Study Document
...Employment II. Client’s Case
D. Application of the Law to the Facts
Was Jennifer in breach of the confidentiality agreement that she signed committing never to disclose confidential/proprietary information she encounters in the course of her employ at Greene’s’s?
Case in Brief: In Hallmark Cards, Inc. v. Janet L. Murley (2013), the defendant (Murley) parted ways with the plaintiff (Hallmark Cards) and was paid a total of $735,000 as the severance package. As Hallmark’s marketing vice-president, Murley had come across and was indeed in possession of some confidential information regarding the operations of the company. The said information was inclusive of, but was not limited to, market research and business plans. Upon the payment of the severance highlighted above, Murley amongst other things agreed to dispose-off any confidential documents and ensure that the company’s confidential information was not disclosed to any third party. Years later, the defendant got hired by a……
Frey, M.A. (2015). Essentials of Contract Law (2nd ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
Gross, J.A. & Compa, L.A. (2009). Human Rights in Labor and Employment Relations International and Domestic Perspectives. Champaign, IL: Labor and Employment Relations Association.
Peacock, W. (2013). Breach of Contract, Confidential Info Leak Case: Hallmark Prevails. Retrieved from
Study Document
… with local area Uber drivers. Finally it will conclude with a reflection from a Christian perspective on how Uber should address its driver employment status issue.
The Main Problem
The main problem that Uber has is that its drivers who commit themselves full-time to driving for Uber … both drivers and passengers at risk (Bhuiyan, 2018).
Primary Cause of the Problem
The primary cause of the main problem of Uber’s drivers’ employment status is the fact that to be competitive and to differentiate itself from traditional taxi cab companies, Uber had to exploit the share … sense of accountability or of any plan for corporate social responsibility. Though the gig economy could be partly to blame for Uber’s driver employment status issue, the company has certainly exploited its contractors and undermined the traditional driver for hire industry with its app. The fact that … company has certainly exploited its……
Bhuiyan, J. (2018). Uber’s sleek new product? Your safety. Retrieved from s
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Malos, S., Lester, G. V., & Virick, M. (2018). Uber drivers and employment status in the gig economy: Should corporate social responsibility tip the scales?. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 30(4), 239-251.
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Study Document
...Employment Nurse practitioners play a crucial role in the modern healthcare system given their responsibilities in administering patient care. One of the critical components in the delivery of healthcare services in the modern healthcare setting is collaboration between different stakeholders. Modern healthcare environments and settings are characterized by the establishment of a multidisciplinary team that provides patient care. Consequently, nurse practitioners are required to collaborate with others, particularly physicians in their respective roles in the care delivery process. Stewart & DeNisco (2019) states that collaboration among healthcare providers or clinicians is based on shared goals and decision making, mutual relationships, and use of collective knowledge of all stakeholders involved in the care process.
Collaboration with physicians has tremendous impacts on the practice and job satisfaction for nurse practitioners. The collaboration changes the practice of nurse practitioners by shifting their focus to patient-care, holistic care. When collaborating with physicians, nurse practitioners help……
Dillon, D. & Hoyson, P.M. (2014, January). Beginning Employment: A Guide for the New Nurse Practitioner. The Journal of Nurse Practitioners, 10(1), 55-59.
Stewart, J.G. & DeNisco, S.M. (2019). Role of development for the nurse practitioner (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Study Document
… labor laws protect employees from discrimination, unfair treatment, retaliation, and other work-related issues. For this large company, making business decisions in consideration of employment protections is essential toward ensuring fair treatment of employees. The significance of fair treatment of all employees in this large company with respect … long as they are legitimate job-related factors (Mello, 2019).
The second federal legislation that safeguards against workplace discrimination is the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), which was enacted in 1967 to safeguard against age-based discrimination. It prohibits age-based discrimination for employees over 40 years and compulsory … In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that age was the but-for-cause of the challenged adverse action taken by the employer (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, n.d.).
When federal legislature conflicts with State laws, the federal law preempts or displaces state law based on the doctrine of … unconstitutional. In such instances, a……
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Study Document
… sexual orientation, disability, and ethnicity (Patterson & Zibarras, 2018). To achieve this, the recruitment process will not ask some questions, especially in the pre-employment interview, and there shall be the same legal requirements for hiring. At the federal level, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces the anti-discrimination laws (Flynn et al., 2016). The EEOC website will be used to determine some of the critical … communicated. In summary, the information shared will be as much as possible, to ensure that the candidate makes an informed decision for long-term employment, and for the organization, this will be a strategy to avoid high employee turnover (Becker, Connolly & Slaughter, 2010).
Whether a job offer … 2008). This means the quotations will not be yearly, which has been interpreted by the courts as an indication for a contract for employment that lasts for a minimum of one year.
11. Include……
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… higher is an indication of depressive disorder. Measures for sociodemographic characteristics were age, school status, ethnicity, fatherhood, marital status, health insurance ownership, and employment status. On the other hand, measures for service requests involved 20 services the males wanted to know more about. These services include health … hand, measures for service requests involved 20 services the males wanted to know more about. These services include health screening, relationships, anger management, employment, eating…[break]…depressive disorder or not. As a result, the researchers used categorical variables between the two groups (depressed and non-depressed). The variables used would, ……
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Although the antecedents of unplanned turnover differ depending on a number of factors including the type of industry and the availability of alternative employment opportunities, one recruitment and retention strategy that has demonstrated ineffectiveness is the use of sign-on bonuses (Hansen, 2009). In this regard, Hansen (2009) … well as from individual to individual, by some of the most common issues that are involved in compelling employees to search for better employment opportunities elsewhere include diminished levels of job satisfaction and morale, both of which are adversely affected by the use of sign-on bonuses for ……
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… led to a change in the social consciousness and the manner in which equitability was to be achieved in society. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) (2018) points out, for example, that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 “prohibits workplace discrimination based on religion, … discrimination against people with disabilities. In 2008, the Act was amended to provide an even more specific definition of disability with respect to employment, government and public accommodations.
Today, it is a normal and accepted—and expected—practice to see or find wheelchair access for people who cannot walk; ……
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Study Document
… agreement she signed. In the said confidentiality agreement, Jennifer made a commitment not to share any information gathered in the course of her employment, relating to the processes that Greene’s Jewelry uses to create and develop Ever-Gold, with a third party. Following her dismissal from the company, … Ever-Gold’s secret creation process. She should have returned the said letter the moment she noticed she had it. Further, in search of new employment, she proceeded to place a call to Howell Jewelry World - one of Greene’s Jewelry main competitors - and proclaim she had confidential … Jewelry main competitors - and proclaim she had confidential information in relation to the creation of Ever-Gold. Following her signing of the formal employment contract at Howell, Jennifer handed over the letter detailing Ever-Gold’s secret creation process to Howell’s hiring manager.
In basic terms, it should be ……
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