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Nature Vs Nurture or Nurtured Nature Essay

Pages:1 (325 words)


Subject:Social Science

Topic:Nature Vs Nurture

Document Type:Essay


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How epigenetics impacts nature nurture debate

Both nature and nurture matter for multiple traits and tendencies. Physical and psychological outcomes can be traced to both genetics and to environmental factors. Recent research has shown that nature and nurture are equally as important in determining outcomes (Cooper-White, 2015). However, the relationship between genetics and the environment is complex. Genetic traits may predispose individuals towards certain behaviors, which in turn moderate or enhance genetic predispositions. Similarly, environmental factors could trigger or repress specific heritable responses to stimuli.

The field of epigenetics may offer greater clarity regarding the complex relationship between nature and nurture. Epigenetics shows how genes can be turned on or off according to either environmental stimuli or the presence of other genetic features (“A Super Brief and Basic Explanation of Epigenetics for Total Beginners,” n.d.). Epigenetics shows how nature and nurture are inextricably interrelated in the human experience. As genetic scientists gain more insight into and mastery over epigenetics, it may be possible to consciously turn on and off genes at will in order to receive desirable outcomes such as the eradication of a heritable disease. Epigenetics may also show how people can maximize their potential and improve their health. At the very least, epigenetics can illuminate best practices in terms of how people with certain genetic risk factors can alter their environment—including their lifestyle choices—in order to reduce their tendency to manifest undesirable symptoms.

Because both nature and nurture are critical, human beings can gain increasing mastery over physical and psychological health and wellbeing. Genetics are not necessarily as deterministic as once believed, as epigenetics is starting to show. At the same time, genetics are important and a human being does need to be aware of strengths, limitations, and risk factors that can impact physical and psychological conditions.


“A Super Brief and Basic Explanation of Epigenetics for Total Beginners,” (n.d.). What is Epigenetics. Retrieved from:

Cooper-White, M. (2015). Nature or nurture? HuffPost. 20 May, 2015. Retrieved from:

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