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External analysis
1. PESTEL analysis
1.1. Political
1.1.1.Global leaders use of social media impacts the political landscape and is able to influence operations. (C-142)
1.1.2. Several high-profile world … to sustain its profitability, and without the need for additional investment, or maybe even additional debt either.
2. Current Strategy
3. Value Chain analysis
3.1 Inbound Logistics and Operations
· It is the main primary activity that adds the most significant value to Twitter's customers.
· Twitter's … platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp because it is crucial for growth and helps in attracting new users and advertisers
2. SWOT analysis
2.1. Strengths
· Strong brand image - people are able to associate logo (blue bird) without a name (C-141)
· Global high profile ……
Thompson, Arthur A.,. (2015). Crafting and Executing Strategy: Concepts and Readings..New York: McGraw-Hill Education, (pp. 138-148)
Study Document
...Comparative analysis Introduction
Corporate finance focuses on financial decisions made by financial managers. Financial decisions is broadly categorized into two: financing decisions and investment decisions (Renzetti, 2001). Investment decisions determines the composition of assets held by a firm while financing decisions focuses on the optimal mix of debts and equity (capital structure). An optimal capital structure can be defined as a combination of equity and debt that maximizes shareholders’ wealth or value of a firm. The value of a firm “is the present value of expected future cash flows to be generated by the assets, discounted at the company’s weighted average cost of capital (WACC). Generally, the determination of optimal capital structure is a complex decision process involving calculations of various debt-equity ratio. In this paper, the capital structure of Afterpay Touch Group Limited (ATP), FlexiGroup Limited (FXL), and Zip Co Limited (Z1P) will be calculated, theories of optimal capital structure will……
Estimating a synthetic rating and cost of debt. (n.d.). Retrieved from (2019, August 18). AU. Retrieved from
Intelligent Investor. (n.d.). FlexiGroup Limited. Retrieved from (n.d.). Afterpay Touch Group Limited. Retrieved from
Yahoo Finance. (n.d.). FLEXIGROUP FPO (FXL.AX) Balance Sheet. Retrieved from
Study Document
...Comparative analysis Report to the CEO
1.2 Can the company raise capital?
Twitter has the ability to raise capital. It is rapidly growing, has strong cash inflows, and a healthy balance sheet. This gives Twitter the flexibility to raise debt capital, because its liquidity will attract investors, and furthermore Twitter’s increasing financial stability reflects a maturing business that implies long term cash flow stability.
Bond investors tend to also look at the debt-to-equity ratio, as a high debt-to-equity ratio is typically associated with a company that would be higher risk. Twitter’s long term debt-to-equity is declining, largely because its profitability, and reductions in R&D spend are putting Twitter in a position of growing equity more quickly than it is growing debt. The company’s total liabilities are increasing, but long-term debt is not increasingly in any significant way. Equity is increasing significantly, and that is why the long-term debt to equity ratio is……
Statista (2019) Social networking ad revenue market share of LinkedIn in the United States from 2015 to 2018. Statista. Retrieved March 20, 2020 from
Yahoo! Finance, various pages (2020).
Study Document
… minds of the upcoming generations and with car prices soaring it is time for a genuinely new concept in transportation to emerge.
SWOT analysis as an Entrepreneur
My own strengths are that I can think outside the box. I have many creative ideas and solutions, and I ……
Andwari, A.M., Pesiridis, A., Rajoo, S., Martinez-Botas, R. and Esfahanian, V., 2017. A review of Battery Electric Vehicle technology and readiness levels. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 78, pp.414-430.
Angerer, M., Brem, A., Kraus, S. and Peter, A., 2017. Start-up funding via equity crowdfunding in Germany: A qualitative analysis of success factors. The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance (JEF), 19(1), pp.1-34.
Baron, R.A. and Tang, J., 2011. The role of entrepreneurs in firm-level innovation: Joint effects of positive affect, creativity, and environmental dynamism. Journal of Business Venturing, 26(1), pp.49-60.
Car, 2019. Best EVs 2019. Retrieved from
Crum, R. 2018. Elon Musk says Tesla nearly died during Model 3 production ramp. Retrieved from
Ewing, J. 2017. What Needs to Happen Before Electric Cars Take Over the World. Retrieved from
Fuentelsaz, L., Maicas, J.P. and Montero, J., 2018. Entrepreneurs and innovation: The contingent role of institutional factors. International Small Business Journal, 36(6), pp.686-711.
Inman, P., 2019. Is a global recession imminent? Retrieved from
Study Document
...Comparative analysis On my YouTube account I post a variety of tutorials for those interested in the same subjects that interest me. While some YouTubers are Influencers who see this sort of thing as a side gig that they hope to make money at, I aim mainly to do something I enjoy, which is talking about subjects I like and engaging with others who share my interests. YouTube is a video sharing platform, so my videos are meant to be seen by anyone but of course only those who are interested in the subject will take the time to watch them. They do not get many views. The most my views any of my videos has received is 1300 views. Most get from a range of 50 to 250 views. I have tried to replicate the kind of thing I did with my most viewed video but it has never gotten me……
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Study Document
...Comparative analysis Captain America: The First Avenger
Camera angles determine how an audience interacts with a character in a film they are watching. This makes shot angles and camera angles some of the most significant aspects of a production. The emotions a character is going through can be highlighted by having the camera focus on them. When they are vulnerable, the camera can focus on them from a high angle. Further, the kinds of cameras employed in the film are important since scenes are shot with different cameras and then edited together. In Captain America: The First Avenger, the emphasis is on the key viewpoints and elements so as to inspire different emotions in the audience. It is possible that a greater perception of space as portrayed in the film leads to the audience being better able to empathize with the film’s audience. This is especially true when you consider the fact……
Captain America: The First Avenger. Directed by Joe Johnston, Paramount Pictures, July 19 2011.
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Study Document
… in general knowledge about its trauma-specific consequences and its management from existing and well-documented management approaches. Thus, the study involved a review and analysis of the steps and directions observed from existing studies to point in the next expected area of research interest.
This section discusses ……
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Study Document
...Comparative analysis Prevalence of Depression in Massachusetts
Prospectus: Depression Among Older Immigrant African Women in Metro West Massachusetts
In West Massachusetts United States, the most common health disorders are anxiety and depression. These health disorders are prevalent in elderly immigrant women aged between 50 and 79 years (Agbemenu, 2016). Despite a variety of efficacious interventions for depression and anxiety, elderly immigrant women experience mental health care disparities in their access to mental health services and the quality of treatment they receive (Sánchez et al., 2014). Researchers have determined that African American heterogeneity influences access to depression and anxiety treatment. In addition, African Americans are becoming an increasingly visible minority within the United States, especially in West Massachusetts. The intention in this current study is to understand the causes and prevalence of depression among older immigrant African American women in Metro West Massachusetts as well as how the older immigrants cope with……
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Study Document
… of the War on Terror can also be quantified in dollar terms: according to most estimates, it has cost the U.S. $6 trillion.
comparative analysis
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Study Document
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