Study Document
Of Workforce management
Workforce management is one of the most important aspects of operating a business (Randolph Thomas & Horman, 2006). From a Workforce management standpoint, Bass Pro Shops is strategically committed to the pursuit of quality over the long term. However, there are areas for improvement, as … the workforce and leadership are being developed there. It will conclude with a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of Bass Pro’s workforce management, opportunities for improvement, and proposed actions.
Field of inquiry #1: Workforce Environment
How does your selected organization build an effective and supportive workforce … stay positive, which is not always a good fit for some workers, who lack that kind of character that fits this type of management approach; nonetheless, the company appeals to many others who like the family-atmosphere and the ambiance that the workplace creates.
How does your selected ……
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De Vries, M.F.K., 1998. Charisma in action: The transformational abilities of Virgin's Richard Branson and ABB's Percy Barnevik. Organizational Dynamics, 26(3), pp.7-21.
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Life at Bass Pro Shops. (2018). Careers. Retrieved from
Orpen, C. (1997). The effects of formal mentoring on employee work motivation, organizational commitment and job performance. The Learning Organization, 4(2), 53-60.
Randolph Thomas, H., & Horman, M. J. (2006). Fundamental principles of workforce management. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 132(1), 97-104.
Study Document
Specific HR Strategy
Human resource management (HRM) is an integral part of organizational operations with greater impacts on financial performance. Modern HR strategies and practices have evolved to incorporate … into two categories: general HR strategies and specific HR strategies. General strategies in HR practices focus on high commitment, high involvement, and high-performance management. On the contrary, specific HR strategies focus on what the organization sets to do in relation to its HRM policies and practices. Business … the company. IBM seeks to achieve its HR strategy through leadership, performance-based opportunities, flexibility, creating a value-based culture, and hiring a diverse and talent workforce. IBM’s HR strategy is based on the matching or contingency approach to HR strategies and practices. Based on this approach, the HR … HR strategy. On the other hand, horizontal integration ensures HR goals are linked to individual HR policy areas.
Specific HR Strategy
Human resource……
Boon, C., Eckardt, R., Lepak, D.P. & Boselie, P. (2017, October 5). Integrating Strategic Human Capital and Strategic Human Resource Management. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(1), 34-67.
Boon, C., Hartog, D.N.D. & Lepak, D.P. (2019, January 14). A Systematic Review of Human Resource Management Systems and Their Measurement. Journal of Management, 45(6), 2498-2537.
Richard, O.C. & Johnson, N.B. (2001, March). Strategic Human Resource Management Effectiveness and Firm Performance. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 12(2), 299-310.
Seyyedjavadin, S.R. & Zadeh, M.H. (2009, June). HR Strategy and Its Aligning with Organizational Strategy and Human Capabilities. Iranian Journal of Management Studies, 2(2), 5-29.
Wright, P.M. (2008). Human Resource Strategy – Adapting to the Age of Globalization. Retrieved July 25, 2020, from
Study Document
… interconnected global communities with wide ranging and unique abilities, interests, competencies, and experiences. H-OAP works to support and apportion value to the idiosyncratic talent and contributions of the community members (Harvard University, 2019). The strategic plan, reports, leadership initiatives, advising, training, outreach, programmatic efforts, and talent management plans are characterized by the emerging and historic research and scholarship, and the local equal opportunity and federal categories and guidelines (Harvard University, … the university. According to the University to remain a global teaching and research institution Oxford must continuously recruit, attract and support individuals with talent and offer an inclusive, diverse, open and fair environment that makes it possible for flourishing and growth (University of Oxford, 2018).
The processes ……
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Walpole, M. B. (2003). Socioeconomic Status and College: How SES Affects College Experiences and Outcomes. The Review of Higher Education, 27, 1, 45-73.
Study Document
… it has to be directional. Once the direction is defined, the parenting strategy has to be defined: this is the “manner in which management coordinates activities, transfers resources, and cultivates capabilities among product lines and business units” (Wheelan, Hunger, Hoffman & Bamford, 2010, p. 5). The strategy …
Intangible assets are incomparably valuable to an organization for they cannot be replaced easily but require time, training, investment, searching for the right talent, developing talent, and attracting talent—none of which can be accomplished with the flick of a switch. Thus, intangible assets are often more valuable than tangible assets if the … Marvel creative team to helm the project, just as it let the Pixar team do with its films. Disney’s executives should recognize the talent and vision that others bring and not attempt to control their environment. Netflix is very hands off in this way and it should ……
Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, J. D., Hoffman, A. N., & Bamford, C. E. (2010). Strategic management and business policy. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Study Document
… workplace
The workforce is aging in the 21st century (Heggeness, Carter-Johnson, Schaffer, & Rockey, 2016). An aging workforce presents certain challenges for management in today’s workplace. Not only does it mean that the workplace will consist of multiple generations of workers, each with their own strengths … with having an aging workforce. Most of these risks can easily be addressed and require simply a little accommodation on the part of management.
To prevent issues like ageism from rearing up, however, managers should discuss the importance of diversity and inclusivity in the workplace. Just because … see the value in staying with one company over time. They can nurture new workers, mentor them, provide guidance and support, and facilitate management’s objectives when it comes to building a positive workplace culture of respect and hard work.
The aging workforce is a fact of ……
Burtless, G., & Quinn, J. F. (2002). Is working longer the answer for an aging workforce? Working Papers in Economics, 82.
Ciutiene, R., & Railaite, R. (2015). Age management as a means of reducing the challenges of workforce aging. Engineering Economics, 26(4), 391-397.
Heggeness, M. L., Carter-Johnson, F., Schaffer, W. T., & Rockey, S. J. (2016). Policy implications of aging in the NIH-funded workforce. Cell Stem Cell, 19(1), 15-18.
Koh, T. Y., Rowlinson, S., & Pollock, S. (2019). Dealing with Ageing Workforce in the Hong Kong Construction Industry: an Initial Exploration. Proceedings of the Creative Construction Conference (2019) 091
Lassila, S. (2019). Managing Risks of an Aging Workforce. Construction Executive, 2020. Retrieved from
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Schwartz, J., Monahan, K., Hatfield, S. & Anderson, S. (2018). No time to retire redesigning work for our aging workforce. Deloitte.
Streb, C. K., Voelpel, S. C., & Leibold, M. (2008). Managing the aging workforce:: Status quo and implications for the advancement of theory and practice. European management journal, 26(1), 1-10.
Study Document
… example, a referral who is a family member or friend of the referring source is less likely to have a great relationship with management at the organization and is more likely to leave the company at some point than is a referral who is simply part of ……
Bussin, M., & Christos, D. (2018). Blind hiring not as crazy as it sounds. HR Future, 2018(Sep 2018), 36-39.
CBS News (2017). Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
Study Document
Recruiting and Attracting talent:
Using HR to Improve Company Performance
A commonly cited cliché is that an organization is as only good as its people; in other … to Improve Company Performance
A commonly cited cliché is that an organization is as only good as its people; in other words, that talent and organizational performance go hand-in-hand. This is even truer today than it has been in past eras, as companies must strive to differentiate … companies must strive to differentiate themselves from other organizations with a similar price point. Service is key, which demands recruiting and attracting top talent. It also means retaining such talent with the right balance of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards. According to the McKinsey consulting firm’s senior partners Scott Keller and Mary Meaney, the … who are regular consumers of social media. According to one HR expert, “Social media profiles have become standard tools for……
Bajic, E. (2013). The 6 steps for retaining good employees. Forbes. Retrieved from: employees/#63a92aa5721f
Fallon, N. (2016). 6 steps for learning how to recruit the best talent. Business News Daily.
Retrieved from:
Keller, S. & Meaney, (2017). Attracting and retaining the right talent. McKinsey. Retrieved
from: - and-retaining-the-right-talent
Williams, D. & Scott, M. (2012). Five ways to retain employees forever. Harvard Business
Review Retrieved from:
Study Document
… example, a referral who is a family member or friend of the referring source is less likely to have a great relationship with management at the organization and is more likely to leave the company at some point than is a referral who is simply part of … a sense of respect, self-esteem, status, approval, recognition, stature, strength in one’s abilities, and the freedom to pursue and develop one’s skills and talent. As the person fulfills his esteem needs, he becomes self-actualized and able to reach his full potential: he is self-motivated to perform and ……
Bussin, M., & Christos, D. (2018). Blind hiring not as crazy as it sounds. HR Future, 2018(Sep 2018), 36-39.
CBS News (2017). Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
Study Document
… leaving the world’s least developed countries with the most significant shortages of health care workers (GHWN, 2015).
At the global level, human resources management for health care means attracting more people into the profession, finding ways to train them, and then ensuring that there is sufficient distribution … means attracting more people into the profession, finding ways to train them, and then ensuring that there is sufficient distribution of health care talent around the world. For any given organization, the precise challenges might be different, but there is opportunity to put some of these concepts … able to handle this rapidly changing environment. For nations, and universities, the challenge is the same. The old ways of developing health care talent are going to change, as technology drives these changes. Being able train a new generation of health care workers who are fluent in ……
GHWH (2015). Health #Workforce2030 [Video file]. Retrieved from (3:55)
Hayden, M. (2014). The Future of Healthcare: Where will we be in 2023? Retrieved from (6:54)
Study Document
… have always been done in the past. Thus, education of professional staff is critical to ensuring that the Clinic not only has the talent to be truly differentiated by virtue of providing superior care, but that the…[break]…the recommendations is which recommendations are mutually exclusive to one another, ……
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