Operations Management Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Operations Management And Business Strategy

Pages: 11 (3437 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Reaction Paper Document #:30139516

operations management
Introduction to the Company
Fiyeli Coffee is an artisan coffee roaster in a mid-sized city. The company operates with a wholesale-only business model, … general population.
Design of the Supply Chain
Khan and Creazza (2005) make the case that product design is integral to the supply chain management process. Their research suggests that products are typically designed to meet identified market needs, and the supply chain designed around the product. But, … needs, and the supply chain designed around the product. But, they argue, if product design is also taken into account, the supply chain management can be simplified. An example of this is that there might be a part that is difficult to source, but a similar part … Between 20 and 100 farmers or coorperatives should be contracted to produce for Fiyeli, depending on the size of the contract.
Supplier Relationship management
The basic philosophy……



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Khan, O. & Creazza, A. (2005) The impact of product design on the supply chain. Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Retrieved June 13, 2019 from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265492088_The_Impact_of_Product_Design_on_the_Supply_Chain_The_Impact_of_Product_Design_on_the_Supply_Chain

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Mersie, A. (2019) Coffee prices seen rising 25% by year end. Reuters Retrieved June 13, 2019 from  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-coffee-poll/coffee-prices-seen-rising-nearly-25-percent-by-year-end-reuters-poll-idUSKCN1Q11JD 

Mordor Intelligence (2017) United States coffee market – growth, trends and forecasts. Mordor Intelligence Retrieved June 13, 2019 from  https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/united-states-coffee-market


Study Document Study Document

Competitive Advantage And Operations Management

Pages: 8 (2415 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:99381670

operations management 3
a. The product available for purchase is a pair of Chanel shoes. There are a number of things that I would ……



Deshmukh, G. & Das, R. (2012) Consumer buying behaviour for high involvement products. Asian Journal of Management. Vol. 3 (3) 153-157.

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Interbrand (2019) Best global brands. Interbrand Retrieved March 26, 2020 from https://www.interbrand.com/best-brands/best-global-brands/2019/ranking/

QSR (2017) The QSR Top 50. QSR Magazine. Retrieved March 26, 2020 from  https://www.qsrmagazine.com/content/qsr-50 

QuickMBA (2010) The value chain. QuickMBA.com. Retrieved March 26, 2020 from  http://www.quickmba.com/strategy/value-chain/ 

Zhang, B. (2018) The 10 best airlines to fly in North America. Business Insider. Retrieved March 26, 2020 from  https://www.businessinsider.com/best-airlines-in-north-america-for-2018-skytrax-2018-10 


Study Document Study Document

McDonalds Quality And Improving Operations

Pages: 8 (2369 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:59085387

Quality and Improving operations
McDonalds Corporation is the leading fast-food restaurant across the globe. Since inception the company has experienced tremendous growth and profitability due to its … operation function from obtaining raw materials to production to distribution of food items/products to its customers. McDonalds Corporation has established a relatively effective operations management framework that helps in handling all its functional areas. In relation to the operations management framework, this paper examines quality and improvement of operations at McDonalds Corporation.
Part 1 – Quality and Conformance
McDonalds Corporation operates in an increasingly competitive fast-food industry across the globe. Despite its … across the globe. Despite its market share and position, this company still faces stiff competition from other rivals in the market. Throughout its operations, McDonalds Corporation focuses on excellent customer service, response to competition, and utilizing suitable techniques to enhance growth and development (Keller, 2017). As part … growth……



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Keller, C.R. (2017, September 1). How McDonald’s Became the Leader in the Fast Food Industry. Retrieved June 13, 2019, from  https://profitworks.ca/hidden-blog/541-how-mcdonald-s-became-a-leader-in-fast-food-industry.html 

Mulholland, B. (2018, April 6). What Continuous Improvement Is (and How to Use It). Retrieved June 13, 2019, from  https://www.process.st/continuous-improvement/ 

Nanyang Consultancy. (2016, January). McDonalds – Charting McDonalds Way Forward. Retrieved June 13, 2019, from  https://mbacasecomp.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Nanyang_Mcdonalds_Final2.pdf 

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Study Document Study Document

Supply Chain Management In Canada

Pages: 11 (3384 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Case Study Document #:46307784

Strategic Supply Chain management: Case Study
I. Executive Summary
Strategic supply chain management consists of strategic, tactical and operational levels, wherein general planning, short-term process decision-making, and day-to-day operations are planned and executed. This case study examines the supply chain issues of Krebbler-McCray Home Products and provides recommendations together with an integration … company’s revenue coming almost exclusively from Canadian consumers, where competition is fierce;
b. operating expenses increasing as a result of no integration of operations following the merger of Krebbler and McCray;
c. There is considerable unnecessary overlap in the distribution system, which should be streamlined;
d. Krebbler’s … two businesses so as to reduce costs; 2) whose approach to retain and whose to drop—Krebbler’s or McCray’s, and 3) how to restructure operations so as to penetrate new markets and improve revenues, while cutting costs. Both financial and quality considerations have to be made.
4. The … gap……



Channick, Robert. “Fallout from China Trade War,” Chicago Tribune, 2019.  https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-china-tariffs-illinois-impact-20190510-story.html 

Krebbler Furniture Case Study, Supply Chain Management Association. Digital File.


Study Document Study Document

Purchasing And Supply Management

Pages: 9 (2780 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:73672529

Purchasing and Supply management
Why is purchasing and supply management so important to a firm’s success? Burt (2010) perhaps puts it best: “Historically, supply management has been considered important because of its impact on costs” (p. 9). In other words, a firm seeking to be competitive and profitable … impact on costs” (p. 9). In other words, a firm seeking to be competitive and profitable must have a good purchasing and supply management process in place—otherwise it risks watching its bottom line whittle away due to costs that it did not try its hardest to reduce. … to costs that it did not try its hardest to reduce. This paper will discuss the importance and value of purchasing and supply management by 1) looking at how the function relates to selecting a qualified supplier, 2) selecting the best strategies for negotiating prices, 3) creating … for detailed requirements, 4)……



BDC. (2019). 6 ways the purchasing department can improve your business. Retrieved from  https://www.bdc.ca/en/articles-tools/operations/purchasing/pages/purchasing-department-objectives.aspx 

Benton, W. C. (2013). Supply chain focused manufacturing planning and control. Nelson Education.

Burt, D. N. (2010). Supply Management, 8th Edition. Devry.

Harland, C., Brenchley, R., & Walker, H. (2003). Risk in supply networks. Journal of Purchasing and Supply management, 9(2), 51-62. Retrieved from  http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= 

Holmlund, M. & Strandvik, T. (1999) Perception configuration in business relationship, Management Decision, 37(9), 686-696

MacNeil/Lehrer Productions (Producer). (1999). Your computer, your way: Dell and thedirect sales model [Video file]. Retrieved from https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/login

Monczka, R. & Handfield, R. (2016). Purchasing and supply chain management. Boston, MA: Cengage.

NC State University. (2003). Negotiating for success. Retrieved from  https://scm.ncsu.edu/scm-articles/article/negotiating-for-success


Study Document Study Document

Recruiting And Managing Volunteers For Social Impact Organizations

Pages: 7 (2046 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:50131238

… engaging in influencing tactics. They can devote time to people at a personal level to facilitate social impact. They can manage groups, direct operations, and engage in strategizing. Volunteers exist at all levels of an organization, from the Board to the room where phone calls are taken. … and services required; providing access to the target group, and fundraising to supply the financial capital. Key resources will include communication resources, funding operations resources, human resources, infrastructural resources, and mobile resources, who would supply the human and intellectual capital. The value proposition of the organization would … the recipients of the organization’s social impact. The mission budget would consist of the amount of funds that can be safely allocated to operations. And the mission achievement factors would consist of the variables that must be addressed in order for the organization to reach its goals. ……



The Economist. (2011). Wikipedia’s fundraising, free but not easy. Retrieved from  http://www.economist.com/node/21536580 

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Study Document Study Document

Change Management At Nike

Pages: 8 (2482 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:61161012

Literature Review 3
Application of the Theory to the Organization in Question 4
Conclusions 6
Recommendations 7
Bibliography and References 9
Change management is about managing people and their reactions to change (Cameron & Green, 2015). However, the need for change is typically related to business … the American public (Freberg, Graham, McGaughey & Freberg, 2011).
Managing resistance to change is another important aspect that has to be considered. Change management requires that managers implement the proper change management method. The one that will work best for Nike in this situation is the change management model developed by Kotter (2012). Kotter (2012) shows that change is best managed when managers involve employees in the change management process and obtain feedback from stakeholders. By inviting feedback from stakeholders, the stakeholders feel that they are part of the change management process and that their opinion matters and is important to……


Bibliography and References

Balaji, S., & Murugaiyan, M. S. (2012). Waterfall vs. V-Model vs. Agile: A comparative study on SDLC. International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management, 2(1), 26-30.

Boehm, B. (2002). Get ready for agile methods, with care. Computer, (1), 64-69.

Boehm, B. (2007). A survey of agile development methodologies. Laurie Williams, 45, 119.

Fernandez, D. J., & Fernandez, J. D. (2008). Agile project management—agilism versus traditional approaches. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 49(2), 10-17.

Freberg, K., Graham, K., McGaughey, K., & Freberg, L. A. (2011). Who are the social media influencers? A study of public perceptions of personality. Public Relations Review, 37(1), 90-92.

Cameron, E. and Green, M. (2015), Making Sense of Change Management: A complete Guide to the Models, Tools and Techniques of Organizational Change. Kogan Page: London

Kotter, J. P. (2012). Leading Change. Harvard Business Review Press.

TMZ. (2018). Kaep Deal Adds Up... WE GOT NIKE'S CUSTOMER BREAKDOWN. Retrieved from  https://www.tmz.com/2018/09/06/colin-kaepernick-nike-contract-urban-consumers-market-research/


Study Document Study Document

Supply Chain Management In Ethiopia

Pages: 4 (1174 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Article Review Document #:76860957

… process, which was not something I really quite grasped fully before. I understood that digital communications and record keeping can facilitate supply chain management, but I did not ever stop to imagine what a manufacturing firm would be like without any of these tools—it would be like ……



Afshan, N. (2013, December). The performance outcomes of dimensions of supply chain integration: A conceptual framework. Business: Theory and Practice, 14(4), 323.

Georgise, F. B., Thoben, K. D., & Seifert, M. (2014). Supply chain integration in the manufacturing firms in developing country: An Ethiopian case study. Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2014.

Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants part 1. On the horizon, 9(5), 1-6.

Spiess, J., T'Joens, Y., Dragnea, R., Spencer, P., & Philippart, L. (2014). Using big data to improve customer experience and business performance. Bell labs technical journal, 18(4), 3-17.


Study Document Study Document

Federal Reserve Operations And Market Impact

Pages: 4 (1239 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:28039044

… of monetary policy about its statutory obligation to nurture maximum employment and stability in prices. The following are the tools:
1. Open market operations (OMO)
The Fed carries out OMO in domestic markets. The terminology open market implies that the Federal Reserve does not decide on its … from an open market whereby the different securities dealers that the central bank conducts business with, have competition based on price.
Open market operations can, on the one hand, be permanent and encompass the downright buying and selling of Treasury securities or government-sponsored enterprise debt securities. On … is most often used by the Federal Reserve? Why?
The tool that is most often used by the Federal Reserve is open market operations. It is imperative to note that open market operations are the most flexible monetary tool, and as a result, most often employed by the Fed in its conduct of……



Brandl, M. (2020). Money, banking, financial markets & institutions. New York: Cengage Learning.

Federal Reserve Education. (n.d). Monetary Policy Basics. Retrieved from:  https://www.federalreserveeducation.org/about-the-fed/structure-and-functions/monetary-policy 

Federal Reserve. (2017). Monetary Policy Tools. Retrieved from:  https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/bsd-monetary-policy-tools-201711.htm 

Lumen Learning. (n.d). Macroeconomics: How a Central Bank Executes Monetary Policy. Retrieved from:  https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-macroeconomics/chapter/tools-of-monetary-policy/ 


Study Document Study Document

Health Care Institutional Organization And Management

Pages: 4 (1341 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:question answer Document #:71375338

Health Care Institutional Organization and management
Question 1: Critical Thinking and Blooms Taxonomy Revised
1. What are the pros and cons of this approach to learning about healthcare?
Bloom’s … amalgamation of the functional organizational structure together with the geographical and projected organizational structure. This particular structure plays a significant role in the operations of the organization based on the actuality that personnel can share their knowledge and competencies across the various functional divisions, permitting for better … structures have different advantages and disadvantages. When horizontal integration is successful, it can generate increased revenue, in comparison to companies that perform independent operations. Horizontal integration results in decline in competition, owing to which a monopoly emanates in the market.
Furthermore, this makes it possible for the ……



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Source Link: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Organizational-Chart-of-Leadership-at-the-Mayo-Clinic-the-parent-organization-changed_fig2_234069825

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