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On my YouTube account I post a variety of tutorials for those interested in the same subjects that interest me. While some YouTubers are Influencers who see this sort of thing as a side gig that they hope to make money at, I aim mainly to … I aim mainly to do something I enjoy, which is talking about subjects I like and engaging with others who share my interests. YouTube is a video sharing platform, so my videos are meant to be seen by anyone but of course only those who are interested … media as a type of business it is understandable that some people would resort to these tactics.
People I interact with on my YouTube page are generally interested in the same subject that I am making videos about. Many of them are YouTubers as well and post their own videos on subjects. We exchange comments……
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Garfinkel, Harold. Studies in Ethnomethodoogy. University of California, Polity Press.
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Granovetter, Mark S. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The strength of weak ties.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Social networks. Academic Press, 1977. 347-367.
Study Document
… platforms that consumers themselves choose to use for the purpose of getting information about products and services. Companies that use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and other platforms can answer questions, post videos promoting concepts or products, put out press releases, address rumors, and work to control a … technology and the Internet for their own purposes. More people are connected than ever before thanks to online sharing platforms like Twitter and YouTube. These platforms allow users to give their favorable impressions of products and services; however, they also allow people to share their own views ……
Ki, C. W. C., & Kim, Y. K. (2019). The mechanism by which social media influencers persuade consumers: The role of consumers’ desire to mimic. Psychology & Marketing, 36(10), 905-922.
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Lou, C., & Yuan, S. (2019). Influencer marketing: how message value and credibility affect consumer trust of branded content on social media. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 19(1), 58-73.
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...Youtube Introduction
The implementation plan for the Meal Prepping business is to design the organizational structure: the company will necessarily have to be organized as a non-profit with 501(c)3 status to ensure that big donors can write off donations, which is a major incentive for many who wish to support non-profits. The business will need to be self-sustainable, however, and cannot count on relying on federal dollars, as the government itself is already heavily in debt and future years are likely to see big cuts in federal spending. The business’s success will thus depend upon partnering with other local businesses to gain visibility, using crowdfunding (Zhou & Kuo, 2018) to gain seed money that will support early investment in the business’s development, and using social media in the same way Elon Musk at Tesla has done to turn his $10 a share electric vehicle car company into a world-saving environmentally-friendly car……
Lunt, T., & Nicotra, E. (2018). Event Sponsorship and Fundraising: An Advanced Guide. Kogan Page Publishers.
Malhotra, C. K., & Malhotra, A. (2016). How CEOs can leverage twitter. MIT Sloan Management Review, 57(2), 73.
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Yauney, R. H. (2018). Leadership Development: A Study of Elon Musk. Marriott Student Review, 2(2), 4.
Zhou, S., & Kuo, C. (2018). How Social Media are Changing Nonprofit Advocacy: Evidence from the Crowdfunding Platform in Taiwan. The China Nonprofit Review, 10(2), 349-370.
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...Youtube A Systematic Review of Online Auctions for Fund Raising by Non-Profit Organizations
Its origin dating back to Babylon in 500 BC auctions account as one of the oldest forms of price determination mechanism in the markets. Auction is negotiation protocols that entail simultaneous bidding with the price determined bidders and products or services allocated based on competition amongst potential buyers (McAfee, 2017).
Classifications of Auctions
There are four major classifications of auctions formats in the market based on the information asymmetry and the flow of prices. The auction types include English Auction, Dutch Auctions, sealed-bid first-price auctions, and Vickrey auctions (Klemperer, 2004).
English and Dutch auctions are both open auctions implying that they are orally implemented but entail distinguishing value setting features. According to Klemperer (2004), an English Auction also known as the oral ascending auction or first-price auction entails an ascending sequential price strategy where the auctioneer sets a……
Cachon, G. P., Daniels, K., & Lobel, R. (2015). The Role of Surge Pricing on a Service Platform with Self-Scheduling Capacity.
Connelly, A., & Winter, M. (2003). Going...Going...Gone!: Successful Auctions for Non-Profit Institutions (Second). Target Funding Group, Inc. All.
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Forbes Magazine. (2019). The 100 Largest U.S. Charities. Forbes Magazine.
Hasker, K., & Sickles, R. (2010). eBay in the Economic Literature: Analysis of an Auction Marketplace. Review of Industrial Organization, 37(1), 3–42.
Kingston, K. (2015). A Higher Bid: How to Transform Special Event with Strategic Benefit Auctions. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
Klemperer, P. (2004). Auctions: Theory and Practice. In Princeton University Press.
McAfee, P. (2017). The Ideal Auction - Numberphile. YouTube.
Study Document
...Youtube Special Needs Child: Case Study
Overview of the Case Study
In this reviewed video (Lupercio, 2017), the narrator is a parent of a child with special needs, and the video aims to present her experience with a special needs child. The special needs child is her daughter. At birth, the child was normal - just like every other child – and the initial signs that the child has some concerning condition was when she was at the age of six months. The initial sign that the mother noted was her eye that was "wiggling very rapidly back and forth." From this stage, the parent was highly worried and took her to the Emergency Room after the wiggling lasted for more than a day, and it didn't go away, even after the child had a good sleep.
The ER recommended an ophthalmologist whose diagnosis was that the nystagmus (constant wiggling of……
DeHoff, B. A., Staten, L. K., Rodgers, R. C., & Denne, S. C. (2016). The role of online social support in supporting and educating parents of young children with special health care needs in the United States: a scoping review. Journal of medical Internet research, 18(12), e333.
Garner, P., & Sandow, S. (Eds.). (2018). Advocacy, self-advocacy, and special needs (Vol. 25). Routledge.
Lupercio, B. (2017, Jan. 13). Being A Special Needs Mom | Becca\\\\\\'s Bubble Episode 3. YouTube. Retrieved from
McNamara, S., & Blenco, G. (2018). Teaching special needs: Strategies and activities for children in the primary classroom (Vol. 37). Routledge.
Weiss, J. A., Cappadocia, M. C., MacMullin, J. A., Viecili, M., & Lunsky, Y. (2012). The impact of child problem behaviors of children with ASD on parent mental health: The mediating role of acceptance and empowerment. Autism, 16(3), 261-274.
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...Youtube A Self Care Plan for Preventing Burnout at Work
An action plan is a way to establish a step-by-step guide for oneself to follow in order to achieve a goal. The main goal for this action plan is self-care. There are six areas of self-care that this action plan focuses on: physical, emotional, cognitive, social, financial and spiritual. The action plan identifies three sub goals within each area and describes the steps that I will take to reach those goals. This specific action plan was chosen to prevent me from becoming burned out at work. Self-care is important as psychologists and even the bible have shown. This paper provides support for the plan using scholarly sources, books, and other reference material, and the action plan shows why the goals and steps described are helpful in my self-care plan.
Outline of the Action Plan
This Action Plan will go through……
Baumeister, R. F., Campbell, J. D., Krueger, J. I., &Vohs, K. D. (2003). Does high self-esteem cause better performance, interpersonal success, happiness, or healthier lifestyles? Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 4(1), 1–44.
Cosentino, B. W. (2020). Loving Yourself. How to raise your self-esteem.
Dall’Ora, C., Griffiths, P. & Ball, J. (2016). 12-hour shifts: burnout or job satisfaction? Nursing Times, 112(12/13), 1-2.
Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.
National Academy of Medicine. (2019). Valid and Reliable Survey Instruments to Measure Burnout, Well-Being, and Other Work-Related Dimensions. Retrieved from
Nursing Theories. (2012). Retrieved from
Orem, D.E. (1991). Nursing: Concepts of practice (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby-Year Book Inc.
Robinson, R. B., & Frank, D. I. (1994). The relation between self-esteem, sexual activity, and pregnancy. Adolescence, 29(113), 27–35.
Study Document
...Youtube Start up and Funding Models for Social Impact Organizations
Volunteers are needed for social impact organizations, which have limited funds and require the efforts, participation, and commitment of volunteer personnel in order to meet organizational goals. To recruit and manage volunteers, it is important to communicate a vision and mission of what the organization is doing, what it aims to achieve, why it matters, and what volunteers can do to help achieve the goals. Every volunteer’s role must be clearly defined, and every vision clearly articulated. This paper will describe how to manage, motivate and evaluate volunteers in a social impact organization.
Where Volunteers are Needed
Volunteers are a necessary component of any healthy society and community (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2005). They are needed because they help to communicate the sense of value in both the community and the organization among stakeholders. Volunteers show that……
The Economist. (2011). Wikipedia’s fundraising, free but not easy. Retrieved from
Eisner, D., Grimm Jr, R. T., Maynard, S., & Washburn, S. (2009). The new volunteer workforce. Stanford Social Innovation Review, 7(1), 32-37.
Georgetown University Alumni Career Services. (2016). Effective Volunteer Recruitment & Management Strategies for Non-Profits. Retrieved from
Hager, M.A., & Brudney, J.L. (2004). Volunteer management practices and retention of volunteers. Retrieved from
Screwvala, T. (2018). How Volunteering can help Change the World. Retrieved from
Smith, D. H. (1994). Determinants of voluntary association participation and volunteering: A literature review. Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly, 23(3), 243-263.
US Department of Health and Human Services. (2005). Successful Strategies for Recruiting, Training, and Utilizing Volunteers. Retrieved from
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… image.
Its customer relationship management process could stand to improve through the use of social media, and by using sites like Instagram and YouTube, the company could ask consumers to upload inspirational pics of them with their Nikes during this time of quarantine. That would be a ……
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“About Nike.” Nike, 2000.
Global News. “Nike shoes burn on social media as Colin Kaepernick features in ‘Just Do It’ campaign.” Global News, 2018
Morning Consult. “Nike's Favorability Drops Double Digits Following New ‘Just Do It’ Campaign with Colin Kaepernick.” Morning Consult, 2019.
Peters, Jeremy. “The Birth of ‘Just Do It’ and Other Magic Words.” The New York Times, 19 Aug 2009. ss
Storey, G. “Nike and the importance of meaningful brand values.” Polpeo, 2019.
Study Document
...Youtube The Issue of the EV: Is it Really Green and Good?
Do Teslas Make the World a Better Place
The electric vehicle (EV) has arrived and the 21st century is poised to be the century of the EV. However, there is still a great deal of controversy and confusion about what EVs actually do for the environment and if they are really as “green” as they are purported to be. Chad Berndt, a writer for Teslarati (a pro-Tesla site), boasts that Teslas are the greatest thing for the world since sliced bread in his article “A Tesla is Greener Than You Think and Getting Greener.” However, James Ellsmoor, writing for Forbes, begs to differ and argues in his article “Are Electric Vehicles Really Better For The Environment?” that all the strip mining for rare earth materials and petroleum that goes into producing the plastics and parts for Teslas outweighs……
Works Cited
Ellsmoor, James. “Are Electric Vehicles Really Better For The Environment? Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 21 May 2019,
Lemonick, Sam. “Scientists Underestimated How Bad Cow Farts Are.” Forbes, 29 September 2017.
Loss, Scott R., Tom Will, and Peter P. Marra. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Estimates of bird collision mortality at wind facilities in the contiguous United States.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Biological Conservation 168 (2013): 201-209.
Natter, Ari. “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Green New Deal Could Cost $93 Trillion, Group Says.” Bloomberg, 25 February 2019.
Schirber, Michael. “Chemistry of Cars.” LiveScience, 6 May 2009,
Shellenberger, Michael. “New Michael Moore-Backed Documentary On YouTube Reveals Massive Ecological Impacts Of Renewables.” Forbes, 21 April 2020.
US Energy Information Administration. “Electricity Explained,” EIA, 2020. p
Study Document
...Youtube Microeconomics
Enron Corporation is an example of one of the largest corporate scandals in the history of the United States. Given a series of corporate mismanagement, Enron is regarded as a shocking example of corporate corruption in the modern business world. The company took 16 years to increase its assets from 10 billion to 65 billion, which was significantly reduced in 24 days (Gibney, 00:00:38-00:00:47). Enron’s corporate scandal has been the subject of numerous studies within the business sector as it offers significant lessons on economics and corporate management. Alex Gibney’s film Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room provides insights on various topics that are relevant to microeconomics in relation to Enron corporate scandal.
One of the topics discussed in the video relating to microeconomics is market regulation, which is a board term used to refer to government policies that regulate the market. Market regulation is evident in the……
Works Cited
Amadeo, Kimberly. “Deregulation Pros, Cons, and Examples.” The Balance, The Balance, 16 Jan. 2020,
Gibney, Alex, director. Enron: The Smartest Guys In the Room. YouTube, Magnolia Pictures, 20 Oct. 2009,
Kienitz, Paul M. “ENRON: THE SMARTEST GUYS IN THE ROOM (2005).”,,
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