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Leadership Model Particular Strengths Term Paper

Pages:4 (1352 words)




Document Type:Term Paper


Part One:

1-Discuss your personal model of leadership and how you might apply it in your role as a doctorally prepared advanced practice nurse.

My personal model of leadership adheres to the transformational leadership paradigm. I seek to effect wholesale changes in the ability of my patients to achieve their objectives. As a subscriber to the transformational model of leadership it is important for me to gain the confidence and trust of my followers. Typically, those followers include patients, their friends and family members, as well as others who I am working in conjunction with to treat a particular patient. Thus, once I am able to gain that trust in my ability to lead within a salutary position as a healthcare practitioner, I am able to create positive changes in the ability of my patients to successfully meet their goals for wellbeing. Applying this leadership model to my role as a doctorally prepared advanced nurse practitioner involves gaining credence among the patients and those closest to them to help them alter their behavior related to their treatment. I aim to inspire them to become as healthy as they possibly can for the short and the long term—which includes holistic lifestyle changes.

2-Analyze how your personal model reflects a practice of servant leadership.

My personal model of transformational leadership reflects a practice of servant leadership primarily due to the foundation of the former—gaining the patient’s trust. One of the most positive ways I can achieve this goal is by demonstrating the virtues that I desire of my patients in regards to their relationship with me. Generally speaking, these are frankness, positivity, and a commendable work ethic. A core tenant of servant leadership is for such leaders to act “as role models who provide support, involve followers in decision making, display appropriate ethical behavior, and stress the importance of serving,” (Newman et al, 2017, p. 49). Thus, simply by exemplifying the virtues of a strong work ethic, honesty, and a positive attitude, I am helping to serve my patient population by allowing them to emulate me in this regard. If they do so they are better prepared to address their treatment needs and gain the positive outcomes that we have discussed for their patient goals.

Transformational leadership is largely about getting followers to believe in a leader’s vision to inspire (Arnold, 2017, p. 382) sweeping changes related to processes and their outcomes. When those processes and outcomes directly correlate to patient objectives, it becomes clear that this leadership model is merely a way for a leader to better serve—and service—the needs of one’s patient population.

3-Compare servant leadership to two other leadership models.

There are a couple of pointed ways in which servant leadership compares to transactional leadership. The former is entirely based on individual transactions and the rewards or detriments they bring (Saravo et al, 2017, p. 2). In some instances these outcomes can benefit the individual laborer. Oftentimes, however, they benefit the organization. Instituting a policy in which late employees get their pay docked is advantageous to the organization and its leaders’ goals of increasing productivity. Servant leadership is less self-serving than transactional leadership is in this regard, since the ends of this leadership model are to behoove others, not the leader.

In some respects, authoritative leadership is the antithesis of servant leadership. In the latter models leaders are regarded as authority figures who are unassailable. They are leading because of their authority, and their authority gives them an unchallenged power to lead. Servant leadership is based more on placing leaders in leadership positions for their ability to help others. Therefore, there is a chasm between the leaders and the followers existent in authoritative leadership not found in servant leadership.…

Sample Source(s) Used


Arnold, K.A., (2017). Transformational leadership and employee psychological well-being: a review and directions for future research. 22(3), 381-393.

Horn, D., Mathis, C., Robinson, S., Randle, N. (2015). Is charismatic leadership effective when workers are pressured to be good citizens? The Journal of Psychology. 149(8), 751-774.

Newman, A., Schwarz, G., Cooper, B., Sendjaya, S. (2017). How servant leadership influences organizational citizen behavior: the roles of LMX, empowerment, and proactive personality. Journal of Business Ethics. 145(1), 49-62.

Saravo, B., Netzel, J., Keisewetter, J. (2017). The need for strong clinical leaders—Transformational and transactional leadership as a framework for resident leadership training. PLoS One 12(8), 1-12.

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