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Advocacy in health care refers to the action of promoting and fostering social, economical, political and educational changes that reduce the risk of suffering of individuals … and fostering social, economical, political and educational changes that reduce the risk of suffering of individuals and communities by implementing preventive strategies, increasing health literacy, and boosting access to care and health equity (Earnest, Wong & Federico, 2010). health care advocacy agents can thus address health outcomes by advocating for changes to the current practices, environments, awareness, and access to care that populations face. This paper will discuss health care advocacy at the local, regional and international levels, the challenges and opportunities that exists in international health advocacy and the ways these challenges can be addressed.
How health Care Advocacy Agents Address health Outcomes
The role and purpose of advocacy in the health care delivery system is to help to better ensure……
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… the United States spends just about $40 billion on coffee annually. One of the key issues surrounding the consumption of coffee is the health benefits or risks that the commodity poses. The effects of coffee on the health of human beings are controversial. For the most part, there is a lot that has been said about coffee. On the one hand, … that can result in problems in people and cause sleep deprivation. Coffee is deemed to have both positive and negative effects on the health of human beings. The prevailing recommendations give the suggestion that a consumer should not drink more than 400 milligrams of caffeine on a … 75 percent of the population takes coffee (World Intellectual Property Organization, 2017). Notably, the production of this commodity largely takes place in the global South whereas the consumption of the commodity largely takes place in the global North. Statistics……
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Three key issues related to global inequality are health and social problems (such as education and social relationships), economic stability, and sustainability (Pickett, 2015). Inequality in nations correlates with higher mortality rates … problems (such as education and social relationships), economic stability, and sustainability (Pickett, 2015). Inequality in nations correlates with higher mortality rates and poorer health; social cohesion is typically lacking in unequal societies, education levels are lower, and there is little progress towards poverty reduction in unequal societies. … business leaders generally work together to achieve greater environmental care and implement sustainable practices to reduce their carbon footprint.
Some potential solutions to global inequality are to prevent the wealth gap from widening. This can be achieved by creating laws that prohibit Board members from enjoying lucrative … class from making millions while the working class earns less than a tenth of what their managers make.
It is important……
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health Insurance and Reimbursement
Medical Insurance Products and Services
health and medical insurance represent an insurance coverage form that disburses operation and clinical treatment expenditure incurred by those insured. Such insurance may either … organizations to their employees for attracting quality recruits (IMedPub, 2020). It constitutes one means by which individuals in different nations pay for their health needs. When individuals hailing from poor backgrounds without any financial risk protection get sick or injured, they encounter the following difficulty: they may … from poor backgrounds without any financial risk protection get sick or injured, they encounter the following difficulty: they may either make use of health services, further impoverishing themselves by financing these services, or may forego treatment, stay sick/injured, and risk not being able to function properly or … Regardless of the differences in funding and corporate structures in different nations, high-income nations currently witness an almost undisputed dedication……
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… well- being serves as a key component of employee strategy. Of late, there has been considerable focus on this element, particularly in the health sector and with health workers. In western countries, the combination of an unappealing workplace atmosphere, work-linked stress, a shortage of practitioners, and an increasingly elderly population underscores … well as employee capability, requirements, culture, and extra- work-related personal aspects that might, based on experience and perception, have an impact on personnel health, workplace performance, and satisfaction. Thus, evaluating these facets might prove vital to preventing occupational ailments and fostering employee health.
Psychosocial elements and health problems. \"Psychosocial\" elements like stress, job control, resentment, depression, and despair appear to be linked to physical wellbeing, especially heart ailment. Adverse risk … to the above, the \"psychosocial hypothesis\" puts forward the idea that psychosocial components constitute a major source of inequities in the domain of health. Such components……
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How health Policy Impacts APN
Explanation of how health policy can impact the advanced practice nurse profession
The role of APN is to provide primary, specialty, and acute care through assessment, diagnosis, … nurse profession
The role of APN is to provide primary, specialty, and acute care through assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of those who seek health services. health policies are meant to improve health services, and thus, they affect the APN profession. However, the specific effect of any policy depends on the specific policy (Taft & Nanna, … one of the policies that affected the APN profession was the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This act, at its core, was to provide health to the marginalized, to those with chronic sicknesses, and at the same time, more health from the hospital in favor of outpatient.
Because of the nature of the ACA, the APN profession was impacted through the increment……
Choi, P. P. (2015). Patient advocacy: the role of the nurse. Nursing Standard (2014+), 29(41), 52.
Flemming, P. L. (2017). Building a Climate of Change with a link through Transformational Leadership and Corporate Culture: A Management key to a Global Environment. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 7(1), 44-55.
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Study Document
One of the most significant challenges in health today is the shortage of health care workers, of all types. This shortage is noticed in wealthier countries, but those nations can import health workers from poorer countries, leaving the world’s least developed countries with the most significant shortages of health care workers (GHWN, 2015).
At the global level, human resources management for health care means attracting more people into the profession, finding ways to train them, and then ensuring that there is sufficient distribution of health care talent around the world. For any given organization, the precise challenges might be different, but there is opportunity to put some of … in shorter supply – are focused on the tasks that are very specific to their training.
Another challenge going forward is that the health care industry is changing rapidly. In particular, new technologies are changing both the types of health that……
GHWH (2015). Health #Workforce2030 [Video file]. Retrieved from (3:55)
Hayden, M. (2014). The Future of Healthcare: Where will we be in 2023? Retrieved from (6:54)
Study Document
… like never before that our human activities affect the biosphere, the environment, and in turn what happens in the environment affects our human health in a very intimately connected way” (Lila Films, 2011). It therefore follows that the continued emission of greenhouse gases does indeed threaten public … in a very intimately connected way” (Lila Films, 2011). It therefore follows that the continued emission of greenhouse gases does indeed threaten public health both in the short-run and in the long-term. For instance, the emission of greenhouse gases has been linked to the increase in global temperatures – which has in turn been linked to a higher prevalence of infectious diseases.
One effort of the federal government in as … the Clean Air Act. Retrieved from
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Lila Films (2011). American Public health Association: Environment [video file]. Retrieved from……
Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (2018). Events Leading to the Regulation of Greenhouse Gases Under the Clean Air Act. Retrieved from
Green America (2019). Coal: Why is it Dirty? Retrieved from
Lila Films (2011). American Public Health Association: Environment [video file]. Retrieved from
United States Environmental Protection Agency - EPA (2019). Summary of the Clean Air Act. Retrieved from
Study Document
Five future trends in Public Administration are 1) global interconnectedness and self-sufficiency; 2) changes to public health policy; 3) incorporation of advanced technology into administration; 4) more grassroots advocacy; and 5) emphasis on sustainability (Florida Tech, 2019). The first trend—the … policy; 3) incorporation of advanced technology into administration; 4) more grassroots advocacy; and 5) emphasis on sustainability (Florida Tech, 2019). The first trend—the global interconnectedness of public administrations and a focus at the same time on self-sufficiency—may seem like two diametrically opposed trends going in opposite directions, … a focus at the same time on self-sufficiency—may seem like two diametrically opposed trends going in opposite directions, but the reality is that global interconnectedness and self-sufficiency are compatible and public administrators in the future will need to realize how. First off, global is a fact of life in the modern world. The China-U.S. trade war is a perfect example……
Abiad, A. & Khatiwada, S. (2019). 5 ways technology is improving governance, public service delivery in developing Asia. Retrieved from
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Study Document
… not total re-development. The reason I say that is I have come to understood criminological theories that explain why crime happens, and mental health issues are a big part of the problem. It is almost to the point where crime has really become not a criminal justice … of the problem. It is almost to the point where crime has really become not a criminal justice problem but rather a mental health problem, as nearly half of all crimes are committed by people with a history of mental health issues (Evans Cuellar, McReynolds & Wasserman, 2006). Instead of getting the mental health treatment they need, these people become self-destructive, break laws because they have no real social bonds (i.e., social bond theory) or because their … slaves of corporations who pay pennies on the dollar for their labor (Pelaez, 2014). They are not rehabilitated. They do not receive mental……
Evans Cuellar, A., McReynolds, L. S., & Wasserman, G. A. (2006). A cure for crime: Can mental health treatment diversion reduce crime among youth?. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management: The Journal of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, 25(1), 197-214.
Pelaez, V. (2014). The prison industry in the United States: big business or a new form of slavery?. Global Research, 31, 1-2.
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