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Evidence-Based Programs and Practices in psychological health
Numerous years of research and studies in clinical psychology have illustrated that how individuals process received information, particularly with an attentional bias (AB) to scary information as well as bias in negatively … plays a huge part in the start and maintenance of depression and anxiety (Hughes at al., 2016). There is a growing interest in health psychology in the application of these experimental techniques to evaluate possible cognitive processing prejudices in health conditions like chronic pain, irritable bowel syndrome, cancer, and chronic fatigue syndrome together with health behaviors like smoking, eating, and alcohol abuse. Experimental studies in these fields could inform hypothetical development by allowing access to types and levels … inform hypothetical development by allowing access to types and levels of information and data processing that might underpin unhelpful disease representation and manipulate health behaviors. Therefore, this paper is a……
Australian Psychological Society. (2010). Evidence?based psychological interventions in the treatment of mental disorders: A literature review. Victoria: Australian Psychological Association.
Barth, J., Munder, T., Gerger, H., Nüesch, E., Trelle, S., Znoj, H., ... & Cuijpers, P. (2016). Comparative efficacy of seven psychotherapeutic interventions for patients with depression: a network meta-analysis. Focus, 14(2), 229-243.
Castelnuovo, G. (2017). New and old adventures of clinical health psychology in the twenty-first century: standing on the shoulders of giants. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 1214.
Hofmann, S. G., Asnaani, A., Vonk, I. J., Sawyer, A. T., & Fang, A. (2012). The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy: A review of meta-analyses. Cognitive therapy and research, 36(5), 427-440.
Hughes, A. M., Gordon, R., Chalder, T., Hirsch, C. R., & Moss?Morris, R. (2016). Maximizing the potential impact of experimental research into cognitive processes in health psychology: A systematic approach to material development. British journal of health psychology, 21(4), 764-780.
Kirkham, J. G., Choi, N., & Seitz, D. P. (2016). Meta?analysis of problem solving therapy for the treatment of major depressive disorder in older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 31(5), 526-535.
Lenz, A. S., Hall, J., & Bailey Smith, L. (2016). Meta-analysis of group mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for decreasing symptoms of acute depression. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 41(1), 44-70.
Linde, K., Rücker, G., Sigterman, K., Jamil, S., Meissner, K., Schneider, A., & Kriston, L. (2015). Comparative effectiveness of psychological treatments for depressive disorders in primary care: network meta-analysis. BMC family practice, 16(1), 103.
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… the scientific knowledge base
The research work adds to the literature on the subject through examining the issue of patient participation in the health-related decision?making process in the course of primary care team interactions with patients and their informal caregivers within the primary patient care setting. Here, … produces cumulative knowledge through developing, refining, and even sometimes replacing theories.
This study by Doekhie and colleagues (2018) will add significant value to health practice as well as the relevant knowledge pool. It offers salient details on public health initiatives and measures, care patterns, and health implementation from the point of view of a few of the sector’s key stakeholders, namely, practitioners, patients, and informal caregivers. Hence, this research … and vaccine usage. Lastly, it is imperative to document and evaluate clinical practice experiences for developing best practice guidelines and guaranteeing superior quality health delivery for patients.
health sector policies in……
Brook, R. H., & Vaiana, M. E. (2015). Using the knowledge base of health services research to redefine health care systems. Journal of general internal medicine, 30(10), 1547-1556.
Cutcliffe, J. R., & McKenna, H. P. (1999). Establishing the credibility of qualitative research findings: the plot thickens. Journal of advanced nursing, 30(2), 374-380.
Doekhie, K. D., Strating, M. M., Buljac?Samardzic, M., van de Bovenkamp, H. M., & Paauwe, J. (2018). The different perspectives of patients, informal caregivers, and professionals on patient involvement in primary care teams. A qualitative study. Health Expectations, 21(6), 1171-1182.
Eccles, M., Grimshaw, J., Walker, A., Johnston, M., & Pitts, N. (2005). Changing the behavior of healthcare professionals: the use of theory in promoting the uptake of research findings. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 58(2), 107-112.
Leedy, P.D. & Ormrod, J. E. (2019). Practical research: Planning and design, 12th edition. Pearson Education, Hudson Street, NY.
Sanjari, M., Bahramnezhad, F., Fomani, F. K., Shoghi, M., & Cheraghi, M. A. (2014). Ethical challenges of researchers in qualitative studies: The necessity to develop a specific guideline. Journal of medical ethics and history of medicine, 7.
Swan, J., Clarke, A., Nicolini, D., Powell, J., Scarbrough, H., Roginski, C., ... & Taylor-Phillips, S. (2012). Evidence in Management Decisions (EMD): advancing knowledge utilization in healthcare management.
Thomas, D. R. (2017). Feedback from research participants: are member checks useful in qualitative research?. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 14(1), 23-41.
Study Document
Question 1
What differentiated the control group from the two experimental groups and the two experimental groups from each other?
The aim of ……
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Study Document
Several ethical issues, dilemmas, and problems apply to various aspects of psychology, including educational and scientific practices. The expansive body of literature on ethical issues shows that ethical issues are normally multifaceted and usually pose … intellectual challenges to psychologists. Furthermore, every psychologist can act unethically and harm their clients. In brief, ethics is important in the field of psychology, for it guides psychologists and various aspects of the field they are married to.
Ethics, as a field, emerged from the inquiries about … dignity, and the documentation of the research designs, other information, and results (Walsh, 2015). This paper examines the important role of ethics in psychology, especially on research.
Role of Ethics in the Use of Others' Research
It is important to follow ethical norms, particularly in research, for … standards and values (Simelane-Mnisi, 2018).
Finally, ethical standards are important in research because they encourage social and……
Hardicre, J. (2014). An overview of research ethics and learning from the past. British Journal of Nursing, 23(9), 483-486.
Kjellström, S., Ross, S. N., & Fridlund, B. (2010). Research ethics in dissertations: ethical issues and complexity of reasoning. Journal of medical ethics, 36(7), 425-430.
Simelane-Mnisi, S. (2018). Role and importance of ethics in research. Ensuring research integrity and the ethical management of data (pp. 1-13). IGI Global.
Smith, D. (2003). Five principles for research ethics. Monitor on Psychology, 34(1), 56.
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Walsh, R. T. (2015). Introduction to ethics in psychology: Historical and philosophical grounding. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 35(2), 69.
Study Document
All mental health professionals will be working in a team or group environment at some point, even if they have established themselves in a private practice … and COUN 6250: Group Process and Dynamic, have provided insight and opportunities to learn most of the essential skills and competencies for mental health practice. Not only do these courses help mental health professionals build their group counseling skills and understand group dynamics better, they also prepare us for working with teams of other professionals whose … to become more self-aware and critical of my own responses to potentially adverse situations. Journaling about my experiences helped me to recognize the health or dysfunctional patterns in the way I respond to group members. Most importantly, I developed the confidence and leadership skills that will allow … importantly, I developed the confidence and leadership skills that will allow me to effectively serve clients and work……
Brown, K.S., Janousek, T. & Ashley, J.L. (2016). Family counseling. Encyclopedia of family studies.
Study Document
… a holistic view of the human psyche that provided a necessary counterpoint to the fragmented, reductionist, and structuralist views that prevailed in research psychology. Gestalt therapy emerged after blending the principles of Gestalt with the goals of psychotherapy. In particular, Gestalt therapists like Frederick “Fritz” Perls used … of contact between individuals who are connected in an integrated social network. Group therapy and art therapy are also methods used in Gestalt psychology.
Although the phrase may seem out of vogue, Gestalt psychology underwrites a lot of contemporary psychotherapies and therapeutic interventions, particularly those with a humanistic outlook. Gestalt psychology started off with firm empirical grounding in the science of perception and cognition, and then merged with prevailing psychotherapies to become an integrated … that promotes self-awareness, self-empowerment, and acceptance.
Origin and History of Gestalt
In 1912, Max Wertheimer offered a new paradigm for the field of psychology. Reacting against……
Brownell, P. (2016). Contemporary Gestalt therapy. In D. J. Cain, K. Keenan, & S. Rubin (Eds.), Humanistic psychotherapies: Handbook of research and practice (p. 219–250). American Psychological Association.
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Covey, G. (2017). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy, enhanced, 10th edition. Cengage.
Jacobs, L. (1989). Dialogue in Gestalt theory and therapy. The Gestalt Journal 12(1): 1-25. Retrieved from:
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Oaklander, V. (1994). Gestalt play therapy. In O’Connor, K.J. & Schaefer, C.E. (Eds.). Handbook of play therapy. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 143-156.
Rock, I. & Palmer, S. (1990). The legacy of Gestalt psychology. Scientific American 263(6): 84-91.
Yontef, G. & Jacobs, L. (n.d.). Gestalt therapy. Retrieved from:
Study Document
… well- being serves as a key component of employee strategy. Of late, there has been considerable focus on this element, particularly in the health sector and with health workers. In western countries, the combination of an unappealing workplace atmosphere, work-linked stress, a shortage of practitioners, and an increasingly elderly population underscores … well as employee capability, requirements, culture, and extra- work-related personal aspects that might, based on experience and perception, have an impact on personnel health, workplace performance, and satisfaction. Thus, evaluating these facets might prove vital to preventing occupational ailments and fostering employee health.
Psychosocial elements and health problems. \"Psychosocial\" elements like stress, job control, resentment, depression, and despair appear to be linked to physical wellbeing, especially heart ailment. Adverse risk … to the above, the \"psychosocial hypothesis\" puts forward the idea that psychosocial components constitute a major source of inequities in the domain of health. Such components……
Cladellas, R., & Castelló, A. (2011). University Professors\\\\\\\\\\\\' Stress and Perceived State of Health in Relation to Teaching Schedules. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 9(23), 217–240.
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Fernandes, M., & Rocha, M. (2009). Impact of the psychosocial aspects of work on the quality of life of teachers. Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry, 31(1). Retrieved from
Goetz, K., Berger, S., Gavartina, A., Zaroti, S., & Szecsenyi, J. (2015). How psychosocial factors affect wellbeing of practice assistants at work in general medical care? – a questionnaire survey. BMC Fam Pract, 16, 166. DOI: 10.1186/s12875-015-0366-y
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Jardim, J., & Pereira, A. (2016). Perceived impact of lifelong training in teachers. Interacções, 31(42), 22–31.
Karasek, R., Baker, D., Marxer, F., Ahlbom, A., & Theorell, T. (1981). Job decision latitude, job demands, and cardiovascular disease: a prospective study of Swedish men. Am J Public Health, 71(7), 694-705.
Kessler, R. C., Andrews, G., Colpe, L. J., Hiripi, E., Mroczek, D. K., Normand, S. L. T., … Zaslavsky, A. M. (2002). Short screening scales to monitor population prevalences and trends in non-specific psychological distress. Psychological Medicine, 32(6), 959–976. Retrieved from
Study Document
Culture and health Nursing
Case Study: Jeannette
Treating patients appropriately demands that providers foster an environment in which patients can be candid about their health conditions. It should be viewed as a positive first step that Jeanette and her mother disclosed the fact that they have been using … only ineffective, but can be potentially dangerous, particularly if mixed with conventional medical treatments such as antidepressants (Kelak, Cheah, & Safii, 2018). Mental health issues such as posttraumatic stress disorder can be confusing and frightening for a family, and using traditional medicine may be comforting to people … aforementioned herbs) can be counterproductive and delay needed conventional medical treatment. Additionally, posttraumatic stress is a neurobiological issue as well as a mental health issue. Its symptoms can be extremely severe and involve unlearning ingrained fear-based responses. “PTSD was found to be associated with deficits in fear … behavior that cause the individual……
Abdallah, C. G., Averill, L. A., Akiki, T. J., Raza, M., Averill, C. L., Gomaa, H., Adikey, A., & Krystal, J. H. (2019). The neurobiology and pharmacotherapy of posttraumatic stress disorder. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 59, 171–189. Retrieved from:
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Kelak, J. A., Cheah, W. L., & Safii, R. (2018). Patient’s decision to disclose the use of traditional and complementary medicine to medical doctor: A descriptive phenomenology study. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Retrieved from:
Salagre, E., Dodd, S., Aedo, A., Rosa, A., Amoretti, S., Pinzon, J., Reinares, M., Berk, M., Kapczinski, F. P., Vieta, E., & Grande, I. (2018). Toward precision psychiatry in bipolar Disorder: Staging 2.0. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 641. Retrieved from:
Study Document
Adolescent choices can determine outcomes that emerge later in life. Setting aside congenital conditions that adversely affect adolescent physical or mental health, adolescents and young adults also face risks related to lifestyle choices. Those risk factors increase among some demographic cohorts, especially low- and middle-income … young adults also face risks related to lifestyle choices. Those risk factors increase among some demographic cohorts, especially low- and middle-income groups. Mental health is a major concern among adolescents and young adults, which is why numerous community-level task forces address these concerns. In fact, the American … and young adults, which is why numerous community-level task forces address these concerns. In fact, the American government’s Office of Disease Prevention and health Promotion (ODPHP, 2020) lists mental health disorders at the top of the list of concerns for adolescent population health.
In “Peer-facilitated community-based interventions for adolescent health in low-and middle-income countries,” Rose-Clarke, Bentley,……
ODPHP (2020). Adolescent health. Retrieved from:
Rose-Clarke, K., Bentley, A., Marston, C., & Prost, A. (2019). Peer-facilitated community-based interventions for adolescent health in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic review. PloS one, 14(1).
Study Document
… information
Presenting Problem:
The patient is a Caucasian female that is 29 years old. She presented the symptoms and signs of a mental health condition. Apart from having sleepless nights, she stated that she often felt sad, had crying spells almost daily, and that she was overeating. … felt as though she was a burden to her husband. She also acknowledged that she often thought about her family and her the health relationship between her and her mother.
She mentioned that she felt as if her situation become worse following her third child’s birth that … that she tries to be the best mother to them.
Depression DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria
The criteria has been chosen for diagnosing the mental health condition the patient is experiencing. DSM-5 lists the following criteria in making a depression diagnosis. The patient must experience more than five symptoms … analytical decision-making models including fast……
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. BMC Med, 17, 133-137.
Buntrock, C., Ebert, D. D., Lehr, D., Smit, F., Riper, H., Berking, M., & Cuijpers, P. (2016). Effect of a web-based guided self-help intervention for prevention of major depression in adults with subthreshold depression: a randomized clinical trial. Jama, 315(17), 1854-1863.
Davaasambuu, S., Aira, T., Hamid, P., Wainberg, M., & Witte, S. (2017). Risk and resilience factors for depression and suicidal ideation in Mongolian college students. Mental health & prevention, 5, 33.
Gilbert, P. (2016). Depression: The evolution of powerlessness. Routledge.
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Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. Macmillan.
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