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The Role of Forensic Science in Crime Scene Investigation
The scientific method begins with the identification of a problem. Questions are asked, data is collected, a hypothesis is formed and then tested. The scientific method is essentially no different from the kind of investigative work that investigators of a crime scene do on a daily basis. They a … 2011). Lab work helps to verify the story by providing more evidence that can give more details. This paper will show how the scientific method is applied to forensic science.
The forensic scientific method consists of five steps:
1. Acquisition of primary witness and other anamnestic evidence
2. Anticipation of future questions
3. Acquisition of physical evidence
… Comparison of consistency of alleged events (hypothesis) with physical findings, obtaining additional data as needed
5. Assessment only to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty, recognizing the limitations of science (Young, 2020).
Gaensslen, R. E., & Larsen, K. (2019). Introductory forensic science (2nd ed.). Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
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scientific Merit Paper
This paper will analyze Doekhie and coworkers’ 2018 research work titled “The different perspectives of patients, informal caregivers, and professionals on … on patient involvement in primary care teams. A qualitative study”. This analysis will entail an evaluation of how the research work contributes to scientific knowledge and research theory, its dependability and credibility, approaches to deal with any ethical concerns relating to the research, and how the researchers … approaches to deal with any ethical concerns relating to the research, and how the researchers applied different techniques of inquiry.
Advancement of the scientific knowledge base
The research work adds to the literature on the subject through examining the issue of patient participation in the health-related decision?making … care units (Swan et al., 2012). Generation of theories which can explain, with certainty, phenomena generalizing beyond the specific is a long- term scientific objective. Science produces cumulative knowledge……
Brook, R. H., & Vaiana, M. E. (2015). Using the knowledge base of health services research to redefine health care systems. Journal of general internal medicine, 30(10), 1547-1556.
Cutcliffe, J. R., & McKenna, H. P. (1999). Establishing the credibility of qualitative research findings: the plot thickens. Journal of advanced nursing, 30(2), 374-380.
Doekhie, K. D., Strating, M. M., Buljac?Samardzic, M., van de Bovenkamp, H. M., & Paauwe, J. (2018). The different perspectives of patients, informal caregivers, and professionals on patient involvement in primary care teams. A qualitative study. Health Expectations, 21(6), 1171-1182.
Eccles, M., Grimshaw, J., Walker, A., Johnston, M., & Pitts, N. (2005). Changing the behavior of healthcare professionals: the use of theory in promoting the uptake of research findings. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 58(2), 107-112.
Leedy, P.D. & Ormrod, J. E. (2019). Practical research: Planning and design, 12th edition. Pearson Education, Hudson Street, NY.
Sanjari, M., Bahramnezhad, F., Fomani, F. K., Shoghi, M., & Cheraghi, M. A. (2014). Ethical challenges of researchers in qualitative studies: The necessity to develop a specific guideline. Journal of medical ethics and history of medicine, 7.
Swan, J., Clarke, A., Nicolini, D., Powell, J., Scarbrough, H., Roginski, C., ... & Taylor-Phillips, S. (2012). Evidence in Management Decisions (EMD): advancing knowledge utilization in healthcare management.
Thomas, D. R. (2017). Feedback from research participants: are member checks useful in qualitative research?. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 14(1), 23-41.
Study Document
… the sample obtained by Mayes (2015) is presented in a manner that it appears to be applicable to the general public. However, the method in which the sample was obtained is not clearly defined and therefore there is no way for the reader to validate this appearance … any case of researcher bias or confirmation bias evident in the study. A lengthier discussion of how the data was gathered, what sample method were used, how inclusion or exclusion data was applied, and where information was searched would all help to make the study more academically … but not in a scholarly or academic way that invites rigorous examination of the author’s approach to the subject, inclusion of data, sampling method, or approach to the topic. The article could be supported by a better discussion of how material was selected for analysis, as this … weight and help it to……
Mayes, C. (2015). The harm of bioethics: A critique of Singer and Callahan on obesity. Bioethics, 29(3), 217-221.
Pause, C. (2017). Borderline: The ethics of fat stigma in public health. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 45, 510-517.
Wetter, S., Hodge, J. (2016). Taxing sugar-sweetened beverages to lower childhood obesity. Ethical and Legal Issues in Pediatrics, 44, 359-363.
Study Document
Forensic science evolved as an attempt to introduce scientific method into criminal justice. From the 18th century onward, advancements in chemistry, biology, and physics paved the way for forensic science (Gaensslen & Larsen, … helped improve the ability to understand the causes of death (Gaensslen & Larsen, 2019). Forensic science steadily evolved, in conjunctions with advancements in scientific instruments and the method used for data collection and analysis. DNA evidence and analysis has made a huge impact on forensic science. Current concerns in forensic science … made a huge impact on forensic science. Current concerns in forensic science include the need for increased reliability and validity of forensic science method, as well as public perceptions of forensic science. Because perceptions of forensic science could have a direct impact on juror decisions, distinguishing real … could have a direct impact on juror decisions, distinguishing real from junk science becomes one of……
Ballantyne, K. N., Edmond, G., & Found, B. (2017). Peer review in forensic science. Forensic Science International, 277, 66–76.
Bell, S., Sah, S., Albright, T. D., Gates, S. J., Jr, Denton, M. B., & Casadevall, A. (2018). A call for more science in forensic science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 115(18), 4541–4544.
Gaensslen, R. E., & Larsen, K. (2019). Introductory forensic science (2nd ed.). Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
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… information is specific and not automatically generalizable; (b) it pursues new lines of investigations when they emerge; and (c) it is a naturalistic method (Patton, 2014; Stuckey, 2013). These characteristics, coupled with the fact that qualitative research method focuses on how people understand experiences, make this method the best for finding out customary and religious practices that negatively contributed to or helped restrain the Ebola pandemic from participants who have … and religious practices that negatively contributed to or helped restrain the Ebola pandemic from participants who have firsthand information.
Lastly, the qualitative research method is appropriate because it takes into account how people interpret their experiences individually and socially. Therefore, it is a method that has the potential to provide the in-depth information needed.
Definition of the Terms
Coping, according to VandenBos (2007, p.232), is the use … that affect them and to participate in activities that are……
Abel-Smith, B., & Rawal, P. (1992). Can the poor afford ‘free’ health services? A case study of Tanzania. Health Policy and Planning, 7(4), 329-341.
Airhihenbuwa, C. O. (1995). Health and culture: Beyond the Western paradigm. Sage.
Fairhead, J. (2014). The significance of death, funerals, and the after-life in Ebola-hit Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia: Anthropological insights into infection and social resistance.
Handler, J. S. (2016). Custom and law: The status of enslaved Africans in seventeenth-Century Barbados. Slavery & Abolition, 37(2), 233-255.
Iganus, R. B., & Haruna, A. (2017). The Strength of African Culture in Managing Family Crisis in a Globalized World. Anthropol, 5(197), 2332-0915.
Manguvo, A., & Mafuvadze, B. (2015). The impact of traditional and religious practices on the spread of Ebola in West Africa: time for a strategic shift. The Pan African Medical Journal, 22(Suppl 1).
Marsland, R. (2006). Community participation the Tanzanian way: Conceptual contiguity or power struggle? Oxford Development Studies, 34(1).
Patton, M. Q. (2014). Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice. Sage publications.
Study Document
… non-medical professionals to increase capacity. The study presented an idea for improving mental health response, especially in the case of an unprecedented pandemic.
This study employed an extrapolation technique by drawing from the recommendations of existing studies on the pandemic subject (COVID-19). The authors identified a … stress, and anxiety have been fueled mainly through the agency of mainstream media coverage and social media. This paper also found the current method of classifying and diagnosing traumatic stress as a negative health consequence of COVID-19, based on self-report data to be faulty. Based on this … improve the overall outcome of student participation and understanding in their courses and their overall content perception.
This article applied a few scientific pieces of evidence in their work, such as the suggestions from the study by Saville et al. (2010) and Harrington and Gabert-Quillen (2015), … to motivate preparation for engaging……
Richmond, A., Slattery, J., Mitchell, N., & Morgan, R. (2016). Can a learner-centered syllabus change students’ perceptions of student-professor rapport and master teacher behaviors? Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 2(3), 159-168.
Saville, B. K., Zinn, T. E., Brown, A. R., & Marchuk, K. A. (2010). Syllabus Detail and Students’ Perceptions of Teacher Effectiveness. Teaching of Psychology, 37(3), 186–189. DOI:10.1080/00986283.2010.488523
Harrington, C. M., & Gabert-Quillen, C. A. (2015). Syllabus length and use of images: An empirical investigation of student perceptions. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 1(3), 235.
Wilson, J. H., & Ryan, R. G. (2013). Professor–student rapport scale: Six items predict student outcomes. Teaching of Psychology, 40(2), 130-133.
Cullen, R., & Harris, M. (2009). Assessing learner?centredness through course syllabi. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 34(1), 115-125.
Study Document
...Scientific method Patient Scenario
1. What are the components of physical examination? Describe each component. (See Module 1, Commentary, Topic 8. Disease Categories, Part B. Steps in Diagnosis attached)
As per the course module, there are several components of a physical examination. To begin with, we have the observation of the diseases’ physical signs as well as assessment of a few factors such as skin color changes, stimuli responsiveness, alertness, mobility, facial expression, posture, etc. Next, there is the taking of the vital signs of the patient which could in this case be inclusive of the patient’s breathing rate, heart rate, blood pressure, etc. Third, yet another key component of physical examination is auscultation. In this case, a physician makes use of a stethoscope to listen a patient’s bowel movements as well as well as heart and lungs for abnormalities. Fourth is a procedure referred to as percussion. It is important to note……
American Heart Association (2020). Understanding Blood Pressure Readings. Retrieved from s
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Sawyers, T. (2019). CT Scan vs. MRI. Retrieved from
Taylor, R. (2002). Family Medicine: Principles and Practice. New York, NY: Springer Science & Business Media.
Study Document
… as well as limbic techniques that control behaviors and abilities (Bajraktarov, Gudeva-Nikovska, Manuševa And Arsova, 2017).
The 5-factor design is definitely an empirical method for identifying personality framework via the research into language. Language could be perceived like a sedimentary deposit from the findings of individuals over … has frequently been refutative. For instance, O'Connor and Dyce (1998), utilizing a number of samples and evaluation tools offered by 9 formerly released scientific studies, confirmed that personality disorders usually do not covary in a way that is constant with the way they are explained with regards … Millon’s transformative psychopathology and personality model. Created over a duration of almost 4 decades, the design signifies an effort to produce a mature method personology science that symbolizes 5 important elements:
1. Common scientific Concepts-Science based within the all-pervasive laws of mother nature.
2. Topic-focused concepts-Explanatory as well as heuristic conceptual schemas of……
Pincus, A. L., & Krueger, R. F. (2015). Theodore Millon\\'s contributions to conceptualizing personality disorders. Journal of personality assessment, 97(6), 537-540.
Millon, T., Millon, C. M., Meagher, S. E., Grossman, S. D., & Ramnath, R. (2004). Personality disorders in modern life. John Wiley & Sons.
Rossi, G., & Derksen, J. (2015). International adaptations of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory: Construct validity and clinical applications. Journal of personality assessment, 97(6), 572-590.
O’Connor, B. P., & Dyce, J. A. (1998). A test of models of personality disorder configuration. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 107(1), 3.
Lecic-Tosevski, D., Gavrilovic, J., Knezevic, G., & Priebe, S. (2003). Personality factors and posttraumatic stress: Associations in civilians one year after air attacks. Journal of Personality Disorders, 17, 537–549.
Strack, S., & Millon, T. (2007). Contributions to the dimensional assessment of personality disorders using Millon\\'s model and the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI–III). Journal of Personality Assessment, 89(1), 56-69.
Bajraktarov, S., Gudeva-Nikovska, D., Manuševa, N., & Arsova, S. (2017). Personality Characteristics as Predictive Factors for the Occurrence of Depressive Disorder. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 5(1), 48–53.
Framingham, J. (2018). Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III). Psych Central.
Study Document
… As a tool, epidemiology is useful in the protection and promotion of public health through the application of common sense as well as scientific reasoning (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2015). One of the main areas of epidemiology is descriptive epidemiology. Descriptive epidemiology focuses on the description of diseases … etiological research hypotheses (Liu, 2018). This paper discusses the role of descriptive epidemiology in nursing today.
Descriptive Epidemiology
Descriptive epidemiology refers to a method of data organization and analysis with the goal of understanding the differences that exist in the frequency of occurrence of diseases in a … public health stakeholders and also outlines the nature of various conditions in given populations. It is an ever-evolving field and new strategies and method that yield better results for public health efforts are developed year over year.
Descriptive epidemiology categorizes the appearance and occurrence of diseases based ……
Liu, L., (2018). “Chapter 1 – Introduction.” In Heart Failure: Epidemiology and Research Methods. Elsevier Health Sciences. p. 1-12.
Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2015). Public health nursing-e-book: Population-centered health care in the community. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Richards, E. A., & Cai, Y. (2016). Integrative review of nurse-delivered physical activity interventions in primary care. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 38(4), 484-507.
Katzmarzyk, P. T., Lee, I. M., Martin, C. K., & Blair, S. N. (2017). Epidemiology of physical activity and exercise training in the United States. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 60(1), 3-10.
Mandl, M., Halfens, R. J., & Lohrmann, C. (2015). Incontinence care in nursing homes: a cross?sectional study. Journal of advanced nursing, 71(9), 2142-2152.
Oyesanya, T. O., Bowers, B. J., Royer, H. R., & Turkstra, L. S. (2018). Nurses’ concerns about caring for patients with acute and chronic traumatic brain injury. Journal of clinical nursing, 27(7-8), 1408-1419.
Heavey, E. (2018). Statistics for nursing: A practical approach. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Colditz, G., Nguyen, N., & Dart, H. (2016). Physical activity and health. In International Encyclopedia of Public Health (pp. 463-472). Elsevier Inc.
Study Document
… and knowledgeable of tech concepts and tools that will make the work of public administration more efficient. This falls under the category of scientific management and public administrators will need to know both how to use these tools effectively and also how to safeguard and protect data, … virtual teams, 2) recruiting workers from the global talent pool; 3) training workers in order to maximize their potential by focusing on the scientific management approach, 4) emphasizing the principles of diversity and inclusivity, and 5) retaining employees and improving their performance through the use of mentors ……
Abiad, A. & Khatiwada, S. (2019). 5 ways technology is improving governance, public service delivery in developing Asia. Retrieved from
Florida Tech. (2019). Five global trends in public administration. Retrieved from
McDonald, B. (2017). Measuring the fiscal health of municipalities. Retrieved from
VCU. (2019). Public personnel administration. Retrieved from
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