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Quality Management
Executive Summary
Quality management is pivotal in any product or service. One of the key aspects of ensuring this is through the product development process. The product taken into account is MacBook Pro by Apple Inc. Research indicates that the product goes through various steps in the product process, including designing, the formation of a new product team, Apple New product Process, product review, product redesign, assessment and feedback, and then finally product launching. Research also indicates that designing for manufacturing is a pivotal component of the product development cycle. It encompasses the optimization of the product's design for the different processes of manufacturing and assembly, assimilating the various product design needs and requirements with its product approach. In the case of television, the various DFM guidelines taken into consideration for improving manufacturability include a reduction in the number of … the case of television, the various DFM……
Hill, C. W., Jones, G. R., & Schilling, M. A. (2014). Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning.
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Interaction Design Foundation. (2020). Apple\\\\\\'s Product Development Process – Inside the World\\\\\\'s Greatest Design Organization. Retrieved from: " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
Study Document
Marketing to a Target Population and Differentiating Services
The New product
The new product is a spa that services mothers of young children. It is called Ma Spa and the innovative idea behind the service is that … audience—by developing a social media presence and describing what is available at the facility and inviting questions from followers
3. To obtain positive product and service review—this will include getting contact information from customers while they wait by having them sign up for email discounts and sale promotions and then … sign up for email discounts and sale promotions and then reaching out to them on email or social media to get a positive review from them
4. To increase brand awareness—this will include sponsoring local events so that the word gets out about the brand
5. To … opening week event in which all spa services are half off for all……
Kim, W. & Mauborgne, R. (2005). Blue ocean strategy: From theory to practice. California Management Review, 47(3), 105-121.
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Study Document
A Systematic review of Online Auctions for Fund Raising by Non-Profit Organizations
Its origin dating back to Babylon in 500 BC auctions account as one of … oldest forms of price determination mechanism in the markets. Auction is negotiation protocols that entail simultaneous bidding with the price determined bidders and product or services allocated based on competition amongst potential buyers (McAfee, 2017).
Classifications of Auctions
There are four major classifications of auctions formats in … price above the regular price when the market is experiencing high demand. The rationale for surge pricing is the continued supply of a product or service when the market is experiencing unprecedented high demand. Lower willingness to pay the surge price results in a demand decline. This … surge price results in a demand decline. This enables the scarce resources to be shared among customers willing to pay a premium for product when the market……
Cachon, G. P., Daniels, K., & Lobel, R. (2015). The Role of Surge Pricing on a Service Platform with Self-Scheduling Capacity.
Connelly, A., & Winter, M. (2003). Going...Going...Gone!: Successful Auctions for Non-Profit Institutions (Second). Target Funding Group, Inc. All.
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Hasker, K., & Sickles, R. (2010). eBay in the Economic Literature: Analysis of an Auction Marketplace. Review of Industrial Organization, 37(1), 3–42.
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Klemperer, P. (2004). Auctions: Theory and Practice. In Princeton University Press.
McAfee, P. (2017). The Ideal Auction - Numberphile. YouTube.
Study Document
A review of Organizational Behavior Theories
Because organizations are the primary means by which capital is earned and job are created, it is not surprising … and the impact that can have upon organizational structure, how structure, size and scope of different organizations link to the business objectives and product and services offered by the organization and the complexities of different types of business structures and interrelationships of different organizational functions. A summary … understanding concerning why they succeed or fail, as well as what types of practices contributed to these outcomes. The three organizational behavior theories review above all provide some valuable strategies for this purpose, but each has its respective strengths and weaknesses that must be taken into account ……
‘About Air India.’ Air India. [online] available: .
Arena, MJ ‘Understanding Large Group Intervention Processes: A Complexity Theory Perspective.’ Organization Development Journal, 27, no. 1 (Spring 2009): 49-53
Braunstein, JR and Zhang, JJ ‘Dimensions of Athletic Star Power Associated with Generation Y Sports Consumption.’ International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, 6, no. 4 (July 2005): 242-245.
Buble, M and Juras, A ‘The Relationship between Managers\\' Leadership Styles and Motivation.’ Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 19, no. 1 (June 2014): 161-165.
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Gruia, GC and Kavan, M ‘An Off-Line Dual Maximum Resource Bin Packing Model for Solving the Maintenance Problem in the Aviation Industry.’ Global Economic Observer, 1, no. 1 (January 1, 2013): 135-140.
Hillman, AJ, Withers, MC and Collins, BJ ‘Resource dependence theory: A Review.’ Journal of Management, 35, no. 6 (2009): 1404-1427.
Jain, AK ‘Organizational Citizenship Behaviour as a Potential Source of Social Power.’ Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 45, no. 3 (January 2010): 396-401.
Study Document
… vertical merger, which is best described as a merger that occurs between two firms that work at separate and distinct stages of the product process. By merging operations, the two firms become one and their oversight of the product process is made that much more complete. Prior to the merger, Pixar produced films and Disney released them, marketed them, and so on. … merger, the entire process would be overseen by Disney with Pixar leaders still playing a fundamental role in the creative development phases of product (Jain, 2013). As Debruge (2016) notes, however, the merger was more of a bailout for Disney, whose animated studio had floundered ever since ……
Debruge, P. (2016). Disney’s Pixar Acquisition: Bob Iger’s Bold Move That Reanimated a Studio. Retrieved from
Jain, P. (2013). The Disney-Pixar merger. Retrieved from
Study Document
How to Use Social Media Influencers to Promote product
Social media marketing has become an important marketing strategy for companies today, as many consumers turn to social media for information on product and for their peers’ opinions on product (Lou & Yuan, 2019). Through influencers, blogs, video-sharing platforms, and messaging apps, companies can use social media to gain followers, build brand equity, … blogs, video-sharing platforms, and messaging apps, companies can use social media to gain followers, build brand equity, and answer questions and tease coming product (Ki & Kim, 2019). Thus, companies that want to influence the consumer’s intention to purchase are looking at social media as the best … allows the company to directly connect to consumers on platforms that consumers themselves choose to use for the purpose of getting information about product and services. Companies that use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and other platforms can answer questions,……
Ki, C. W. C., & Kim, Y. K. (2019). The mechanism by which social media influencers persuade consumers: The role of consumers’ desire to mimic. Psychology & Marketing, 36(10), 905-922.
Lim, X. J., Radzol, A. M., Cheah, J., & Wong, M. W. (2017). The impact of social media influencers on purchase intention and the mediation effect of customer attitude. Asian Journal of Business Research, 7(2), 19-36.
Lou, C., & Yuan, S. (2019). Influencer marketing: how message value and credibility affect consumer trust of branded content on social media. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 19(1), 58-73.
Study Document
… one is a doctor or nurse trying to obtain referrals or connect with patients. It means no exaggerating the effects of a particular product or service beyond what has been verified by laboratory tests that have been verified. It means not taking advantage of consumers’ ignorance: companies … the…[break]…new market, the healthcare company will want to use this strategy simply because it is an effective way to introduce the company’s brand, product and services to the population.
Differentiated marketing, also known as multi-segment targeting, is a helpful marketing strategy that the healthcare company can use … though that is what it is.
The objectives of a healthcare company’s marketing strategy should be to promote new health services and product whenever they are ready to be introduced to the public. The 4 P’s should be considered, but so too should the ethics, rules ……
Arnold, D. G., & Oakley, J. L. (2013). The politics and strategy of industry self-regulation: the pharmaceutical industry's principles for ethical direct-to-consumer advertising as a deceptive blocking strategy. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 38(3), 505-544.
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Study Document
… and chic clothing, shoes, and accessories for women in the market. The company will be situated in Manhattan, New York City. Specifically, the product offerings will include shoes, accessories such as bracelets and earrings, and clothing for women such as dresses, jeans, and blouses.
In this section … and social responsibility/cause-related marketing plan.
Pricing and Distribution Strategy
Pricing alludes to the practice of a business setting the price for retailing its product and services. Distribution channels encompass the course and path through which product move from product to end-user consumption. This section discusses the pricing and distribution strategy for Fero Beauty.
Pricing Strategy
Pricing is one of the components in …
Pricing Strategy
Pricing is one of the components in the marketing mix, and it has a direct impact on the positioning of a product in the market. It is essential for pricing to take into account fixed and……
Al-Hadban, N., Hadeel, A. G., Al-Hassoun, T., & Hamdi, R. (2014). The Effectiveness of Facebook as a Marketing Tool (Saudi Arabia case study). International Journal of Management & Information Technology, 10(2), 1815-1827.
Andrews, J. C., & Shimp, T. A. (2017). Advertising, promotion, and other aspects of integrated marketing communications. Nelson Education.
Deepa, S., & Chitramani, P. (2015). CSR in retailing industry-a case of three retail stores. International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, 3(9), 128.
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Khan, S. (2018). Instagram as a marketing tool for luxury brand. International Journal of Management, Business, and Research, 8(2), 126.
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Palma, A. P. (2016). Effectiveness of Facebook as a free marketing tool. University of Mindanao International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 1(2), 21-26.
Smith, P. R., & Taylor, J. (2004). Marketing communications: an integrated approach. Kogan Page Publishers.
Study Document
… implementing the strategy. Implementation has its own set of challenges that have to be addressed, however. These include forming strategic partnerships, managing top-selling product, improving pricing strategies; developing sales Promotion, advertising and sale promotion strategies; developing digital strategies and measuring market performance. This paper will address each … homes. Both companies can thus benefit from the arrangement, and many restaurants have partnered with DoorDash to make this happen.
Managing the Top-Selling product
The top-selling product at OPG is the OPG Burger, which has been voted best burger in the city twice in the past. The OPG Burger needs … town favorite and that will help to restore the burger to its top spot in the city.
Existing Pricing Strategy for Top Three product
The pricing strategy for the OPG Burger, OPG pint, and OPG steak is to use competitive pricing. The pub has consistently sought to … to give……
Gallardo-Echenique, E. E., Marqués-Molías, L., Bullen, M., & Strijbos, J. W. (2015). Let’s talk about digital learners in the digital era. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 16(3), 156-187.
Gibson, C., & Homan, S. (2004). Urban redevelopment, live music and public space: Cultural performance and the re?making of Marrickville. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 10(1), 67-84.
Lawson, C. (2007). Victorian Young Planners: News and Views-Pot, Parma and Trivia Night. Planning News, 33(6), 12.
Queensland. (2020). Key components of a digital strategy. Retrieved from
Study Document
… (2006) argue, a company must differentiate or die, which is what OPG aims to do with its marketing strategy. Using customer benefits and product characteristics as a marketing positioning strategy is the way to go for OPG. OPG’s strengths are its location and its food. Its location … Each of these ideas creates customer value and thus positions the company well with respect to its resources and what it can do.
product-Market Boundaries
The pubs and breweries in the area all satisfy a generic market need, but none of them really provide that holistic customer … (Dhar & Chang, 2009; Lim, Radzol, Cheah & Wong, 2017).
In terms of value chain strategy, the pub would add value to its product line by brewing its own beer and differentiating itself from the pub across the street in that way. It would also enhance its … to be using Big Data……
Dhar, V., & Chang, E. A. (2009). Does chatter matter? The impact of user-generated content on music sales. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 23(4), 300-307.
Lim, X. J., Radzol, A. M., Cheah, J. H., & Wong, M. W. (2017). The impact of social media influencers on purchase intention and the mediation effect of customer attitude. Asian Journal of Business Research, 7(2), 19-36.
Lin, C. F. (2002). Segmenting customer brand preference: demographic or psychographic. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 11(4), 249-268.
Trout, J. & Rivkin, S., (2006). Differentiate or die. In The marketing Gurus (ed. Murray). NY: Penguin.
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