Study Document
… of the available methods for treating and managing low back pain. Some of the methods available are non-narcotic pain medication, yoga stretches, and therapy. These interventions can be administered in combination or singly (Bagg et al., 2017). This study assesses the effectiveness of non-narcotic pain medications combined … administered in combination or singly (Bagg et al., 2017). This study assesses the effectiveness of non-narcotic pain medications combined with yoga and cold/heat therapy. Moreover, it compares the above with the use of non-narcotic pain medications to lower back pain (using the DVPRS pain scale) among veterans … in one or several unconventional methods for management of the same. Some of these alternative strategies include non-narcotic medications, yoga stretches, and hot/cold therapy. Non-narcotic analgesics are an effective strategy in dealing with mild to moderate low back pain. Some non-narcotic analgesics are aspirin, Tylenol, and NSAIDs, … control group, the level of……
Bagg, M. K., Hübscher, M., Rabey, M., Wand, B. M., O’Hagan, E., Moseley, G. L., ... & O’Connell, N. E. (2017). The RESOLVE Trial for people with chronic low back pain: protocol for a randomized clinical trial. Journal of physiotherapy, 63(1), 47-48.
Chou, R., Deyo, R., Friedly, J., Skelly, A., Hashimoto, R., Weimer, M., ... & Grusing, S. (2017). Nonpharmacologic therapies for low back pain: a systematic review for an American College of Physicians clinical practice guideline. Annals of internal medicine, 166(7), 493-505.
Dehghan, M., & FarahbOD, F. (2014). The efficacy of thermotherapy and cryotherapy on pain relief in patients with acute low back pain, a clinical trial study. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR, 8(9), LC01.
Denneson, L. M., Corson, K., & Dobscha, S. K. (2011). Complementary and alternative medicine use among veterans with chronic noncancer pain—Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, 48(9).
Guzmán, J., Esmail, R., Karjalainen, K., Malmivaara, A., Irvin, E., & Bombardier, C. (2001). Multidisciplinary rehabilitation for chronic low back pain: systematic review. BMJ, 322(7301), 1511-1516.
Hayden, J. A., Van Tulder, M. W., & Tomlinson, G. (2005). Systematic review: strategies for using exercise therapy to improve outcomes in chronic low back pain. Annals of internal medicine, 142(9), 776-785.
Kim, E. J., Choi, Y. D., Lim, C. Y., Kim, K. H., & Lee, S. D. (2015). Effect of heating and cooling combination therapy on patients with chronic low back pain: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 16(1), 285.
Nitsure, P. V., Pathania, T. S., & Bilgi, T. A. (2014). Comparison of elastic resistance band exercises and yoga in physiotherapy students with chronic non-specific low back pain: a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Yoga & Physical Therapy, 5, 180.
Study Document
Q1. Discuss the relationship between medical advances and the prevalence of physical disabilities.
Due to immense advancement in the field of medical science (Bureau, 2001), a number of diseases have been treated and improved especially … year more than 80,000 new generation people with a disability. Even the survival rates of less weighing babies have increased, in turn causing physical and mental development impediments (Bureau, 2001). This proves that as the medical science advances, problems like physical disabilities have also increased showing a positive correlation.
Q2. Define the three categories of physical disabilities described in the chapter (neuromotor impairments, orthopedic and musculoskeletal disorders, and other conditions that affect health or physical ability) and provide one example of each. Define each condition.
The three categories of physical disability discussed in the chapter are;
Congenital/Acquired: This classification emphasizes that the person is born with the disease or may get it due ………
Bureau, P. R. (2001, September 1st). Emerging Trends in Disability. Population Reference Bureau. Retrieved from
Forrest, S. (2011, June 02). Learning about disabilities fosters social acceptance, study finds. Illinois News Bureau. Retrieved from
Frank, A. (2016, July 16). Vocational Rehabilitation: Supporting Ill or Disabled Individuals in (to) Work: A UK Perspective. US National Library for Medicene. Retrieved from
Kumar, R. (2014, October). Prevention of Disabilities- Parents Corner. Retrieved from Vikaspedia:
Study Document
… applied sciences, and the social sciences, one can see how the feedback loop within society is created. This paper explores the issue of physical and mental disabilities in the workplace. Until recently in this nation’s history, individuals with disabilities were viewed as liabilities—but now the very language … in this nation’s history, individuals with disabilities were viewed as liabilities—but now the very language that people use when discussing individuals who have physical or mental disabilities is changing. Even the term “disabled” seems to stem from the problematic concept of ableism: as the Center for Disability … fourth, it explains how analyzing diversity can help in my interactions with those with different viewpoints, cultures and perspectives.
Lens Analysis
Historically, physical and mental disabilities were viewed by and large in society as barriers to entry in the workplace. There was no thought for wheelchair ……
Baruch, Y. (2000). Teleworking: benefits and pitfalls as perceived by professionals and managers. New technology, work and employment, 15(1), 34-49.
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Corrigan, P. W. (2016). Lessons learned from unintended consequences about erasing the stigma of mental illness. World Psychiatry, 15(1), 67-73.
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Faurer, J., Rogers-Brodersen, A., & Bailie, P. (2014). Managing the re-employment of military veterans through the Transition Assistance Program (TAP). Journal of Business & Economics Research (Online), 12(1), 55.
Guruge, S., Wang, A. Z. Y., Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V., & Sidani, S. (2017). Knowing so much, yet knowing so little: a scoping review of interventions that address the stigma of mental illness in the Canadian context. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 22(5), 507-523.
Marquis, J.P., Lim, N., Kavanagh, J., Harrell, M.C. & Scott, L.M. (2007). Managing Diversity in Corporate America: An Exploratory Analysis. Pittsburgh, PA: Rand Corporation.
Study Document
… give annotated bibliography of sources on research in regards to overseeing conduct in young people and kids through arrangement centered treatment. Solution Focused therapy or SFBT is a type of therapy that spotlights on solutions rather than on issues. Therapists do this by helping Adolescents and Children recognize what's annoying them. A significant piece … are used to find them. To identify with similar restricted center articles, the hunt terms "Overseeing Behavior in Adolescents and Children Through Solution-Focused therapy" was utilized. While choosing the articles, the inquiry was constrained to peer-audited articles distributed somewhere in the range of 2014 and 2019 in … directing circumstances like these (Kiser & Piercy, 2014). It is a successful treatment approach for Adolescents and Children overseeing behavior.
Keywords: Solution Focused therapy, FSCJ, Behavior
Managing Behavior in Adolescents and Children through Solution-Focused therapy
Behavior is a common occurrence for children and adolescents with lifetime……
Boyer, B., MacKay, K. J., McLeod, B. D., & van der Oord, S. (2018). Comparing Alliance in Two Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies for Adolescents with ADHD Using a Randomized Controlled Trial. Behavior Therapy, 49(5), 781–795. 10.1016/j.beth.2018.01.003
Brockman, M., Hussain, K., Sanchez, B., & Turns, B. (2016). Managing Child Behavior Problems in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Utilizing Structural and Solution Focused Therapy with Primary Caregivers. American Journal of Family Therapy, 44(1), 1–10. 10.1080/01926187.2015.1099414
Gonzalez, C. (2017). Recovering Process from Child Sexual Abuse During Adulthood from an Integrative Approach to Solution-Focused Therapy: A Case Study. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 26(7), 785–805. 10.1080/10538712.2017.1354954
Kiser, D. J., & Piercy, F. P. (2014). Creativity and family therapy theory development: Lessons from the founders of solution-focused therapy: The journal of solution focus in organizations. InterAction, 6(2), 51-851645018526?accountid=45782
Smith, T. E., Shelton, V. M., & Richards, K. V. (2016). Solution-focused financial therapy with couples. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 26(5), 452–460. 10.1080/10911359.2015.1087921
Study Document
Gestalt is a German word signifying a pattern or shape. The roots of Gestalt therapy can be traced to Max Wertheimer, who studied human perceptual illusions. Wertheimer’s research led to a holistic view of the human psyche that … view of the human psyche that provided a necessary counterpoint to the fragmented, reductionist, and structuralist views that prevailed in research psychology. Gestalt therapy emerged after blending the principles of Gestalt with the goals of therapy. In particular, Gestalt therapists like Frederick “Fritz” Perls used the concept of a Gestalt to emphasize the importance of holism in therapy. Humanism also became a cornerstone of Gestalt therapy, which promotes an “I/Thou” therapeutic relationship based on points of contact between individuals who are connected in an integrated social network. Group therapy and art therapy are also methods used in Gestalt psychology.
Although the phrase may seem out of vogue, Gestalt psychology underwrites……
Brownell, P. (2016). Contemporary Gestalt therapy. In D. J. Cain, K. Keenan, & S. Rubin (Eds.), Humanistic psychotherapies: Handbook of research and practice (p. 219–250). American Psychological Association.
Cherry, K. (2019). Gestalt psychology overview. Very Well Mind. Retrieved from:
Covey, G. (2017). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy, enhanced, 10th edition. Cengage.
Jacobs, L. (1989). Dialogue in Gestalt theory and therapy. The Gestalt Journal 12(1): 1-25. Retrieved from:
Kepner, E. (n.d.). Gestalt group processes. Retrieved from:
Oaklander, V. (1994). Gestalt play therapy. In O’Connor, K.J. & Schaefer, C.E. (Eds.). Handbook of play therapy. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 143-156.
Rock, I. & Palmer, S. (1990). The legacy of Gestalt psychology. Scientific American 263(6): 84-91.
Yontef, G. & Jacobs, L. (n.d.). Gestalt therapy. Retrieved from:
Study Document
… impressions based on the DSM-5. A treatment plan and interventions for the clients are grounded in two primary theoretical orientations including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and psychodynamics. A summary of the treatment, including client reactions, plus future recommendations are also provided. Ethical issues and quandaries are presented … methods were used to provide an overview of client functioning. Specific sections of the mental status exam given include the following. First, general physical observations related to the clients’ appearance, manner of dress, and mannerisms were made, followed by observations of speech patterns, and interactions with others … formal appraisal of client performance in the group in conjunction with valid assessments that lead to formal diagnoses. Using a combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy and psychoanalysis allows for nuanced clinical interpretations that account for the intricacies and idiosyncrasies of an individual’s upbringing, social climate, educational attainment, job … respectful environment free from micro-aggressions……
American Counseling Association (2014). ACA Code of Ethics. Retrieved from:
American Group Psychotherapy Association (2007). Practice guidelines for group psychotherapy. Retrieved from:!-evidence-on-the-effectiveness-of-group-therapy.pdf?sfvrsn=ce6385a9_2
“Clinical Thinking Skills,” (n.d.). Retrieved from:
Glasofer, D.R. (2019). Generalized anxiety disorder. Retrieved from:
MacNamara, A., Kotov, R. & Hajcak, G. (2016). Diagnosis and symptom-based predictors of emotional processing in generalized anxiety disorder and Major Depressive Disorder: An Event-Related Potential Study. Cognitive Therapy and Research 40(2016): 275-289.
Plummer, F., Manea, L., Trepel, D., et al. (2016). Screening for anxiety disorders with the GAD-7 and GAD-2: a systematic review and diagnostic metaanalysis. General Hospital Psychiatry 39(2016): 24-31.
Suszek, H., Holas, P., Wyrzykowski, T., et al. (2015). Short-term intensive psychodynamic group therapy versus cognitive-behavioral group therapy in day treatment of anxiety disorders and comorbid depressive or personality disorders: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 16(2015):
Thimm, J.C. & Antonsen, L. (2014). Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral group therapy for depression in routine practice. BMC Psychiatry 14(292):
Study Document
Music therapy and Aging
Grief, pain, and distress can become unbearable for the bereaved although death is an experience that every individual goes through. … is an experience that every individual goes through. Many therapeutic interventions have been developed to help the bereaved cope with death including music therapy interventions. These interventions have shown positive impacts on the cognitive and emotional well-being of the bereaved and older adults with terminal conditions or … the impact of these interventions on the aging process remains unknown and understudied. The proposed study will look at the effect of music therapy interventions on aging, especially on the frailties brought by old age. The scope of the proposed research is to look at the link … aging, especially on the frailties brought by old age. The scope of the proposed research is to look at the link between music therapy interventions and the quality……
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Gire, James T. “How Death Imitates Life: Cultural Influences on Conceptions of Death and Dying.” Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, vol. 6, no. 2, 1 Dec. 2014, pp. 3–22., doi: .
Pentaris, Panagiotis. “Culture and Death: A Multicultural Perspective.” Hawaii Pacific Journal of Social Work Practice, vol. 4, no. 1, May 2011, pp. 45–84.
Pentaris, Panagiotis. “The Cultural Context of Dying: Hawai’Ian Death Conceptions and The Gender Divide.” Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, vol. 6, no. 4, Nov. 2018, pp. 104–111.
Study Document
Poor Children, the Problem of Drug therapy and Possible Alternatives
Foster children are more likely than children in the general population to have mental health issues (Polihronakis, 2008). Part … a mental health intervention. The primary means by which the medical industry treats mental health issues is by way of pharmacological intervention—i.e., drug therapy. As Kutz (2011) shows, a higher rate of foster children receive psychotropic prescriptions than non-foster children. This is a problem because, as Korry … place in the world. What is more worrisome is that there are alternative methods of treatment that can be used—such as animal assisted therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy (Korry, 2015). This paper will discuss whether a drug-therapy heavy approach to treating poor and foster care children with mental health issues is part of the basis of creating dependencies to psychiatric … possibility that they will be cognitively and emotionally impaired. Their……
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Study Document
Summary of main concepts
Determining when to start or proceed with opioids for chronic pain
1. Non-first line or routine chronic pain therapy Opioids
Chronic pain is best handled with nonpharmacologic and non-opioid therapy. Clinicians should consider having opioid treatment on the cards only if the benefits they expect to exceed the risks to the patient under … they expect to exceed the risks to the patient under treatment. In case the opioids are prescribed, they should be offered alongside nonpharmacologic therapy and non-opioid therapy, as the situation demands (Dowell, Haegerich & Chou, 2016).
2. Determine and measure the progress towards attainment of goals
Before initiating opioid therapy for chronic pain, healthcare experts should establish the goals for treatment with the patients. They should include realistic goals that will tackle the … should include realistic goals that will tackle the pain and function of the body. Thus, consideration……
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Hudspeth, R. S. (2016). Standards of care for opioid prescribing: What every APRN prescriber and investigator need to know. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 7(1), 15-20.
Study Document
… that her brain was fine, but she was not developing at the rate as expected of her age.
The parent than started on therapy programs, which include both professional and home-based therapies. physical therapy continued up to when she was three, at the time when she joined preschool. At school, she was receiving physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and adapted physical education. A diagnosis at the school showed that, even though she was three years old, she was functioning at t the level of … is not standard, but just like beauty, within the eyes of the beholder. 2) Advice parents to seek medical attention, primarily, the relevant therapy for children with cerebral palsy. 3) Recommend that parents ensure they have a supportive circle in caring for the special needs children because, ……
DeHoff, B. A., Staten, L. K., Rodgers, R. C., & Denne, S. C. (2016). The role of online social support in supporting and educating parents of young children with special health care needs in the United States: a scoping review. Journal of medical Internet research, 18(12), e333.
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Weiss, J. A., Cappadocia, M. C., MacMullin, J. A., Viecili, M., & Lunsky, Y. (2012). The impact of child problem behaviors of children with ASD on parent mental health: The mediating role of acceptance and empowerment. Autism, 16(3), 261-274.
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