express an identity.Background on the debate and perspectivesOriginally announced by Joseph Smith in 1833, the Word of Wisdom has long been regarded by the Mormon Church as being a divine revelation from God. At the time of publication, the United States was experiencing a temperance movement that sought to completely abolish alcohol, so the Word of Wisdoms guidance on refraining from alcoholic beverages was in line with conversative thinking at the time (Peterson 2015). The prohibitions against tobacco, coffee, tea and illicit drugs were likewise based on the rationale that not only did God outlaw these substances, there was a corresponding health benefit that was realized through…

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…Mormon Church quickly learn that the guidelines in the Word of Wisdom are not a proscription against having fun and enjoying life to its fullest. In this regard, one new member of the Church notes that, If there is one thing [Mormons] know how to do, it is have a good time. No, they dont drink or smoke. Yes, they love to play games and listen to music. People used to tell me, You can have fun without drinking, and I scoffed at them but they were so right! Card games, board games, dance offs, swimming, you name it! (Poppe 2016, 5).Finally, although observance of the Word of Wisdom is not always understood by non-Mormons or even Mormons themselves. In this regard, Badanta et al. emphasize that, Religiosity tends to insert values and behaviors that seem to benefit individual's health and protect their families, such as the non-use of substances and the preservation of a healthy body (i.e., body as a temple) (1581). Nevertheless, observance of the Word of Wisdom guidance remains a point of contention among some active members who do not fully appreciate its divine revelatory origins as well as its healthful benefits.ConclusionThe research showed that the Word of Wisdom is a divine revelation in the Mormon Church that was published by Joseph Smith in 1833 and subsequently interpreted by Church leaders in various ways. Although initially stressing moderation, strict adherence to the Word of Wisdom eventually became a formal requirement for Church members, which is now seen as a distinguishing characteristic of Mormon society and community. The research also showed that observing the Word of Wisdom has a number of protective health benefits that provide Mormons with a high quality of life and contribute to a sense of belonging and community among Church members, which provides Mormons with resilience in the face of adversity. Finally, developing a better understanding concerning other religions, including the Church of the Latter-Day Saints, is an important part of living in…

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