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How to Stop Political Corruption Essay

Pages:3 (756 words)


Document Type:Essay


Based on the readings, what could Tennessee do to make political and bureaucratic functionaries more accountable?

Public Administration, but virtue of its role in society, must be held accountable for corrupt and unethical actions. Public administration plays both a vital and integral role within the overall political climate of America and as such, must be held to a high standard. Many voters look to public officials as representatives of their communities and expect them to act responsibility while upholding the values of their constituency. Unfortunately, as recent events in Tennessee have shown, political stakeholders often put their own interest ahead of those who they have sworn to help. As a result, more action should be taken to hold political officials who stray from their mandate to be more accountable.

To begin, bureaucratic accountability is defined as the principle of political accountability that is applied to control bureaucratic power. Therefore, the first element to hold public officials more accountable is eliminating conflicts of interest that could undermine their overall objectivity when making critical decisions about bureaucratic power. A very contentious debate currently underway in America is the idea of public funding of elections for officials. Currently large political stakeholders and bureaucratic organizations have higher access to political officials due to large donations, political contributions, and other arrangements that provide benefits to the official. In these circumstances, the official’s decision making could be impaired based on this relationship. By having publicly funded elections, this could potential hamper some of the conflicts of interest that can arise through large political donations from various bureaucratic stakeholders (Rich, 2015).…

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…instill a culture of accountability through proper channels of oversight (Wilson, 2016).

In conclusion, the failures of public administration were brought to the forefront with the scandals of Operation Rocky Top and Operation Tennessee Waltz. Both of which uncovered the extreme lack of oversight and the importance of accountability with the public offices of Tennessee. In order curtail these errors in judgement from occurring in the future, the voter base must first be properly engaged. Here, voters should consistently monitor behavior while also provided real-time feedback. In addition, a culture of whistleblowing must be promoted both within and without all government agencies of Tennessee. Finally, as much as possible, conflicts of interest must be eliminated. Through these initiatives’ government officials will be in a better position to behave honorably while also representing their communities…

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