Study Document
… establish work settings and procedures the ensure all employees are treated in a fair and equal manner. Existing labor laws protect employees from discrimination, unfair treatment, retaliation, and other work-related issues. For this large company, making business decisions in consideration of employment protections is essential toward ensuring … toward ensuring fair treatment of employees. The significance of fair treatment of all employees in this large company with respect to applicable federal discrimination laws, federal health and safety laws, and state laws is discussed.
Recent Federal Legislative Protections/Laws
workplace discrimination is a term used to refer to any practice or procedures in the working environment that seek to segregate an individual or group … the working environment that seek to segregate an individual or group based on their unique attributes from other individuals. According to Jennings (2018), workplace discrimination incorporates “disparate treatment, disparate impact, and pattern or practice of discrimination”……
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Study Document
… one can see how the feedback loop within society is created. This paper explores the issue of physical and mental disabilities in the workplace. Until recently in this nation’s history, individuals with disabilities were viewed as liabilities—but now the very language that people use when discussing individuals … the natural and applied sciences, tools have become available that allow people with a variety of disabilities to be more fully integrated into workplace. The social sciences have shown, too, that by allowing for a more fully diverse workplace and promoting inclusivity with respect to the disabled, a better workplace culture and national culture overall can be constructed. This paper thus first provides a lens analysis of this issue; second, it analyzes how … and perspectives.
Lens Analysis
Historically, physical and mental disabilities were viewed by and large in society as barriers to entry in the workplace. There was no……
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Pregnancy discrimination
Schreiber and Young’s (2015) “Illinois Releases Pregnancy Accommodation Proposed Rules” and Smith and Tischler’s (2014) “Accommodations under the Pregnancy discrimination Act” both examine workplace rules regarding pregnancy for workers. Smith and Tischler look at some of the problems associated with the Pregnancy discrimination Act (PDA) and the challenges that employers runs into when attempting to follow it while also staying compliant with Equal Opportunity laws. Schreiber … it while also staying compliant with Equal Opportunity laws. Schreiber and Young look at rules proposed by the state of Illinois regarding pregnancy discrimination in the workplace. This paper will compare and contrast the two to find where similarities and differences exist.
Smith and Tischler (2014) point out that the … work: the employer may not discriminate against her for doing so because it is related to being pregnant and having a child. The workplace must accommodate her need to having……
Schreiber, P. & Young, A. (2015). Illinois Releases Pregnancy Accommodation Proposed Rules. Employee Relations Law Journal, 41(3), 50-53.
Smith, K. J., & Tischler, R. J. (2014). Accommodations under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. Employment Relations Today, 41(3), 81-86.
Study Document
… the world (David, 2018).
However, with 2008 global economic crisis, many older persons who ordinarily would have retired continued on working in the workplace, fearing that their economic futures were not secure. Thus, the workforce is aging in the 21st century (Heggeness, Carter-Johnson, Schaffer, & Rockey, 2016). … aging in the 21st century (Heggeness, Carter-Johnson, Schaffer, & Rockey, 2016). This means that there are now certain challenges for management in today’s workplace, such as the fact that the workplace now consists of multiple generations of workers, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, but also it means that issues like ageism, appropriate … by older people. The generation gap has been a problem for decades but it is getting worse because of the fact that the workplace is aging. So now there are multiple generations in the workplace and Millennials are mixing with Generation X and with Baby Boomers.……
Albom, M. (2019). Jabs at Joe Biden mask our growing ageism issue. Retrieved from
David, K. E. (2018). The Poster Child of the “Second” Cultural Revolution: Huang Shuai and Shifts in Age Consciousness, 1973–1979. Modern China, 44(5), 497-524.
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Study Document
… consequence of internalized stigma. In addition to transgender fear that is directed to the self, or stigma that is enacted in terms of discrimination of psychological or mental abuse expressed by other persons (Bockting et al., 2013).
Glynn & van den Berg (2017) indicate that in investigating … indicate that in investigating this incongruence between transgender and non-transgender persons, research has demonstrated that there are correlations between substance abuse and trans-specific discrimination and bias. These research findings are in line with the Minority Stress Model, which asserts that protracted exposure to inequality, prejudice, and discrimination faced by members of minority and marginalized groups is linked with negative psychological results and health risk behaviors and conducts such as substance … as the size of the chest. As expected, this is a costly and lengthy process for any individual. Transgender people face marginalization, societal discrimination, rejection from friends and family, and……
Bockting, W. O., Miner, M. H., Swinburne Romine, R. E., Hamilton, A., & Coleman, E. (2013). Stigma, mental health, and resilience in an online sample of the US transgender population. American journal of public health, 103(5), 943-951.
Bockting, W., Coleman, E., Deutsch, M. B., Guillamon, A., Meyer, I., Meyer III, W., ... & Ettner, R. (2016). Adult development and quality of life of transgender and gender-nonconforming people. Current opinion in endocrinology, diabetes, and obesity, 23(2), 188.
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Grossman, A. H., Haney, A. P., Edwards, P., Alessi, E. J., Ardon, M., & Howell, T. J. (2009). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth talk about experiencing and coping with school violence: A qualitative study. Journal of LGBT Youth, 6(1), 24-46.
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Study Document
… based on such demographic characteristics in business. Marketers need to know how best to target their audiences. Human resources departments need to avoid discrimination in the workplace, and managers need to be aware of how certain groups are discriminated against in their career development, and take steps to counter that … need to be aware of how certain groups are discriminated against in their career development, and take steps to counter that sort of discrimination, such as providing mentorship opportunities. Lozano and Escrich (2017) note that it…[break]…a lot of openness.
A good example would be the changes in ……
Dyllick, T. & Muff, K. (2015) Clarifying the meaning of sustainable business: Introducing a typology from business-as-usual to true business sustainability. Organization & Environment. Vol. 2015, 1-19.
Lozano, J. & Escrich, T. (2017) Cultural diversity in business: A critical reflection on the ideology of tolerance. Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 142 (4) 679-696.
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… states that insider trading will not be tolerated as it is against state and federal law. It acknowledges the need to guard against discrimination and harassment in the workplace, and it emphasizes the need to keep the workplace clean, safe and healthy (Amazon Code of Ethics, 2019). Price fixing, bribery, financial…[break]…enriching themselves through their share buyback program.
Amazon on the other … program.
Amazon on the other hand aims at working with suppliers who are dedicated to respecting human rights, who welcome diversity in the workplace and who provide safe workplace environments. Amazon may still have a ways to go, however, as many workers in Europe protest Amazon’s unsafe workplace and the stringent conditions under which they are expected to work. Amazon being an American company is likely not of the same culture … American company is likely not of the same culture that Europeans are used to, so……
Amazon Code of Ethics. (2019). Retrieved from
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Study Document
… take up the matter with the Human Resources Department. However, the lack of assistance from the HR department allows him to file a discrimination and harassment case against the employer. The elements of a hostile work environment that John faces include discrimination based on his race and national origin and offensive behavior from his supervisor. The case of Johns as presented does satisfy the elements … has been taken against him by the supervisor or employer (Glaviano, 2017). While there are circumstances that exist to support his inference of discrimination, proving these would be quite difficult. The only way he can successfully file this case would be by showing that the supervisor does ……
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Meyers, S. D. (2015). Who’s the Boss: The Definition of a Supervisor in Workplace Harassment Under Vance v. Ball State University. Saint Louis University Law Journal, 59(3), 19.
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… the population, they make a huge contribution to the American society (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009). With globalization, organizations and countries experience cultural diversity. workplace, countries, and schools increasingly consist of people with different backgrounds in terms of races, cultures and ethnic groups. Cultural differences impact teamwork in … including different perspectives worldwide, negative stereotypes and personal biases about the different cultures are dispelled. With awareness and proper understanding of other cultures, discrimination against people of other cultures is less likely to occur. The cross-cultural experience involved interactions with people of the Samoan culture in Hawaii. … leader. I can develop rules and give demands that are not offensive to the diverse workforce in my organization. I can create a workplace that is accommodating of all employees despite their backgrounds to ensure that everyone performs and works hard to improve their productivity and that ……
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… opportunity notwithstanding their race or gender. Labor organizations, employment agencies, educational institutions, local governments, and private employers’ applicants and employees get protection against discrimination from federal laws.
The mission of the office of the Harvard University’s assistant president is to deliver sustained equality and diversity initiatives, policies, … staff is achieved through the action plan which includes the race equity charter, Athena SWAN, Mindful Employer, and Equality Index known as Stonewall workplace (University of……
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