Bank Essays (Examples)


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Israel And Palestine A Problem Of Two Cultures

Pages: 8 (2387 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Creative Writing Document #:95223232

… God of life” (Keum 4). This gets to the heart of what I felt as I experienced Palestine for myself. Seeing the West Bank in person allowed me to witness a whole new level of marginalization and oppression that I had never seen before—even though I had … who still found joy in life and calmly expressed their faith in God. To see the Israelis treating the people on the West Bank with such contempt, illegally building settlements, bulldozing their acreage and fruit trees and homes, erecting barriers of humiliation, treating these people like animals … kind of love that I would expect to find from the true people of God, the true children of God. Yet the West Bank is a nightmare—a place where one group is seriously and horribly oppressing another group. I find no love or peace or beauty coming … find no love or peace……


Works Cited

Keum, Jooseop, ed. Together towards life: Mission and evangelism in changing landscapes: With a practical guide. World Council of Churches Publications, 2013.


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Understanding The Factors Affecting The Success Of Credit Risk In

Pages: 11 (3237 words) Sources: 15 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:41178734

The banking business sector is enormously impacted by the perceptive and imperceptive factors in an intensely competitive environment. In recent times, this competition has stiffened … environment. In recent times, this competition has stiffened all the more with the advancement of globalization. In each regard of their business operations, banks ought to take effective measures in order to diminish risk by pinpointing the prospective causes based on real-world circumstances. Imperatively, the banking sector is deemed to be a significant source of financing for several companies and entrepreneurs. In the past decade, there have been dramatic … of financing for several companies and entrepreneurs. In the past decade, there have been dramatic changes concerning the management of risk in the banking industry. Progressively more financial institutions and managers have augmented the focus on the significance of risk management. In delineation, risk management encompasses the … events or to capitalize in……



Bhattarai, Y. R. (2016). Effect of credit risk on the performance of Nepalese commercial banks. NRB Economic Review, 28(1), 41-64.

Das, A. and Ghosh, S. (2007). Determinants of Credit Risk in Indian State-owned Banks: An Empirical Investigation. Economic Issues, 12(2): 48-66.

Derelio?lu, G., & Gürgen, F. (2011). Knowledge discovery using neural approach for SME’s credit risk analysis problem in Turkey. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(8), 9313-9318

Garr, D. K. (2013). Determinants of credit risk in the banking industry of Ghana. Developing Country Studies, 3(11), 64-77.

Gizaw, M., Kebede, M., & Selvaraj, S. (2015). The impact of credit risk on profitability performance of commercial banks in Ethiopia. African Journal of Business Management, 9(2), 59-66.

Johnson, B., & Christensen, L. (2008). Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches. New York: Sage.

Kithinji, A. M. (2010). Credit risk management and profitability of commercial banks in Kenya. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Nairobi).

Limam, I. (2001). Measuring technical efficiency of Kuwaiti banks. Kuwait: Arab Planning Institute.


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How Interest Rates Compare Over The Last Decade Within The United

Pages: 6 (1728 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:11480675

… to their importance in key elements of human civilization, interest rates are a closely watched tool by individual investors, general consumers, and corporations. Banks in particular are heavily influenced by the change in interest rates as they operate as financial intermediaries between consumers and business. As a … may likely look like in the future and how they will influence the viability of the franchise (Stock, J.H. and Watson, M.W, 2007).
Banks play a vital role in the overall economy. They act as a financial intermediary between savers and borrowers. The often help to match … economy. Those businesses that are worthwhile and can enhance the quality of life for others are often met with capital facilitated by the banks. Initial Public Offerings, Secondary Stock Offerings, Bond offerings and so forth help to facilitate these transactions. Likewise, those looking to borrower to finance … finance a home purchase or……



1. Goodhard, C and E Perotti, 2008 “Maturity mismatch stretching: Banking has taken a wrong turn”, CEPR Policy Insight 81, 6-July

2. Holston, Laubach, and Williams. 2017. “Measuring the Natural Rate of Interest: International Trends and Determinants,” Journal of International Economics 108, supplement 1 (May): S39–S75

3. Laubach and Williams. 2003. “Measuring the Natural Rate of Interest,” Review of Economics and Statistics 85, no.4 (November): 1063-70.

4. Rachel, L. and Smith, T.D., 2017. Are low real interest rates here to stay?. International Journal of Central Banking, 13(3), pp.1-42.

5. Schularick, M, and A M Taylor, (2009), “Credit Booms Gone Bust: Monetary Policy, Leverage Cycles and Financial Crises, 1870-2008”, NBER DP 15512

6. Stock, J.H. and Watson, M.W., 2007. Why has US inflation become harder to forecast?. Journal of Money, Credit and banking, 39, pp.3-33


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Federal Reserve Operations And Market Impact

Pages: 4 (1239 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:28039044

… by the Federal Reserve to implement monetary policy?
Monetary policy refers to the actions undertaken by the Federal Reserve, which is the central bank, to control credit and its flow within the United States economy. Significantly, what occurs with money and credit influences interest rates and also … out business with on a certain day. Instead, this choice emanates from an open market whereby the different securities dealers that the central bank conducts business with, have competition based on price.
Open market operations can, on the one hand, be permanent and encompass the downright buying … funds rate close to the target federal funds rate (Federal Reserve, 2017).
2. Reserve Requirement
The reserve requirement alludes to the money that banks have to maintain overnight. Banks can maintain their reserves either within their respective vaults or with the Fed. On the one hand, a low reserve requirement enables banks to……



Brandl, M. (2020). Money, banking, financial markets & institutions. New York: Cengage Learning.

Federal Reserve Education. (n.d). Monetary Policy Basics. Retrieved from: 

Federal Reserve. (2017). Monetary Policy Tools. Retrieved from: 

Lumen Learning. (n.d). Macroeconomics: How a Central Bank Executes Monetary Policy. Retrieved from: 


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Banking Industry Crimes

Pages: 6 (1933 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:73861053

Financial Crimes, Fraud, and Investigation
The banking sector is a critical part of a country’s economy. This is more so the case given that it is actively involved in the … as management of diverse financial assets and the coordination of financial activities for the various other economic sectors. Although at the core of banking is holding of financial assets, other key activities include, but they are not limited to, commercial and personal banking services, insurance, etc. In that regard, therefore, banks happen to be one of the most sensitive sectors in an economy. Bank managers have a responsibility to ensure that all the regulatory standards are observed. Further, they also have a responsibility to ensure that the … that all the regulatory standards are observed. Further, they also have a responsibility to ensure that the interests of various stakeholders in the banking sector are secured. The key stakeholders, from……



Albrecht, W.S., Albrecht, C.C., Albrecht, C.O. & Zimbelman, M.F. (2008). Fraud Examination (3rd ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Dionne, B. (2020). Regions Bank Teller Accused of Stealing Customer Identities Faces Felony Charges. Retrieved 

Golden, T.W., Skalak, S.L. & Clayton, M.M. (2006). A Guide to Forensic Accounting Investigation. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Krancher, M., Riley, R. & Wells, T.J. (2010). Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Singleton, T.W., Singleton, A.J. & Bologna, R.J. (2006). Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Zagaris, B. (2010). International White Collar Crime: Cases and Materials. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.


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Enterprise Risk Management In Wells Fargo During The Pandemic

Pages: 15 (4587 words) Sources: 15 Document Type:Essay Document #:32848070

… on the other hand have seen business dry up due to mandated quarantine orders. Small business owners and large corporations have filed for bankruptcy. All of this impacts the banking sector and Wells Fargo specifically because of its role in managing loan products, using interest rates to attract savers, and offering investment advice. … creditors began defaulting on loans and the price of credit default swaps skyrocketed. Moral hazard came back to bite a number of high-profile banks that were left with millions if not billions in mortgage-backed securities for which…[break]…premium is determined by the market and is usually priced according … is an international competitor of Wells Fargo and tends to succeed more than it its competitors because of a healthy risk culture. The bank does not seek to avoid risk but rather embraces and takes risks. It does so knowing that it has strong protections in place,……



Beasley, M. (2020). How to Leverage ERM Principles to Better Respond to COVID-19-Related Risks. ERM Professional Insights.

Derysh, I. (2020). Watchdog questions why Wells Fargo reported giving only one large PPP loan to a Black-owned business. Retrieved from 

English, C. (2020). Wells Fargo Forced to Cut Its Dividend After Fed Stress Test. Here’s What Other Banks Did. Retrieved from 

Hall, J. (2007). Internal Auditing and ERM: Fitting in and Adding Value. Retrieved from  Documents/Sawyer_Award_2007.pdf

Kaplan, R. & Mikes, A. (2012). Managing risks: A new framework. Harvard Business Review, 3.

Lewis, M. (2010). The Big Short. NY: W. W. Norton.

Lundqvist, S. (2014). Abandoning Silos for Integration: Implementing Enterprise Risk Management and Risk Governance. Lund University.

Morgenson, G. (2020). More Wells Fargo customers say the bank decided to pause their mortgage payments without asking. Retrieved from


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Impact Of Agency Theory

Pages: 8 (2453 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:36993165

… (Pennsylvania, 2017). Wells Fargo have gone through this problem in the past where the agents have acted in their self-interest and caused the bank to suffer hugely through opening of fraudulent accounts, not just once, but millions of times and raised the concern to the public as … of times and raised the concern to the public as well as the principle as to the conduct and internal environment of the bank, threatening the position of the bank.
Firstly, the decision involving risk has a conflict of interest where the agency theory impacts it. The managers have the tendency to not … the Risk Tolerance
Agency problem impacts the decision regarding how much risk has to be endured and what strategies to adopt. Since, in Banking sector the goals and interests of the agent and principle are asymmetrical, it is highly probable that the agent would want to not……



Demsetz, R. S. (1997). Agency Problems and Risk Taking at Banks.

Heath, J. (n.d.). Uses and Abuses of Agency Theory. Business Ethics Quarterly.

Kuypers, A. (2011). How is dealt with the agency problem and what is the role of the board of directors in it?

Lumen. (n.d.). Agency and Conflicts of Interests. Lumen. Retrieved from 

Murray, I. (2016, September ). Wells Fargo and the Principle Agent Problem. Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Palia, D. (2007). “Agency Theory in Banking: An Empirical Analysis of Moral Hazard and the Agency Costs of Equity. Banks and Banks System.

Pennsylvania, W. U. (2017, August 08). Wells Fargo: What It Will Take to Clean Up the Mess. Wharton University of Pensylvannia.


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The Phillips Cure And Unemployment

Pages: 7 (2166 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:92308322

… The rate of unemployment, in other words, was not tied to inflation but rather to real wages. Friedman (1977) objected to the central bank’s idea that it could higher inflation for lower unemployment. By trying to manipulate the labor market below where the natural forces of supply … to manipulate the labor market below where the natural forces of supply and demand determine it should be, Friedman contended that the government/central bank would create a money illusion—the sense among laborers that they were getting paid more—but the reality would be that their money now had … as it was during the 1960s, the inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment holds true. This is the short-run. However, when the central bank attempts to adjust the rate of inflation in order to lower the rate of unemployment, the long-run shows that unemployment will return to … unemployment, the long-run shows that……



Amadeo, K. (2019). Unemployment rate by year since 1929 compared to inflation and GDP. Retrieved from 

FRED. (2019). FRED Graph. Retrieved from 

Friedman, M. (1977). Nobel lecture: inflation and unemployment. Journal of political economy, 85(3), 451-472.

Heller, R. (2017). Monetary mischief and the debt trap. Cato Journal, 37(2), 247-261.

Lucas, R. E., & Rapping, L. A. (1969). Price expectations and the Phillips curve. The American Economic Review, 59(3), 342-350.

Stiglitz, J. (1997). Reflections on the natural rate hypothesis. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 11(1), 3-10.

Wulwick, N. J. (1987). The Phillips curve: which? whose? to do what? how?. Southern Economic Journal, 834-857.


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Net Worth Theory And Corporate Fraud

Pages: 4 (1241 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:90456467

Danske Bank's Money Laundering Scandal
Madinger (2006) points out that the net worth method is among the most common used in accounting forensics when it … common used in accounting forensics when it comes to detecting illegal income, such as by way of money laundering. The case of Danske Bank and its money laundering escapades from 2007 to 2015 through an Estonian branch where a quarter of a trillion dollars flowed is a … taxpayer has expended larger amounts than his reported income on nondeductible items, there has been an understatement of income” (p. 78). With Danske Bank, billions were passing through its Estonian branch from several different sources in dozens of different currencies. If net worth is the difference between … assets and liabilities, which equals equity, then one can begin with the equity of the firm and move on from there. With Danske Bank, the increase in equity……



IRS. (2017). Retrieved from 

Madlinger, J. (2006). Money laundering: A guide for criminal investigators. CRC Press.

Milne, R. & Winter, D. (2018). Danske: anatomy of a money laundering scandal. Retrieved from 

Schwab, R. D. (1961). The Civil Aspects of the Net Worth Method. Wm. & Mary L. Rev., 3, 65.

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