Study Document
… services provided (ACSQHC, 2019). However, despite the existence of these standards and several other measures, clinical and professional issues still occur in the nursing world resulting in health service consumers being harmed or negatively impacting the quality of health care services being offered (Government of Western Australia, … of this essay is to outline an issue that touches on medication safety and to subsequently analyse its legal, ethical, delegation, teamwork, conflict management, and clinical leadership contexts.
The Issue
In a simulation class, a student and a registered nurse were providing care to a patient that … what happened (Ben Natan, Sharon, Mahajna, & Mahajna, 2017). Lack of consistency in medication administration can negatively impact both the patient and the nursing team (Davies et al., 2019).
Impact of the issue on the nursing team.
Quite a number of factors can compromise medication safety and negatively impact the nursing team. In……
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Bogossian, F., Cooper, S., Kelly, M., Levett-Jones, T., McKenna, L., Slark, J., & Seaton, P. (2018). Best practice in clinical simulation education, are we there yet? A cross-sectional survey of simulation in Australian and New Zealand pre-registration nursing education. Collegian, 25(3), 327-334. doi:10.1016/j.colegn.2017.09.003
Claffey, C. (2018). Near-miss medication errors provide a wake-up call. Nursing, 48(1), 53-55. doi:10.1097/01.NURSE.0000527615.45031.9e
Davies, K. M., Coombes, I. D., Keogh, S., & Whitfield, K. M. (2019). Medication administration evaluation tool design: An expert panel review. Collegian, 26(1), 118-124. doi:10.1016/j.colegn.2018.05.001
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Study Document
...Nursing management Nurse practitioners play a crucial role in the modern healthcare system given their responsibilities in administering patient care. One of the critical components in the delivery of healthcare services in the modern healthcare setting is collaboration between different stakeholders. Modern healthcare environments and settings are characterized by the establishment of a multidisciplinary team that provides patient care. Consequently, nurse practitioners are required to collaborate with others, particularly physicians in their respective roles in the care delivery process. Stewart & DeNisco (2019) states that collaboration among healthcare providers or clinicians is based on shared goals and decision making, mutual relationships, and use of collective knowledge of all stakeholders involved in the care process.
Collaboration with physicians has tremendous impacts on the practice and job satisfaction for nurse practitioners. The collaboration changes the practice of nurse practitioners by shifting their focus to patient-care, holistic care. When collaborating with physicians, nurse practitioners help……
Dillon, D. & Hoyson, P.M. (2014, January). Beginning Employment: A Guide for the New Nurse Practitioner. The Journal of Nurse Practitioners, 10(1), 55-59.
Stewart, J.G. & DeNisco, S.M. (2019). Role of development for the nurse practitioner (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Study Document
Education Plan for Nurse Burnout at North Mountain Medical
The current issue at North Mountain Medical is nursing burnout, which is caused by various factors including inadequate staffing, increased workload, long working hours, poor working environment, and inadequate time to complete … environment, and inadequate time to complete a task effectively. The proposed change project to address this issue is an educational plan that targets nursing burnout, particularly workplace stress management. In this regard, the practicum education project focuses on training nurses at North Mountain Medical on nursing burnout, particularly workplace stress management. Through the insights obtained from this course, nurses in this facility will be able to implement evidence-based strategies on workplace stress management and preventing/dealing with nursing burnout.
Learning Objectives or Outcomes
As shown in the educational plan in Appendix A, this practicum education project seeks to accomplish three major … of Bloom’s Taxonomy i.e. knowledge and comprehension.……
Howe, D. (2018). Evidence-Based Education Program to Reduce Nurse Manager Burnout. Retrieved from Walden University website:
Hunt, P.A., Denieffe, S. & Gooney, M. (2017, March 8). Burnout and It’s Relationship to Empathy in Nursing: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Research in Nursing, 22(1-2), 7-22.
Khouri, R. (2011, June 29). Impact of an Educational Program on Nursing Students’ Caring and Self-Perception in Intensive Clinical Training in Jordan. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 2, 173-185.
Mudallal, R.H., Othman, W.M. & Al Hassan, N.F. (2017, December). Nurses’ Burnout: The Influence of Leader Empowering Behaviors, Work Conditions, and Demographic Traits. Inquiry, 54. doi: 10.1177/0046958017724944
Rushton, C.H., Batcheller, J., Schroeder, K. & Donohue, P. (2015, September). Burnout and Resilience Among Nurse Practicing in High-intensity Settings. American Journal of Critical Care, 24(5), 412-421.
Study Document
… collective bargaining that aims to improve personnel working conditions, hours, benefits, and wages (Full Beaker, 2017). When it comes to the field of nursing, unions work more rigorously in the event of a dearth of nursing staff, as nursing practitioners do not wish to jeopardize their jobs in a period of job scarcity (Marquis & Huston, 2017).
I am a cardiac nurse … cardiac nurse employed at XYZ hospital. In my workplace, unions have a central part to play. Union involvement in our hospital system benefits nursing staff as well as the overall healthcare system. Unions’ presence improves job security, wages, salary rise, education reimbursement working conditions, and seniority advantages, … one; however, every nurse is capable of learning to lead within the bounds of his/ her role. A union’s presence would influence how nursing leaders communicate with subordinates (i.e., nursing staff). nursing leaders possess skills like conflict management/……
Dube, A., Kaplan, E., & Thompson, O. (2016). Nurses Unions and patient outcomes. ILR Review, 69(4), 803–833. DOI: 10.1177/0019793916644251.
Full Beaker. (2017). Should I join a nurses union? Pros and cons. Retrieved from
Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C.J. (2017). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (9th ed). Philadelphia: LWW.
Study Document
Literature Review for Capstone Project
In the management of type 2 diabetes (T2D), medication adherence is a crucial issue. One of the strategies to ensure medication adherence among T2D patients is … that analysis eight literature materials.
A comparison of research questions
In all the articles, the research questions incorporate the aspect of nonadherence to medication/management strategies, however, there are varying aspects in the details of each research question. In Costa et al. (2015), the study focused on chronic … to education. Guo et al. (2019) recommend that future research should include multiple sites, longer follow-up periods, and measurement of the burden on nursing staff. Supachaipanichpong et al. (2018) recommend that future research should focus on the effect of the intervention on blood glucose levels, different populations, ……
Balducci, S., D’Errico, V., Haxhi, J., Sacchetti, M., Orlando, G., Cardelli, P., ... & Lucisano, G. (2019). Effect of a Behavioral Intervention Strategy on Sustained Change in Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: The IDES_2 Randomized Clinical Trial. Jama, 321(9), 880-890.
Costa, E., Giardini, A., Savin, M., Menditto, E., Lehane, E., Laosa, O., ... & Marengoni, A. (2015). Interventional tools to improve medication adherence: review of literature. Patient preference and adherence, 9, 1303.
Guo, Z., Liu, J., Zeng, H., He, G., Ren, X., & Guo, J. (2019). Feasibility and efficacy of nurse-led team management intervention for improving the self-management of type 2 diabetes patients in a Chinese community: a randomized controlled trial. Patient preference and adherence, 13, 1353.
Johansen, M. Y., MacDonald, C. S., Hansen, K. B., Karstoft, K., Christensen, R., Pedersen, M., ... & Iepsen, U. W. (2017). Effect of an intensive lifestyle intervention on glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized clinical trial. Jama, 318(7), 637-646.
Mohd, M. M. A. H., Phung, H., Sun, J., & Morisky, D. E. (2016). Improving adherence to medication in adults with diabetes in the United Arab Emirates. BMC public health, 16(1), 857.
Sapkota, S., Brien, J. A., Greenfield, J., & Aslani, P. (2015). A systematic review of interventions addressing adherence to anti-diabetic medications in patients with type 2 diabetes—impact on adherence. PloS one, 10(2), e0118296.
Supachaipanichpong, P., Vatanasomboon, P., Tansakul, S., & Chumchuen, P. (2018). An Education Intervention for Medication Adherence in Uncontrolled Diabetes in Thailand. Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research, 22(2), 144-155.
Whitehead, L. C., Crowe, M. T., Carter, J. D., Maskill, V. R., Carlyle, D., Bugge, C., & Frampton, C. M. (2017). A nurse?led education and cognitive behaviour therapy?based intervention among adults with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes: A randomised controlled trial. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 23(4), 821-829.
Study Document
Current Issue in nursing: nursing Shortage
nursing quality and adequate staffing are intertwined. Adequate levels of nurses, lower nurse to patient ratios, and also more highly trained nurses are associated … lower-cost and superior patient outcomes, to hire more nurses as healthcare staffing makes up as much as 40% of all intuitional operating costs (“nursing Shortage,” 2019).
The attempt to cut costs by reducing staff levels reflects an unfortunately misguided view of the value of the nursing profession. It also reflects a misguided view of an aging patient population which increasingly consists of patients with multiple chronic conditions, many of … aging patient population which increasingly consists of patients with multiple chronic conditions, many of which must be managed with long-term care and guidance. nursing has gained respect a profession within the healthcare industry as a whole, as more nurses are performing functions once filled by physicians, but … loads……
ANA health care economist Peter McMenamin on the nursing shortage outlook. (2019). Nursing
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Crawford, C. (2019). Addition of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses to the trauma team: An integrated systematic review of literature. Journal of Trauma Nursing. 26(3):141–146,
Gillespie, G. L., Grubb, P. L., Brown, K., Boesch, M. C., & Ulrich, D. (2017). ‘Nurses eat their young:’ A novel bullying educational program for student nurses. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 7(7), 11–21. doi:10.5430/jnep.v7n7P11
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Study Document
… of the group before the desires of the individual. Nurses can use and understand culture by utilizing models like Leininger’s transcultural model of nursing, by adopting a patient-centered care strategy, or simply by developing their cultural competencies. In doing so, nurses can promote safe, effective, and quality ……
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Study Document
According to a study by Aiken (et al., 2017), there is a direct correlation between a more highly skilled nursing workforce and lower patient mortality, higher patient satisfaction, better quality of care, patient safety, and a reduced rate of other poor medical outcomes. … are interesting, because despite the fact that different nations have different educational standards for their nurses, the link between quality of care and nursing skills was consistent. This is significant for the study of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) given that the United States as well as … specific conditions like COPD and the types of skills and educational credentials associated with lower readmission rates, fewer acute episodes, and better patient management of the condition upon discharge.
Aiken, L.H., Sloane, D., Griffiths, P., Rafferty, A., Bruynee, L., McHugh, M. …Sermeus, W. (et al., 2017). … of the condition upon discharge.
Aiken, L.H., Sloane, D.,……
Aiken, L.H., Sloane, D., Griffiths, P., Rafferty, A., Bruynee, L., McHugh, M. …Sermeus, W. (et al., 2017). Nursing skill mix in European hospitals: cross-sectional study of the association with mortality, patient ratings, and quality of care. BMJ Quality & Safety, 26:559-568.
Study Document
… differential diagnoses include pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and thyroid dysfunction. Nonetheless, the therapeutic plan for the patient will focus on the treatment and management of PCOS, which is the most likely diagnosis. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions will be used to help the patient manage the condition. She ……
Lanzo, E., Monge, M. & Trent, M. (2015, September). Diagnosis and Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Adolescent Girl. Pediatric Annals, 44(9), e223-e230. Retrieved from
Lua, A.C.Y., How, C.H. & King, T.F.J. (2018, November). Managing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Primary Care. Singaporean Medical Journal, 59(11), 567-571. Retrieved from
Williams, T., Mortada, R. & Porter, S. (2016, July 15). Diagnosis and Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. American Family Physician, 94(2), 106-113. Retrieved from
Study Document
… for patients experiencing illness and seeking treatment. The role of the nurse is complex, requiring effectiveness, efficiency, compassion, and understanding. Some aspects of nursing science involve research and use of evidence-based practice to provide the high quality and safety standards patients deserve. How are quality and safety … deserve. How are quality and safety measures adopted and implemented? This essays aims to look at the role quality and safety play in nursing science using a contemporary example, and seeing how real world strategies aim to test and assess standards of care to deliver the positive … into real-world application of quality and safety measures, one can determine the process from cultivation of concepts, implementation, and assessment.
Quality measures in nursing science
Often a good way to understand if a patient is experiencing a high quality of care is through patient outcomes and patient … quality of care…” (Lood et……
Brasait?, I., Kaunonen, M., Martink?nas, A., Mockien?, V., & Suominen, T. (2016). Health care professionals’ skills regarding patient safety. Medicina, 52(4), 250-256. doi:10.1016/j.medici.2016.05.004
Jones, T. L., Hamilton, P., & Murry, N. (2015). Unfinished nursing care, missed care, and implicitly rationed care: State of the science review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(6), 1121-1137. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2015.02.012
Lood, Q., Kirkevold, M., Sjögren, K., Bergland, Å., Sandman, P., & Edvardsson, D. (2019). Associations between person?centred climate and perceived quality of care in nursing homes: A cross?sectional study of relatives’ experiences. Journal of Advanced Nursing. doi:10.1111/jan.14011
Murray, M., Sundin, D., & Cope, V. (2017). New graduate registered nurses’ knowledge of patient safety and practice: A literature review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(1-2), 31-47. doi:10.1111/jocn.13785
Sahlström, M., Partanen, P., Rathert, C., & Turunen, H. (2016). Patient participation in patient safety still missing: Patient safety experts\\' views. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 22(5), 461-469. doi:10.1111/ijn.12476
Smeds-Alenius, L., Tishelman, C., Lindqvist, R., Runesdotter, S., & McHugh, M. D. (2016). RN assessments of excellent quality of care and patient safety are associated with significantly lower odds of 30-day inpatient mortality: A national cross-sectional study of acute-care hospitals. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 61, 117-124. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2016.06.005
Tobiano, G., Marshall, A., Bucknall, T., & Chaboyer, W. (2015). Patient participation in nursing care on medical wards: An integrative review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(6), 1107-1120. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2015.02.010
Twigg, D. E., Pugh, J. D., Gelder, L., & Myers, H. (2016). Foundations of a nursing-sensitive outcome indicator suite for monitoring public patient safety in Western Australia. Collegian, 23(2), 167-181. doi:10.1016/j.colegn.2015.03.007
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