Study Document
Two provisions in the PPACA (patient protection and Affordable Care Act) that impact my current nursing practice are 1) the call for increased access to care and 2) the call … people, because nurses cannot open their own facilities. Instead they must work in larger facilities that are limited in terms of how many patient they can see. If the PPACA is to be taken seriously, then my current practice of nursing should be such that the recommendations … nursing should be such that the recommendations of the IOM are put in place so as to help increase access to care for patient in accordance with the Affordable Care Act.
An example of this issue is in Oklahoma where currently nurses are still required…[break]…particularly in accordance … legislation changed that will allow the ACA to be implemented as it should be. I aim also to boost the health literacy……
IOM. (2010). The future of nursing. Retrieved from
O’Brien, J. (2003). How nurse practitioners obtained provider status: Lessons for pharmacists. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 60(22), 2301-2307.
Study Document
… that approximately one million hospitalizations linked to congestive heart failure occur annually. Most of these hospitalizations arise from worsened congestion among already diagnosed patient. The United States spends approximately $32.7 billion on congestive heart failure annually. Martirosyan et al. (2017) states that readmission rates for this condition … billion on congestive heart failure annually. Martirosyan et al. (2017) states that readmission rates for this condition remain high as nearly 20% of patient are readmitted within 30 days and nearly 50% within 6 months. This paper aims to present a quality improvement project toward lessening re-hospitalization … within 30 days and nearly 50% within 6 months. This paper aims to present a quality improvement project toward lessening re-hospitalization rates of patient diagnosed with congestive heart failure.
Problem Discussion
Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a cardiovascular disorder characterized by periods of stability and instability (Martirosyan … Deterioration of CHF is linked……
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Ong et al. (2016, March). Effectiveness of Remote Patient Monitoring After Discharge of Hospitalized Patients with Heart Failure. JAMA Internal Medicine, 176(3), 310-318.
Study Document
… competent nurses can assess the psychological, spiritual, physiological, social, environmental, and epidemiological data on a particular cultural group to provide culturally sensitive and patient-centered care. Since Madeleine Leininger first proposed that cultural competency was essential to nursing, various means of incorporating cultural learning and assessment have been … attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, and expectations.
Cultural competency becomes relevant to advanced nursing practice on the individual level (such as nurses working with individual patient) and also on the organizational level (built into healthcare policy or institutional policies). For the advanced practice nurse, cultural competency involves self-efficacy along … 2019, p. 1). The nurse practitioner asks the right questions, conducts research, and uses scholarly means to conduct cultural assessments of a particular patient population. Similarly, the advanced practice nurse reviews the literature for evidence-based practice models for working with specific patient populations in clinical care. Cultural competency also includes an affective domain,……
Coats, H., Crist, J. D., Berger, A., Sternberg, E., & Rosenfeld, A. G. (2016). African American Elders’ Serious Illness Experiences. Qualitative Health Research, 27(5), 634–648. doi:10.1177/1049732315620153
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Study Document
… insurance and they work odd jobs. Others do not have jobs at all. People living in public housing account for the majority of patient that visit the community health center. Without any other option of health care access, they have to rely on the health center for … they do not closely understand the community relations.
Current Operations of The Community Health Center
The community health center is charged with offering patient medical services and care to the residents of the community. The services include counseling, primary care, pre, and post-natal care, and health education. … services include counseling, primary care, pre, and post-natal care, and health education. The health center is supposed to offer services regardless if the patient has the ability to pay or not. The services offered at the community health center are tailored to meet the needs of the … to meet the needs of……
LaBelle, C. T., Han, S. C., Bergeron, A., & Samet, J. H. (2016). Office-based opioid treatment with buprenorphine (OBOT-B): statewide implementation of the Massachusetts collaborative care model in community health centers. Journal of substance abuse treatment, 60, 6-13.
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… even more challenging to respond to and identify elder abuse (Lachs, Teresi, Ramirez, et al., 2016). Nurses have a responsibility to protect their patient from abuse, but may encounter conflicts when they suspect family members, other residents, or other healthcare workers are perpetrating some form of elder … about when to intervene in situations where verbal or psychological abuse is considered normative in other cultures, perhaps by speaking directly with the patient themselves.
From a professional point of view, nurses need to continually review the professional literature and stay abreast of changes to eldercare legislation, … sensitive to what constitutes elder abuse, as many of their actions could be misconstrued as abusive when really they are trying to help patient avoid self-injurious behavior or self-neglect. For example, elders who are prone to wandering aimlessly could get lost. Some patient are quick to lose their tempers at nurses, and it……
Falk, N. L., Baigis, J., Kopac, C., (August 14, 2012) \\\\\\\\\\\\"Elder Mistreatment and the Elder Justice Act\\\\\\\\\\\\" OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 17(3).
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Wangmo, T., Nordstrom, K. & Kressig, R.W. (2017). Preventing elder abuse and neglect in geriatric institutions: Solutions from nursing care providers. Geriatric Nursing 38(5): 385-392.
Study Document
… reducing the risk and occurrence of suicide, self-harm and harm caused to others by taking steps to create a safety plan for the patient (Stanley et al., 2018). However, many EDs do very little to actually assist patient in this regard. My own experience at Legacy Treatment Center, where I interned, allowed me to see as much. Legacy is in Lee … to see as much. Legacy is in Lee County’s Screening Center for Mental Health Crisis and is located inside Main St Hospital, and patient from all over the county are processed through the Emergency Room. At Legacy, patient will be screened using the Columbia Assessment to see whether they are currently suicidal, homicidal or a danger to others. However, these patient are not offered counseling services. Instead, they are referred or voluntarily or involuntarily committed. The lack of any other treatment is a problem … is a……
Appleby, L., Morriss, R., Gask, L., Roland, M., Lewis, B., Perry, A., ... & Davies, L. (2000). An educational intervention for front-line health professionals in the assessment and management of suicidal patients (The STORM Project). Psychological medicine, 30(4), 805-812.
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… of Tools and Safeguards Required within HIS
Few practices are more important in managing health information systems than managing medical records, safeguarding patient’ medical history, and ensuring that all end users of medical information technology are approved and trained. Some of the biggest factors in security … on how to use equipment and the importance of protecting passwords is so important (Jackson, 2018). However, the system itself should have system protection built-in that can protect against end user mistakes—protection such as double security via multi-factor authentication (Crossler & Posey, 2017). This paper will discuss the programming language and relational databases that should … used in health care is the relational database (Campbell, 2004). These are the most commonly used because they allow for the tracking of patient care, such as treatments, outcomes, heart rate, and so on. The relational database can connect to various other systems already in……
Campbell, R. J. (2004). Database Design: What HIM Professionals Need to Know.
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Study Document
… and bigger quantities of customers express a need to have portable access to their health records. It is an electronic form of a patient's paper record. EHRs offer the upside of making data about patient consideration accessible, in a protected way, to numerous approved clients (Kierkegaard, 2019). In spite of the fact that EHRs change in content and … of the fact that EHRs change in content and usefulness, they are regularly intended to incorporate the therapeutic and treatment accounts of the patient, just as the patient's findings, meds, vaccination dates, radiology pictures, and lab and test results, among other data. EHRs can possibly coordinate data from various sources and … and lab and test results, among other data. EHRs can possibly coordinate data from various sources and give a progressively thorough perspective on patient consideration despite the fact that this has demonstrated challenges to accomplish in genuine practice.……
Gagnon, D., Simonyan, E.K., Ghandour, G., Godin, M., Labrecque, M., Ouimet, M.R. (2016). Factors influencing electronic health record adoption by physicians: A multilevel analysis, Int J Inform Manage, 36, pp. 258-270.
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Study Document
… study demonstrated that respondents have a substantially high discernment and point of view that health care associated infections have a significant impact in patient outcome. Secondly, the outcomes of the study did not just substantiate with the findings of previous research, but also demonstrated that most of … suggestion that health care workers have a significant level of awareness regarding HAIs and the significance of hand hygiene.
3. Explain how the protection of human subjects and cultural considerations were addressed by the researcher, using specific information from the journal article from part A.
One of … were addressed by the researcher, using specific information from the journal article from part A.
One of the key ways in which the protection of human subjects were addressed in the study is through the seeking of ethical approval and sanction from the Infection Control and Prevention ……
Joshi, S. C., Diwan, V., Tamhankar, A. J., Joshi, R., Shah, H., Sharma, M., ... & Lundborg, C. S. (2012). Qualitative study on perceptions of hand hygiene among hospital staff in a rural teaching hospital in India. Journal of Hospital Infection, 80(4), 340-344.
Tan Jr, A. K., & Jeffrey Olivo, B. S. (2015). Assessing healthcare associated infections and hand hygiene perceptions amongst healthcare professionals. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 8(1), 108.
Study Document
… in a persistent vegetative state that her parents sought to intervene and end what they saw as her unnecessary suffering. According to Quinlan’s patient, chances of their daughter returning from the state she was in were slim at best. Thus, to end her suffering, the said parents … the appointment of a guardian. As a matter of fact, the AMA Code of Medical Ethics points out that in situations that involve patient with no surrogate and are incapable of making decisions, the ethics committee ought to be consulted by physicians on key decisions (Singer, 2013). … guardian is granted legal authority in as far as all decisions appertaining to the incapacitated person are concerned. In those instances whereby the patient is in permanent vegetative state, it is the responsibility of the guardian to make decisions that are in the best interests of the … is in permanent vegetative state,……
Drane, J.F. (1994). Clinical Bioethics: Theory and Practice in Medical Ethical Decision-making. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield.
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