Obesity Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Obesity And Role Of Government

Pages: 6 (1668 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:81197776

Obesity is a critical issue in the United States, and the problem seems to be getting worse in the country and across the planet. … As per the latest estimates, about 34 percent of American adults and 15 to 20 percent of American adolescents and children suffer from obesity. Every demographic of the American population is affected by obesity, and the worst thing about the condition is that it enhances the risk of multiple chronic conditions in both adults and children. Considering … the condition is that it enhances the risk of multiple chronic conditions in both adults and children. Considering its spread in the population, obesity is now an epidemic. To address the problem of obesity in the United States, there is a need for public health officials to come up with programs and policies to address obesity. However, as of now, no significant efforts are being made……



AAFP. (2010). Federal government takes bigger role in combating obesity. Retrieved from https://www.aafp.org/news/obesity/20100517fed-initiatives.html

Institute of Medicine. 2007. Progress in preventing childhood obesity: how do we measure up?. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.  https://doi.org/10.17226/11722 .

Kumanyaki, S. K., Parker, L., & Sim, L. J. (2010). Bridging the evidence gap in obesity prevention: A framework to inform decision making. Retrieved from  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK220174/ 

Mitchell, N., Catenacci, V., Wyatt, H., & Hill, J. (2011). Obesity: Overview of an epidemic. Psychiatr Clin North Am, 34(4), 717-732. DOI: 10.1016/j.psc.2011.08.005

Swinburn, B. (2008). Obesity prevention: The role of policies, laws, and regulations. Aust New Zealand Health Policy, 5(12). DOI: 10.1186/1743-8462-5-12


Study Document Study Document

Examining Sampling Methods

Pages: 10 (3107 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:69865492

… (2015), the study examines the work of bioethicists Peter Singer and Dan Callahan in order to provide a critique of their arguments regarding obesity. The study defines their arguments as essentially that obesity is not simply a clinical or personal issue but an ethical issue with social and political consequences” (Mayes, 2015, p. 217). The study’s … political consequences” (Mayes, 2015, p. 217). The study’s focus is on identifying the problematic parts of the bioethicists approach to the issue of obesity. Because of the nature of Mayes’ (2015) study, the normal ethical considerations related to sampling (such as obtaining consent forms or submitting to … forms or submitting to an IRB) are not evident in the study. Mayes (2015) presents a critique of two scholars’ recent arguments regarding obesity scholarship.
Thus, the sample in this study is the scholarly work of two bioethicists and the sample is selective in……



Mayes, C. (2015). The harm of bioethics: A critique of Singer and Callahan on obesity. Bioethics, 29(3), 217-221.

Pause, C. (2017). Borderline: The ethics of fat stigma in public health. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 45, 510-517.

Wetter, S., Hodge, J. (2016). Taxing sugar-sweetened beverages to lower childhood obesity. Ethical and Legal Issues in Pediatrics, 44, 359-363.


Study Document Study Document

Care Plan

Pages: 6 (1764 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Case Study Document #:78842568

… mother is suffering from existing health conditions, for example, high blood pressure, being HIV-positive, or diabetes. Other factors that promote high-risk pregnancy include obesity and overweight, early or old maternal age, and multiple births (Lowery, 2018). The problem of high-risk pregnancies is exacerbated by the rurality of … the nearest hospitals offering ultrasound services.
The app will also provide services for the monitoring of complications in high-risk pregnancies e.g. hypertension, diabetes, obesity. In addition to a tool to manage these complications, there will also be wearable devices for use as educations and/or counseling tools. The ……



American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. (2015). ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 156: Obesity in pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 126(6), e112–126.

Gallardo, A. & Martin, N. (2017, Sept. 5). Another Thing Disappearing From Rural America: Maternal Care. ProPublica. Retrieved from  https://www.propublica.org/article/another-thing-disappearing-from-rural-america-maternal-care 

Healy, J. (2018, July 17). It’s 4 A.M. The Baby’s Coming. But the Hospital Is 100 Miles Away. The New York Times. Retrieved from  https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/17/us/hospital-closing-missouri-pregnant.html 

Hung, P., Henning-Smith, C. E., Casey, M. M., & Kozhimannil, K. B. (2017). Access to obstetric services in rural counties still declining, with 9 percent losing services, 2004–14. Health Affairs, 36(9), 1663-1671.

Lowery, C. (2018). “Chapter 6: High-Risk Obstetrics and Telehealth,” in Rheuban, K.S. & Krupinski, E.A., Understanding Telehealth. McGraw-Hill Education. 

National Institutes of Health, (2017). What is a high-risk pregnancy? Retrieved from  https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/pregnancy/conditioninfo/high-risk 


Study Document Study Document

Chronic GI GU Condition

Pages: 4 (1341 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Case Study Document #:62366788

...Obesity Chronic GI/GU Condition Case Studies
Scenario 1
The primary diagnosis in the present scenario would be gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The diagnosis in this case has been made on the strength of the presenting symptoms. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases – NIDDK (2014), some of the symptoms associated with GERD include a “regular heartburn, a painful, burning feeling in the middle of your chest, behind your breastbone, and in the middle of your abdomen.” The 46-year-old male in this case presents the very same symptoms. In essence, the symptoms that the patient presents are as a consequence of the flow-back stomach contents/stomach from his stomach into his esophagus. Given that this is something that has been happening over the past couple of months, the lining of his esophagus is irritated – hence the need for immediate medical attention to ease symptoms. The differential……



Fisichella, P.M., Allaix, M.E., Morino, M. & Patti, M.G. (Eds.). (2014). Esophageal Diseases: Evaluation and Treatment. New York, NY: Springer.

Lacy, B.E. & Patel, B.K. (2017). Rome Criteria and a Diagnostic Approach to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. J Clin Med., 6(11), 95-101.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases – NIDDK (2014). Symptoms & Causes of GER & GERD. Retrieved from https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/acid-reflux-ger-gerd-adults/symptoms-causes

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases – NIDDK (2019). Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Retrieved from  https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/irritable-bowel-syndrome 

National Cancer Institute (2019). NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms. Retrieved from  https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/benign-prostatic-hypertrophy 


Study Document Study Document

The Importance Of A Healthy Lifestyle For College Students

Pages: 5 (1604 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:70686927

...Obesity Review of Chapter One from Introduction to Wellness, Fitness, and Lifestyle Management
As the nation continues to struggle to recover from the ongoing Covid-19 virus pandemic, the concept of wellness has assumed new importance and relevance. Furthermore, until just a century or so ago, humans were far less concerned about the concept of wellness over the lifespan simply because they died much younger than most people do today. In sharp contrast, though, children born today have a reasonably good chance of living into their hundreds, assuming the current pandemic is resolved in the foreseeable future. Against this backdrop, it is important to develop a better understanding concerning the fundamental factors that contribute to human wellness. To this end, the purpose of this paper is to provide a systematic review of chapter one from Introduction to Wellness, Fitness and Lifestyle Management. Following the review, a summary of the research and key……



Hermon, D. A. & Davis, G. A. (2009, Spring). College student wellness: A comparison between traditional- and nontraditional-age students. Journal of College Counseling, 7(1), 32-36.

Holland, D. & Wheeler, H. (2016, Fall). College student stress and mental health: Examination of stigmatic views on mental health counseling. Michigan Sociological Review, 30, 16-21.

Introduction to wellness, fitness, and lifestyle management.

Seat belts overview (2020). Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Retrieved from  https://www.iihs.org/topics/seat-belts .

Walsh, B. (2015, Spring). America\\\\\\'s evolution toward wellness. Generations, 39(1), 23-26.


Study Document Study Document

Transgender The Behaviors Acts And Transitions

Pages: 12 (3516 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:31099543

...Obesity Transgender- The Behaviors and Acts Leading up to a Transition
Transgender, as a terminology, alludes to individuals whose sense of their gender is different from what would be anticipated based on the sex individualities that they are naturally born with. A transgender individual may identify as a trans woman, which means a person who has a self-concept that is female, with the endeavor to or has transitioned to living as a woman after being born with male genitalia. On the other hand, an individual who identifies as a trans man implies having a male self-concept despite being born with female genitalia. Furthermore, an individual who is non-binary does not identify stringently as a woman or a man (Sangganjanavanich, 2016).
Starting as early as a child, a transgender individual may have continuous and perpetual feelings of gender dysphoria. This refers to a detachment between the individual's primary as well as……



Bockting, W. O., Miner, M. H., Swinburne Romine, R. E., Hamilton, A., & Coleman, E. (2013). Stigma, mental health, and resilience in an online sample of the US transgender population. American journal of public health, 103(5), 943-951.

Bockting, W., Coleman, E., Deutsch, M. B., Guillamon, A., Meyer, I., Meyer III, W., ... & Ettner, R. (2016). Adult development and quality of life of transgender and gender-nonconforming people. Current opinion in endocrinology, diabetes, and obesity, 23(2), 188.

Catelan, R. F., Costa, A. B., & Lisboa, C. S. D. M. (2017). Psychological interventions for transgender persons: a scoping review. International Journal of Sexual Health, 29(4), 325-337.

Divan, V., Cortez, C., Smelyanskaya, M., & Keatley, J. (2016). Transgender social inclusion and equality: a pivotal path to development. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 19, 20803.

Drydakis, N. (2020). Trans People, Transitioning, Mental Health, Life, and Job Satisfaction. Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, 1-22.

Glynn, T. R., & van den Berg, J. J. (2017). A systematic review of interventions to reduce problematic substance use among transgender individuals: A call to action. Transgender Health, 2(1), 45-59.

Grossman, A. H., Haney, A. P., Edwards, P., Alessi, E. J., Ardon, M., & Howell, T. J. (2009). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth talk about experiencing and coping with school violence: A qualitative study. Journal of LGBT Youth, 6(1), 24-46.

Jellestad, L., Jäggi, T., Corbisiero, S., Schaefer, D. J., Jenewein, J., Schneeberger, A., ... & Garcia Nuñez, D. (2018). Quality of life in transitioned trans persons: a retrospective cross-sectional cohort study. BioMed research international, 2018.


Study Document Study Document

Effectiveness Of In Home Monitoring Of CHF Patients

Pages: 9 (2655 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:76857727

...Obesity How Does the Use of In-home Monitoring for CHF Impact Re-hospitalization Rates?
Impact on In-home Monitoring for CHF on Re-hospitalization Rates
Congestive heart failure (CHF) is one of the major cardiovascular diseases with high global incidence and prevalence in the United States. While numerous advances in evidence-based medical therapy continues to occur, congestive heart failure remains a major problem as it results in significant burden of mortality, morbidity, and costs. The United States has a prevalence of 5.8 million individuals with the condition and more than 960,000 cases annually. It is estimated that approximately one million hospitalizations linked to congestive heart failure occur annually. Most of these hospitalizations arise from worsened congestion among already diagnosed patients. The United States spends approximately $32.7 billion on congestive heart failure annually. Martirosyan et al. (2017) states that readmission rates for this condition remain high as nearly 20% of patients are readmitted within 30……



Bashi, N., Karunanithi, M., Fatehi, F., Ding, H. & Walters, D. (2017, January). Remote Monitoring of Patients with Heart Failure: An Overview of Systematic Reviews. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(1). DOI: 10.2196/jmir.6571

Conn, N.J., Schwarz, K.Q. & Borkholder, D.A. (2019). In-Home Cardiovascular Monitoring System for Heart Failure: Comparative Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 7(1). DOI: 10.2196/12419

Gonzalo, A. (2019, August 22). Nola Pender: Health Promotion Model. Retrieved May 18, 2020, from  https://nurseslabs.com/nola-pender-health-promotion-model/ 

Idris, S., Degheim, G., Ghalayini, W., Larsen, T.R., Nejad, D. & David, S. (2015). Home Telemedicine in Heart Failure: A Pilot Study of Integrated Telemonitoring and Virtual Provider Appointments. Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, 16(2), 156-162.

Khodaveisi, M., Omidi, A., Farokhi, S. & Soltanian, A.R. (2017, April). The Effect of Pender’s Health Promotion Model in Improving the Nutritional Behavior of Overweight and Obese Women. International Journal of Community-based Nursing and Midwifery, 5(2), 165-174.

Kohn, M. S., Haggard, J., Kreindler, J., Birkeland, K., Kedan, L., Zimmer, R., & Khandwalla, R. (2017). Implementation of a home monitoring system for heart failure patients: A feasibility study. JMIR Res Protoc, 6(3). DOI: 10.2196/resprot.5744

Martirosyan, M., Caliskan, K., Theuns, D., & Szili-Torok, T. (2017). Remote monitoring of heart failure: Benefits for therapeutic decision making. Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy, 15(7), 503-515. DOI: 10.1080/14779072.2017.1348229

Ong et al. (2016, March). Effectiveness of Remote Patient Monitoring After Discharge of Hospitalized Patients with Heart Failure. JAMA Internal Medicine, 176(3), 310-318.


Study Document Study Document

Diabetes Diagnosis And Plan Of Care

Pages: 3 (753 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:55505580

...Obesity Diagnosis and Plan of Care
The patient’s blood pressure in this case (i.e. 148/92) could be described as elevated. Further, the patient’s blood sugar (at 154 mg/dl) is high. It has also been indicated that the patient in this particular case has a BMI of 37 and waist of 42 inches. In basic terms, a person with a BMI of above 30 is considered obese. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (2019), “the higher your BMI, the higher your risk for certain diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes.” Also, in as far as waist circumference is concerned, the patient’s waist size is 40 in this case. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (2019) points out that men who have a waist size exceeding 40 are at an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. It is also important to……



National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (2019). Assessing Your Weight and Health Risk. Retrieved from  https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/risk.htm 

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (2017). Type 2 Diabetes. Retrieved from https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/diabetes/overview/what-is-diabetes/type-2-diabetes

Nordstrom, A., Hadrevi, J., Olsson, T., Franks, P.W. & Nordstrom, P. (2016). Higher Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes in Men Than in Women Is Associated With Differences in Visceral Fat Mass. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 101(10), 3740-3746.

Schilling W.H. & Crook M.A. (2014). Cutaneous Stigmata Associated With Insulin Resistance and Increased Cardiovascular Risk. Int J Dermatol, 53, 1062-1069.


Study Document Study Document

Telemedicine And Its Impact On Patient Care

Pages: 11 (3241 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:26347879

...Obesity Telemedicine: How does it impact patient care?
The modern health care system is better and considerably more complex than what the situation previously was a decade and several decades ago. According to various researchers, the modern health care system is a managed one, and it widely uses technology in contrast to previous health care systems (Conklin, 2002). The many uses of technology in the modern health care system include the use of technology for diagnosis, for minimally invasive treatments, and better monitoring of vital signs and other signs. Moreover, technology is now also being used to consult with medical experts from all over the world remotely. This has led to improved healthcare and has enhanced patent experience.
Furthermore, many mobile applications have been invented to help both patients and doctors specifically. Moreover, they are not only helping patients recover but also improving their quality of life (Tiago et al.,……



Meyers, A. J., Pontarelli, E., Dutta, S. K., Grinberg, G., & Yenumula, P. R. (2018). Telemedicine Follow-up After Bariatric Surgery. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, 14(11), S168.

Tiago, M. T. B., Tiago, F., Amaral, F. E. B., & Silva, S. (2016). Healthy 3.0: Healthcare digital dimensions. In Reshaping medical practice and care with health information systems (pp. 287-322). IGI Global.

Conklin, T. P. (2002). Health care in the United States: An evolving system. Michigan Family Review, 7(1).

Board on Health Care Services; Institute of Medicine. (2012). \\\\\\\\\\\\"3The Evolution of Telehealth: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?\\\\\\\\\\\\" in The Role of Telehealth in an Evolving Health Care Environment: Workshop Summary. National Academies Press, Washington (DC).

Sada, A., Asaad, M., Reidt, W. S., Kellogg, T. A., Kendrick, M. L., McKenzie, T. J., & Habermann, E. B. (2019). Are In-Person Post-operative Clinic Visits Necessary to Detect Complications Among Bariatric Surgery Patients?. Obesity Surgery, 1-4.

Krupka, D. C., Sandberg, W. S., & Weeks, W. B. (2012). The impact on hospitals of reducing surgical complications suggests many will need shared savings programs with payers. Health Affairs, 31(11), 2571-2578.

Fasano, P. (2013). Transforming health care: The financial impact of technology, electronic tools, and data mining. John Wiley & Sons.

Burch, S., Gray, D., & Sharp, J. (2017). The power and potential of telehealth what health systems should know: proposed legislation in Congress offers the promise that the nation\\\\\\\\\\\\'s healthcare policy will support the expansion of telehealth, allowing hospitals and health systems to fully realize the benefits of this important emerging approach to care. Healthcare Financial Management, 71(2), 46-50.


Study Document Study Document

Design And Implementation Of Collaborative Care Model

Pages: 10 (2940 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:59073521

… community members, it is vital that the community get appropriate health care and health care professionals should be able to address the increasing obesity rates within the community. A majority of the community members do not have medical insurance and they work odd jobs. Others do not ……



LaBelle, C. T., Han, S. C., Bergeron, A., & Samet, J. H. (2016). Office-based opioid treatment with buprenorphine (OBOT-B): statewide implementation of the Massachusetts collaborative care model in community health centers. Journal of substance abuse treatment, 60, 6-13.

Overbeck, G., Kousgaard, M. B., & Davidsen, A. S. (2018). The work and challenges of care managers in the implementation of collaborative care: A qualitative study. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing, 25(3), 167-175.

Sanchez, K. (2017). Collaborative care in real-world settings: barriers and opportunities for sustainability. Patient preference and adherence, 11, 71.

Smith, S. N., Almirall, D., Prenovost, K., Liebrecht, C., Kyle, J., Eisenberg, D., . . . Kilbourne, A. M. (2019). Change in Patient Outcomes After Augmenting a Low-level Implementation Strategy in Community Practices That are Slow to Adopt a Collaborative Chronic Care Model: A Cluster Randomized Implementation Trial. Medical Care.

Unützer, J., Harbin, H., Schoenbaum, M., & Druss, B. (2013). The collaborative care model: An approach for integrating physical and mental health care in Medicaid health homes. HEALTH HOME, Information Resource Center, 1-13.

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