Sexual Addiction Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Sexual Addiction And Treatment

Pages: 7 (2185 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Case Study Document #:23935207

… come close to expiring the same feeling he had when he looked at porn for the first time. He wants to stop his addiction because he feels it is hurting his marriage and he does not want to lose his wife, who knows about his one infidelity … is hurting his marriage and he does not want to lose his wife, who knows about his one infidelity as well as his addiction and worries that he might stray again. He has already been divorced once and has a son who does not live with him. … has already been divorced once and has a son who does not live with him. Clearly he wants to break free of his addiction but does not know how to do it.
Sources of Information
Alan is the sole source of information for this case. He has … sincerely wants help.
Background Information……



Brand, M., Snagowski, J., Laier, C., & Maderwald, S. (2016). Ventral striatum activity when watching preferred pornographic pictures is correlated with symptoms of Internet pornography addiction. Neuroimage, 129, 224-232.

Doweiko, H. E. (2015). Concepts of chemical dependency (9th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

Gilbert, D. (2014). The Novena to St. Boniface of Tarsus: A Pastoral Program for Addressing Sexual Addiction in Colonial Mexico. Catholic Social Science Review, 19: 87-109.

Laaser, M. (2004). Healing the wounds of sexual addiction. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

Manley, G., & Koehler, J. (2001). Sexual behavior disorders: Proposed new classification in the DSM-V. Sexual Addiction &Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 8(3-4), 253-265.

McKeague, E. L. (2014). Differentiating the female sex addict: A literature review focused on themes of gender difference used to inform recommendations for treating women with sex addiction. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 21(3), 203-224.

Park, B., Wilson, G., Berger, J., Christman, M., Reina, B., Bishop, F., ... & Doan, A. (2016). Is Internet pornography causing sexual dysfunctions? A review with clinical reports. Behavioral Sciences, 6(3), 17.

Young, K., Pistner, M.,O’Mara, J., & Buchanan, J. (2009). Cyber disorders: the mental health concern for the new millennium. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 2(5), 475-479.


Study Document Study Document

Drug Abuse

Pages: 8 (2545 words) Sources: 21 Document Type:literature review Document #:24528043

...Sexual addiction Impact of Drug Abuse on School Children Aged 10 To 18 in Developed Countries (U.S., Canada, France, England, Germany, Italy, Russia, Australia, Japan and China): Narrative Literature Review
The problem addressed in this literature review is that in developed countries around the world, drug abuse among school children between the ages of 10 and 18 is on the rise (UN, 2018). School children are particularly vulnerable because their bodies and minds are still developing and when drugs are introduced to their systems, the impact can be devastating to them personally in physical and mental health terms (Stockings et al., 2016). Yet all around the developed world this is happening. Children are being brought into and exposed to drug culture because drug use, particularly marijuana use is on the rise through vaping, which was meant as a tool to wean tobacco smokers off cigarettes. Instead it is allowing young and……



Baggio, S., Spilka, S., Studer, J., Iglesias, K., & Gmel, G. (2016). Trajectories of drug use among French young people: Prototypical stages of involvement in illicit drug use. Journal of Substance Use, 21(5), 485-490.

Bonyani, A., Safaeian, L., Chehrazi, M., Etedali, A., Zaghian, M., & Mashhadian, F. (2018). A high school-based education concerning drug abuse prevention. Journal of education and health promotion, 7.

Chu, Y. W. L. (2015). Do medical marijuana laws increase hard-drug use?. The Journal of Law and Economics, 58(2), 481-517.

Downes, D. (2017). The drug addict as a folk devil. In Drugs and politics (pp. 89-97). Routledge.

Goodchild, M., Nargis, N., & d\\'Espaignet, E. T. (2018). Global economic cost of smoking-attributable diseases. Tobacco control, 27(1), 58-64.

Grant, C. N., & Bélanger, R. E. (2017). Cannabis and Canada’s children and youth.  Paediatrics & child health, 22(2), 98-102.

Herbert, A., Gonzalez-Izquierdo, A., McGhee, J., Li, L., & Gilbert, R. (2016). Time-trends in rates of hospital admission of adolescents for violent, self-inflicted or drug/alcohol-related injury in England and Scotland, 2005–11: population-based analysis. Journal of Public Health, 39(1), 65-73.

Henkel, D., & Zemlin, U. (2016). Social inequality and substance use and problematic gambling among adolescents and young adults: a review of epidemiological surveys in Germany. Current drug abuse reviews, 9(1), 26-48.


Study Document Study Document

Depression Among Adolescents

Pages: 12 (3576 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:12294857

… mother or father, a grandparent and so on. Trauma suffered at an early age can lead to later onset of depression in adolescence: sexual or emotional abuse, the loss of a pillar in one’s support system—such as a mother or father; abandonment—all of these are experiences that … can dwell on negative thoughts and emotions and become depressed for long periods of time. This might lead them to self-harm or to addiction. Awareness of addiction has to be increased so that teens do not feel like they have to be afraid to seek help.
Help should be provide ……



Anderson, M. & Jiang, J. (2018). Teens, Social Media & Technology 2018. Retrieved from 

Bandura, A. (2018). Toward a psychology of human agency: Pathways and reflections.  Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(2), 130-136.

Chester, J., & Montgomery, K. (2008). No escape: Marketing to kids in the digital age. Multinational Monitor, 29(1), 11.

Greenberg, P. (2015). The Growing Economic Burden of Depression in the U.S. Retrieved from 

Grover, S., Raju, V. V., Sharma, A., & Shah, R. (2019). Depression in children and adolescents: a review of Indian studies. Indian journal of psychological medicine, 41(3), 216.

Korry, E. (2015). California Moves To Stop Misuse Of Psychiatric Meds In Foster Care. Retrieved from 

Lim, X. J., Radzol, A. M., Cheah, J., & Wong, M. W. (2017). The impact of social media influencers on purchase intention and the mediation effect of customer attitude. Asian Journal of Business Research, 7(2), 19-36.

Lohmann, R. (2019). What\\\\\\'s Driving the Rise in Teen Depression? Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

My Criteria For Quality Film Part 2

Pages: 6 (1702 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:29627000

… the old studio systems that dominated 1930s films broke down totally. In addition, the period was characterized by loosening of restrictions on obscenity, sexual content and violence (A&E Television Networks, 2018). As a result, film directors started making groundbreaking controversial content while others retained a romantic theme ……



A&E Television Networks. (2018, August 21). Hollywood. Retrieved November 6, 2019, from 

Eyman, S. (2004, November 29). First Biography of Stevens, His Reputation on the Ropes. Retrieved November 6, 2019, from 

Journeys in Classic Film. (2013, June 28). The Only Game in Town (1970). Retrieved November 6, 2019, from 

Pfeiffer, L. (2015, November 15). Review: “The Only Game in Town” (1970) Starring Elizabeth Taylor and Warren Beatty on Blu-Ray from Twilight Time. Retrieved November 6, 2019, from 

Stevens, G. (Director). (1970). The Only Game in Town [Motion Picture]. United States: 20th Century Fox Film Corp.


Study Document Study Document

One Nation Under God Documentary

Pages: 5 (1539 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:57268842

… the opposite sex, and involved within the same-sex people is considered highly sinful (Rzeznik, 1993). In this sense, heterosexism is considered a natural sexual orientation. At the same time, sexual are contrasted in this film in different ways, where people have devised various analogies to explain this sexual orientation other than being natural. sexual are considered mentally ill to the point where people have researched their family history and came up with different theories like having a … with different theories like having a distant father or mother and son relationship configuration creates a disturbance in childhood, which results in problematic sexual orientation (Rzeznik, 1993). It is considered ungodly to practice sexual orientation by the sexual (Rzeznik, 1993)
Some believe that sexual is locked within the people; it's just their gender insecurities, which causes them to be sexual, thus involving in a more masculine act for males like football……



Dworkin, S. H. (2002). LGBT Identity, Violence, and Social Justice: The Psychological is Political.

Fitzsimons, T. (2018, October 19). LGBTQ History Month: Early pioneers of the gay rights movement. NBC News.

History. (2020, April 03). Gay Rights.

Meyer, I. H. (2007, November 09). Prejudice, Social Stress, and Mental Health in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Populations: Conceptual Issues and Research Evidence.

Roth, K. (2015, January 23). LGBT: Moving Towards Equality. World Economic Forum.

Rzeznik, F. (Director). (1993 ). One Nation Under God [Motion Picture].


Study Document Study Document

Dangers Of Alcohol Usage

Pages: 5 (1565 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:87204808

… direct impact upon the drinker's brain. The brain's nerve transmitters respond to this chemical (i.e., acetaldehyde), forming morphine-like compounds that can result in addiction.
Endocrine and digestive glands. Excessive alcohol consumption may lead…[break]…the body's mechanism that maintains bone strength. The habit can lead to thinner bones, thereby ……



Foundation for a Drug-Free World. (2019). What is alcohol? Retrieved from 

Healthline Media. (2019). The effects of alcohol on your body. Retrieved from 

Rehabs. (2019). Dangers of alcohol in men, women and teenagers. Retrieved from 


Study Document Study Document

Violent Crime Control And Law Enforcement Act Of 1994

Pages: 6 (1724 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:26986613

… of the past century. The bill included numerous positive provisions like greater law enforcement accountability and fresh protections for those victimized by perpetrators of sexual abuse/assault and domestic violence; however, it was believed to worsen the racial gap in involvement in the criminal justice arena (Moore, 2017). Hence, … The former drug was quick to become inner-city gangsters’ choice of drug for trading owing to its inexpensive production and selling price, high addiction, affordability and ease of transport. Although the growth in violent offenses wasn’t essentially linked to those who consumed the drugs themselves, it was … cynical, and unable to gain employment a decade later.
One may strongly content that the 1994 crime act continued criminalizing African-Americans and drug abuse/addiction, resulting in disproportionate mass imprisonment of Latino and African American males. This strategy is only now being corrected and replaced with novel strategies to … strategies to address the extant……



Raymond Derrial Madden, Petitioner-appellant, v. United States of America, Respondent-appellee, 64 F.3d 669 (10th Cir. 1995)

Sepulveda v. United States, 69 F. Supp. 2d 633 (D.N.J. 1999)

United States of America, Plaintiff-appellee, v. Joanne Kwi Ye Estes, Defendant-appellant, 166 F.3d 1218 (9th Cir. 1998)

United States v. Madden, No. 92-6206 (10th Cir. Apr. 20, 1993), WL 332262 Books and article

Moore, R. (2017). The new Jim Crow: Mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness. Macat Library.

United States Congress. (1994). Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. Public law, (103-322).


The Establishment. (2016, April 12). About That Controversial 1994 Crime Bill. A Medium Corporation. Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

Violence Prevention Programs

Pages: 9 (2805 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:52417572

… Build Out Support Systems
Violence prevention programs focus on curtailing forms of violence in society, such as child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault. These programs often emphasize personal responsibility, information about what constitutes violence (it is often the case that offenders do not even realize … Prevention Programs
Violence prevention programs are programs designed to address the needs of the community afflicted with violence issues, such as child abuse, sexual assault or domestic violence. For the programs here studied, the programs provide prevention education services that target the prevention of child abuse, domestic … domestic violence. For the programs here studied, the programs provide prevention education services that target the prevention of child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault. The program employs one director and three prevention educators. They also use volunteers and interns. The program represents 10% of the budget … lash out. At the same……



Altafim, E. R. P., & Linhares, M. B. M. (2016). Universal violence and childmaltreatment prevention programs for parents: A systematic review. Psychosocial Intervention, 25(1), 27-38.

Alternative Paths. (2020). Violence prevention. Retrieved from 

Farrell, A. D., Meyer, A. L., Kung, E. M., & Sullivan, T. N. (2001). Development and evaluation of school-based violence prevention programs. Journal of clinical child psychology, 30(2), 207-220.

Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. T. (1995). Why violence prevention programs don't work--and what does. Educational Leadership, 52(5), 63-68.

Lee, C., & Wong, J. S. (2020). Examining the effects of teen dating violence prevention programs: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 1-40.

Siegel, L. (2018). Criminology, 7th Ed. Cengage Learning.

Stagg, S. J., & Sheridan, D. (2010). Effectiveness of bullying and violence prevention programs: A systematic review. Aaohn Journal, 58(10), 419-424.


Study Document Study Document

Solitary Confinement And Mental Health Issues In Corrections

Pages: 11 (3163 words) Sources: 16 Document Type:Essay Document #:96033944

… efforts have been made and have been shown to be effective at improving the health of prisoners who need treatment for mental health, addiction, and other issues.
However, making sure that this is the standard across the board is really what is needed, and that would require … care and by offering treatment programs that provide the mental health counseling and support network they need to get a handle on their addiction and begin to improve their own lives.
The corrections industry, whether private or state-run, has a responsibility to reach social goals that ……



Clemmer, D. (1940). The prison community. New Braunfels, TX: Christopher Publishing House.

Compton, M. T., Anderson, S., Broussard, B., Ellis, S., Halpern, B., Pauselli, L., . . .Johnson, M. (2017). A potential new form of jail diversion and reconnection to mental health services: II. Demonstration of feasibility. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 35(5–6), 492–500. doi:10.1002/bsl.2319

Corrections Arizona Department. (2020). Retrieved from

Dryburgh, M. (2009). Policy implications of whistle-blowing: The case of Corcoran State Prison. Public Integrity, 11(2): 155-170.

Fantel, H. (1974). William Penn: Apostle of Dissent. NY: William Morrow & Co. Florida Department of Corrections. (2020). Retrieved from

Hensley, J. & Rough, G. (2011). Kingman prison still under scrutiny. Retrieved from 

HIV among Incarcerated Populations. (2015). CDC. Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

Gender And Crime

Pages: 1 (351 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Essay Document #:68489150

… and their interaction style is different and thus places unique requirements upon program providers within the criminal justice system. They are vulnerable to sexual harassment, and to poor self-esteem, which must be built up if they are to go on to lead productive lives. They are likely … in much more need of support, counseling, and guidance than they are of incarceration. They are mainly non-violent offenders, many of whom have addiction or mental health issues. Yet they are viewed through a gender-neutral lens by the criminal justice system. Rather than focusing on equality, the ……



Bloom, B., & Covington, S. (1998, November). Gender-specific programming for female offenders: What is it and why is it important. In 50th annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC.


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