Comparative Advantage Essays (Examples)


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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Interrelationships Between Organizational

Pages: 16 (4728 words) Sources: 28 Document Type:Essay Document #:81594345

1. advantage and advantage of Interrelationships between Organizational Functions and Impact on Organisational Structure
Organizational Functions
The functions of an organization take into account the different aspects … the managers that head them, who subsequently report to an individual positioned higher up in the ranking (Aquinas, 2008). One of the key advantage of espousing a functional structure includes clear and well outlined lines of authority, which include the fundamental decision-makers in every department responsible for … of authority, which include the fundamental decision-makers in every department responsible for setting the general mission and tasks. In addition, there is the advantage that this functional structure permits every employee to lay emphasis on his or her specific mission. Nonetheless, the functional structure does have its … the department for every line of production has its own functional groups, for instance, accounting, research and development, and marketing (Jones, 2013). The advantage of this……



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Burns, T., & Stalker, G. M. (2005). Mechanistic and organic systems. Organizational Behavior, 2, 214-25.

Choo, S., & Bowley, C. (2007). Emerald Article: Using training and development to affect job satisfaction. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 14(2),339 - 352.

Cichocki, P., & Irwin, C. (2014). Organization design: A guide to building effective organizations. Kogan Page Publishers.

Civil Aviation. (2019). About Us: Organizational Setup. Retrieved from: 

Cunliffe, A. L. (2008). Organization theory. New York: Sage.

Cunliffe, A. L., & Luhman, J. T. (2012). Key concepts in organization theory. New York: Sage.


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Compare Between Monarchy And Democracy

Pages: 4 (1301 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:80066348

… reform and root out corruption. However, if the monarch himself is corrupt or appoints corrupt officials throughout his court, corruption can undermine the advantage of the system. This can lead to civil unrest, especially if the governed feel that the monarch looks more after his own self … and his family removed from power through violent force—a threat that other countries may look to aggravate if they see in it some advantage for themselves. Thus, monarchies must be very careful not to lose the love and loyalty of the people.
In democracies there is already ……



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Lumen. (2020). Forms of government. Retrieved from 

Soskis, B. (2017). George Soros and the Demonization of Philanthropy. Retrieved from 


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Compare And Contrast Competitive Business Pricing Models

Pages: 1 (345 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Essay Document #:67599610

… liquid capital due to high profitability, they can afford to do penetration pricing, especially if their costs are kept low to maintain competitive advantage, and thus do a competition-based pricing, like Walmart does. Apple Inc., has high profits and does customer value-based pricing because customers attach a ……



Nagle, T. T., Hogan, J., & Zale, J. (2016). The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: New International Edition. London, England: Routledge.

Schindler, R. M. (2011). Pricing Strategies: A Marketing Approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.



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How Interest Rates Compare Over The Last Decade Within The United

Pages: 6 (1728 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:11480675

...Comparative advantage Interest rates form the basis for valuation models around the world. They are used in almost every industry, country, and geography. Interest rates can also influence corporate and consumer behaviors. For example, depending on the inherent risk of a consumer, credit card rates determine how much an individual must pay on a month basis to the financial institution. Corporations looking to borrow funds to expand their market share must consider the variable interest rates being changed and their ability to service the debt. Even governments must be mindful of the extent of their borrowers and the corresponding impact of interest rates on their ability to services the debt. Due primarily to their importance in key elements of human civilization, interest rates are a closely watched tool by individual investors, general consumers, and corporations. Banks in particular are heavily influenced by the change in interest rates as they operate as financial……



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2. Holston, Laubach, and Williams. 2017. “Measuring the Natural Rate of Interest: International Trends and Determinants,” Journal of International Economics 108, supplement 1 (May): S39–S75

3. Laubach and Williams. 2003. “Measuring the Natural Rate of Interest,” Review of Economics and Statistics 85, no.4 (November): 1063-70.

4. Rachel, L. and Smith, T.D., 2017. Are low real interest rates here to stay?. International Journal of Central Banking, 13(3), pp.1-42.

5. Schularick, M, and A M Taylor, (2009), “Credit Booms Gone Bust: Monetary Policy, Leverage Cycles and Financial Crises, 1870-2008”, NBER DP 15512

6. Stock, J.H. and Watson, M.W., 2007. Why has US inflation become harder to forecast?. Journal of Money, Credit and banking, 39, pp.3-33


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Booker T Washington Argumentative Comparison

Pages: 4 (1312 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:14955854

… prepared to actually discuss black political and social equality so soon after ending slavery (Blatty, 2015). The method worked to their (i.e., whites') advantage and was thus met with tremendous enthusiasm on the part of whites, who greatly contributed to Washington's Tuskegee institute. Further, Washington was the ……



Blatty, D. (2015, February 22). W.E.B. Du Bois, Booker T. Washington and the Origins of the Civil Rights Movement. Retrieved from Biography: 

Dubois, W. (1903). he Talented Tenth. In The Negro Problem: A Series of Articles by Representative Negroes of To-day (pp. 36-43). New York.

Dunn, F. (1993). The Educational Philosophies of Washington, Dubois, and Houston: Laying the Foundations for Afrocentrism and Multiculturalism. Journal of Negro Education, 62(1), 23-24.

Hancock, A.-M. (n.d.). Socialism/Communism. In p. Young.

Washington, B. T. (1895). Speech at the Atlanta Exposition. Atlanta.


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Competitive Advantage And Operations Management

Pages: 8 (2415 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:99381670

… also loyal and enjoy working with the company, something that cannot always be said of employees at other airlines.
Starbucks has many competitive advantage. First, it has more locations than its competitors and it almost single-handedly created the space in which it operates, giving it a better … all over coffee competitors and taking it towards the top of the industry (QSR, 2017). Starbucks has been able to leverage its competitive advantage in coffee, for example, to expand into the retail and institutional coffee spaces, and expand into breakfast and snack food, both areas that … company’s growth. Starbucks furthermore has a global scope and is listed among the world’s most valuable brands (Interbrand, 2019). Starbucks also gains competitive advantage by being able to run both company-owned stores and franchised locations, and this flexibility allows it to control market entry, and also allowed … also allowed it to expand……



Deshmukh, G. & Das, R. (2012) Consumer buying behaviour for high involvement products. Asian Journal of Management. Vol. 3 (3) 153-157.

Halton, C. (2019) Credence good. Investopedia. Retrieved March 26, 2020 from

Interbrand (2019) Best global brands. Interbrand Retrieved March 26, 2020 from

QSR (2017) The QSR Top 50. QSR Magazine. Retrieved March 26, 2020 from 

QuickMBA (2010) The value chain. Retrieved March 26, 2020 from 

Zhang, B. (2018) The 10 best airlines to fly in North America. Business Insider. Retrieved March 26, 2020 from 


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Platos Republic And Justice

Pages: 3 (1016 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Essay Document #:77363231

...Comparative advantage Plato’s Republic: A Definition of Justice
According to Plato, “justice is the excellence of the soul, and injustice the defect of the soul” (20). Another definition of it, however, is that justice is “the repayment of a debt” (4). This is a rather narrow definition of justice, and it is one that Socrates unpacks—but it to can get to the heart of the underlying meaning. The just man is one who pursues the good, while the unjust man is one who pursues evil. Of course, as is always the case with Socrates, everything must come around eventually to a definition of the good, which Plato defines in the dialogue as transcendental ideals that objectively exist as universals: to know justice is, as Socrates explains in the Allegory of the Cave, to pursue the ultimate reality, which exists high above, where the source of all good is to be found—in God.……


Works Cited

Plato. The Republic.

Plato. The Dialouges, vol. 1. Online Library of Liberty. Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

The Moral And Ethical Implications Emerging Due To Globalization

Pages: 4 (1235 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:84484876

… Direct Investment (FDI), greater economies of scale and scope and knowledge, and technology spillovers (Bhargava, 2007). It's enabled the development of competitive and comparative advantage in manufacturing by developing countries. The expansion of economic activities across the globe has put pressure on the supply of energy water, fisheries, ……



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Study Document Study Document

Health Care Institutional Organization And Management

Pages: 4 (1341 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:question answer Document #:71375338

… and cons of this approach to learning about healthcare?
Bloom’s Taxonomy revised comprises of the following six dimensions as illustrated below:
There are advantage to Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy as an approach to learning about health care. One of the benefits is that it is purposed to enable … enable the educators to ascertain the logical and knowledgeable level at which the individual learners are capable of working. There is also the advantage that it assists the learners to scrutinize further to ask questions that are exceedingly challenging in addition to forming instructions that are purposed … employed by the organization in attaining control over its different entities to increase the organization’s power. Vertically and horizontally integrated structures have different advantage and advantage. When horizontal integration is successful, it can generate increased revenue, in comparison to companies that perform independent operations. Horizontal integration results in decline ……



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