Ethical Issues Essays (Examples)


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Ethical Issues Conflicts Of Interest

Pages: 4 (1232 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:89213693

ethical issues
Conflicts of Interest
Conflict of interest emerges when an inividual in power uses their position to exploit situations to their advantage. For instance, … case of lawyers, incidents in which personal interest comes into conflict with that of the client amount to a conflict of interest(Kindregan, 1976).
ethical issues related to Conflict of Interest
The executive team in any organization is often faced with issues of ethical nature in complex and conflicting situations. The basis of conflict of interest is the social values structure and the standards of ethics in … is a problem when there is a conflict of interest, the bar for civilized people demands that society disapproves of the violation of ethical behavior and moral decorum (Pathranarakul, 2005).
Distrust of the judicial system
The genesis of societal distrust towards its institutions is anchored on a … of interest is, ideally, corruption. It is about using……



Alterio, E. (2011). From judicial comity to legal comity: A judicial solution to global disorder?I-CON, 9(2), 394-424. doi: 10.1093/icon/mor036

BrainMass. (2019). Correctional officer subculture: Ethics. Retrieved from 

Filgueiras, F. (2011).Transparência e controle da corrupção no Brasil. In: Corrupção e sistemapolítico no Brasil, edited by Leonardo Avritzer and Fernando Filgueiras. Rio de Janeiro: CivilizaçãoBrasileira.

Kindregan, C. (1975).Conflict of interest and the lawyer in civil practice. Retrieved from 

Legal Dictionary. (2018). Conflict of interest. Retrieved from 

Lilles, H. (2002). Circle sentencing: Part of the restorative justice continuum. IIRP. Retrieved from 

Montes, A., Mears, D., &Conchran, J. (2016). The privatization debate: A conceptual framework for improving (public and private) corrections. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 32(4). Retrieved from

Off, C. (1999). How can we trust our fellow citizens? In: Democracy and trust, edited by Mark Warren. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


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Ethical Issue In Public Administration

Pages: 6 (1796 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Case Study Document #:87375741

… professional in the field adheres to the code of ethics because of various factors such as corruption and greed. This paper analyzes the ethical dilemma in the City of Sunville that has left the Deputy Director of Transportation torn apart on what to say during the regularly … the Deputy Director of Transportation torn apart on what to say during the regularly scheduled monthly City Council meeting.
General Statement of the ethical Dilemma
The ethical scenario in the City of Sunville is the lost inventory that was to be delivered to the Sunville Physical Plant surplus warehouse from … a new computer system was installed in the warehouse to track inventory of the city’s agencies.
Key Actors
The key actors in this ethical dilemma scenario are Commissioner Richard Mitchell, his wife, Director of Transportation, Nick Kellogg, Deputy Director of Transportation, the City Council, Department of Transportation … integrity. Failure……



Academic Partnerships. (2016, May 24). The Importance of Ethics in Public Administration. Retrieved from the University of Texas Arlington website:,the%20trust%20of%20the%20community .

Kure, G.M. (2018, May). Public Servants’ Attitude Towards Professional Ethics and its Implications for Service Delivery in Selected Bureaus of the Oromia Regional State. Retrieved June 18, 2020, from 

UNC School of Government. (2019, November 20). The Importance of Ethics in Public Administration. Retrieved from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill website:,integrity%2C%20promote%20ethical%20organizations%2C%20and 

Whitton, H. (2001, February). Implementing Effective Ethics Standards in Government and the Civil Service. Retrieved June 18, 2020, from 



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Ethical Issues In Criminal Justice

Pages: 4 (1197 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:16567736

Epistemology and Duty Ethics in Criminal Justice
ethical issues
1 Ethics in Law Enforcement Agencies
As Roufa (2019) notes, ethics in law enforcement are essential to prevent behaviors from going unchecked and … to codify the ethics they want their officers to follower. The reason for this is that they want their officers to engage in ethical decision making, which means making the right decision morally. Sometimes officers can have an unconscious or implicit bias and this can affect their … making (Hehman, Flake & Calanchini, 2018). Having a code of ethics in place helps officers to remember to base their decisions on the ethical code’s guidance. That way they are not basing decisions on any potential implicit bias they may have.
In order for the ethical code to be implemented effectively, officers need to engage in critical thinking. This means they have to ask themselves a series of questions……



Cahn, S. & Markie, P. (2011). Ethics: History, Theory and Contemporary Issues, 5th Edition. UK: Oxford University Press.

Hehman, E., Flake, J. K., & Calanchini, J. (2018). Disproportionate use of lethal force in policing is associated with regional racial biases of residents. Social psychological and personality science, 9(4), 393-401.

Holmes, A. (2007). Ethics: Approaching moral decisions. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

Roufa, T. (2019). Ethics in law enforcement. Retrieved from 


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Legal And Ethical Issues In Healthcare

Pages: 9 (2618 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:17702391

Legal and ethical issues in Healthcare
Healthcare ethics have to do with the wide range of moral decisions that have to be made in medical practice. These … as health. Technological advancements in the practice of medicine and healthcare, in general, emerge with their sets of moral dilemmas. Many of such issues arise from developments in genetic knowledge and reproductive health (Taylor, 2015).
The relationship between the patient and the healthcare expert, the human subject … human organs, abortion, euthanasia, and allocation of healthcare resources and services are other areas that present moral dilemmas. In the clarification of moral issues in healthcare provision, and consequently, understood, healthcare quality as it is received and practiced should be improved qualitatively (Taylor, 2015).
There is a … consequently, understood, healthcare quality as it is received and practiced should be improved qualitatively (Taylor, 2015).
There is a need to make an ethical decision whenever……



Chen, Y. Y., Chu, T. S., Kao, Y. H., Tsai, P. R., Huang, T. S., &Ko, W. J. (2014). To evaluate the effectiveness of health care ethics consultation based on the goals of health care ethics consultation: a prospective cohort study with randomization. BMC medical ethics, 15(1), 1.

Morrison, E. E. (2011). Ethics in health administration: a practical approach for decision-makers. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Nora, C. R. D., Deodato, S., Vieira, M. M. D. S., &Zoboli, E. L. C. P. (2016). Elements and strategies for ethical decision-making in nursing. Texto&Contexto-Enfermagem, 25(2).

Reddy, M. S., &Mythri, S. V. (2016). Health-care Ethics and the Free Market Value System. Indian journal of psychological medicine, 38(5), 371–375. 

Taylor, S. C. (2015). Health Care Ethics. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from 

Yip, C., Han, N. R., &Sng, B. L. (2016). Legal and ethical issues in research. Indian Journal of anesthesia, 60(9), 684–688. 

Webster, G., Bayliss, F., Rubin, S., &Zoloth, L. (2000). Moral Residue. Margin of Error: The Ethics of Mistakes in the Practice of Medicine. Hagerstown, MD: University Publishing Group.


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Ethical Issues In Reporting

Pages: 2 (694 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:41848263

Ethics and ethical behavior can be taught, just as one can teach right and wrong to a child. A child without such an education is more … more likely to stumble into deviant behavior, and the same goes for an adult who is not trained in ethics and what constitutes ethical behavior. The whole point of Socrates’ teaching the youth of Athens was to train their minds and wills so that they can pursue … and wills so that they can pursue the higher, nobler truths and live a life that aligned with the Good. Were ethics and ethical behavior incapable of being taught, Socrates would not have succeeded in laying the foundation of Western philosophy, his pupil Plato would not have … and the school of character formation and education (Holyoke, Brown & LaPira, 2015).
Such education would help professionals to evaluate and respond to ethical dilemmas they encounter,……



Bedi, A., Alpaslan, C. M., & Green, S. (2016). A meta-analytic review of ethical leadership outcomes and moderators. Journal of Business Ethics, 139(3), 517-536.

Holyoke, T. T., Brown, H., & LaPira, T. M. (2015). Learnable skills, or unteachable instinct? What can and what cannot be taught in the lobbying profession. Interest Groups & Advocacy, 4(1), 7-24.

Kalshoven, K., van Dijk, H., & Boon, C. (2016). Why and when does ethical leadership evoke unethical follower behavior?. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 31(2), 500-515.


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Criminal Justice Ethical Issues

Pages: 2 (578 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Essay Document #:43254409

… what Nevada does (Rindels, 2018). From a utilitarian perspective, it also makes sense that for the common good this would be the most ethical approach.
Defense attorney misconduct including ineffective counsel, subordination of perjury and use of questionable expert witnesses—these are all examples of ethical practices by one’s lawyer. A person has a Constitutional right to mount a defense, and if his lawyer is not representing him effectively, ……



Rindels, M. (2018). How legal prostitution works in Nevada. Retrieved from 

Wilhelm, R. (2019). Effective counsel. Retrieved from 


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The Moral And Ethical Implications Emerging Due To Globalization

Pages: 4 (1235 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:84484876

Globalization and Its ethical Implications
The dynamic force of globalization, a phenomenon of interconnectedness and integration of economies around the world, has resulted not only to increasing … as global financial instability, increased inequalities, terrorism. In an increasingly interdependent world, increasing world population, scientific and technology innovation advancement, global human development issues, global governance, peace and security, global environment and natural resources are emerging global issues of interest to both national and international governments and critical for maintaining global stability (Bhargava, 2007).
Forces of globalization have contributed to multilateral … global income inequalities and poverty which remains pervasive
Globalization- children's rights nexus is one of the emerging global societal topics with two fundamental ethical issues that pervades in developing countries: child labor and child soldiers. Children are used in some severe forms of child labor and are exposed … by documenting the departmental malpractice of destroying accounting documents.
Buller, Kohls,……



Ahmad, A. (2013) \\\\\\'A Global Ethics for a Globalized World,\\\\\\' Policy Perspectives, 10(1), pp. 63–77. Available at:

Bereiter, C. and Scardamalia, M. (2020) \\\\\\'What will it mean to be\\\\\\" educated\\\\\\" in 2020\\\\\\', The Gordon Commission on the Future of Assessment in Education.

Buller, P. F., Kohls, J. J. and Anderson, K. S. (1991) \\\\\\'The challenge of global ethics,\\\\\\' Journal of Business Ethics, 10(10), pp. 767–775. DOI: 10.1007/BF00705711.

Gampel, E. H. (2010) \\\\\\'A framework for reasoning about ethical issues\\\\\\', pp. 1–18. Available at: .

Gong, Q. and Zhang, L. (2010) \\\\\\'Virtue ethics and modern society—A response to the thesis of the modern predicament of virtue ethics _ SpringerLink,\\\\\\' Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 5(2), pp. 255–265.

Newton, L. (2008) \\\\\\'Hale Chair in Applied Ethics Resources - Manuals.\\\\\\' Available at: .

The Blogxer (2012) \\\\\\'Responsibilities of an educated person,\\\\\\' The Third Eye. Available at: .


Study Document Study Document

Ethical Dilemmas In Counseling American Counseling Association

Pages: 1 (330 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Essay Document #:60128520

This situation, in which a counselor agrees to see a client named Robert, without contacting Robert’s marriage counselor, does not necessarily violate an ethical code of the ACA. The ACA Code of Ethics begins with an extensive overview of appropriate counseling relationships. This section covers professional comportment … to privacy and confidentiality.” Therefore, the counselor needs to consult first with Robert before divulging the intent to see the client personally—the primary ethical obligation is to Robert and not to Robert’s marriage counselor. According to the ACA (2014), the counselor’s primary responsibility is “to protect the … the ACA (2014), the counselor’s primary responsibility is “to protect the dignity and promote the welfare of clients,” (Standard A.1.a).
Section A.3 covers issues pertinent to this scenario: clients who are served by other counselors or mental health practitioners. As you mention, this section suggests that the ……



ACA (2014). Code of ethics. Retrieved from: 


Study Document Study Document

Counterintelligence Issues Within United States

Pages: 13 (3766 words) Sources: 16 Document Type:Essay Document #:41694312

Morality of Counterintelligence ethical Implications and the Need for a Theoretical Framework
CI Literature Review
Deception is at the core of counterintelligence: yet, it is a problematic … Literature Review
Deception is at the core of counterintelligence: yet, it is a problematic core because of the corruption associated with deception in ethical systems. Mattox (2002), for example, observed that the practice of deception “is subject to limitations imposed by the demands of morality” (4). Unfortunately, … which the art of deception can create problems within the intelligence community (Morley 2017, 69). Within this community itself there is no standard ethical framework applied (Bailey and Galich 2012, 77). In counterintelligence, there is even less emphasis on ethical cohesion; as Valentine (2016) has revealed, the history of US counterintelligence is fraught with conflicts of interest, human failings, ulterior motives, problematic relationships, … intelligence community is overstretched and overtaxed and that counterintelligence is……



2020-2022 National Counterintelligence Strategy of the United States. 2020. Washington, DC: National Counterintelligence and Security Center

Bailey, Christopher and Susan M. Galich. 2012. “Codes of Ethics: The Intelligence Community.” International Journal of Intelligence Ethics 35 (2): 77-99.

Bernardi, Beatrice. 2013. \\\\\\"The Role of Intelligence in the Fight Against International Terrorism: Legal Profiles.\\\\\\" Bachelor\\\\\\'s thesis, Università Ca\\\\\\'Foscari Venezia.

Carson, Thomas L. 2010. Lying and Deception: Theory and Practice. Oxford University Press.

Erskine, Toni. 2004. \\\\\\"\\\\\\'As Rays of Light to the Human Soul\\\\\\'? Moral Agents and Intelligence Gathering.\\\\\\" Intelligence & National Security 19 (2): 359-381.

Godson, Roy, and James J. Wirtz. 2000. \\\\\\"Strategic denial and deception.\\\\\\" International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 13 (4): 424-437.

Horkheimer, Max. 1972. Critical Theory. New York: Seabury Press.

Intelligence and National Security Alliance. 2020. Counterintelligence for the 21st Century. Arlington, VA.


Study Document Study Document

Counterintelligence Issues Within The United States

Pages: 18 (5457 words) Sources: 29 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:72238996

Why ethical Egoism is a Problematic Framework for Intelligence
CI Literature Review
The aim of this examination of the literature is to fill the …
The aim of this examination of the literature is to fill the wide gap that remains in counterintelligence research regarding an appropriate ethical standard that can guide and foster an ethical culture, as called for by Bellaby (2012) and Valentine (2016). The purpose of this review is to identify the lessons that have been … for this study is: How can the US counterintelligence enterprise support collaboration among the various USIC members and the private sector in an ethical and productive manner? The ultimate purpose of this study is to propose a standardized ethical framework for guiding the counterintelligence program as it works to collaborate with the private sector in the 21st century. Therefore, the themes this … of Deception
Deception is at……



2020-2022 National Counterintelligence Strategy of the United States. 2020. Washington, DC: National Counterintelligence and Security Center

Bailey, Christopher and Susan M. Galich. 2012. “Codes of Ethics: The Intelligence Community.” International Journal of Intelligence Ethics 35 (2): 77-99.

Bernardi, Beatrice. 2013. "The Role of Intelligence in the Fight Against International Terrorism: Legal Profiles." Bachelor's thesis, Università Ca'Foscari Venezia.

Carson, Thomas L. 2010. Lying and Deception: Theory and Practice. Oxford University Press.

Cohen, Shlomo. 2016. "Are There Moral Limits to Military Deception?." Philosophia 44 (4): 1305-1318.

Coyne, John, Peter Bell, and Shannon Merrington. 2013. "Exploring ethics in intelligence and the role of leadership." Interntional Journal of Business and Commerce 2 (10): 27-37.

Erskine, Toni. 2004. "'As Rays of Light to the Human Soul'? Moral Agents and Intelligence Gathering." Intelligence & National Security 19 (2): 359-381.

Godson, Roy, and James J. Wirtz. 2000. "Strategic denial and deception." International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 13 (4): 424-437.

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