Studyspark Study Document

Health Care Bill Formulation Oral Term Paper

Pages:10 (3227 words)



Topic:Celiac Disease

Document Type:Term Paper


The research thus concludes the essence of having quality and effective legislation addressing the aspects of overall oral health of the people.

Additionally, the Canadian Dental Association also relates several issues of the overall body health to the oral health of the individual. In view of the article on the relation "oral health -- good life," the article gives information on the essence of good oral health, indicating some of the illnesses of ill oral health (Chattopadhyay, 2011). In this article, the relation between the ill oral health and the overall health of the body is that the mouth is the ingress to the body. Therefore, an individual with ill oral health is at the highest risk of having infection that affects the whole body system severely. According to this article, it emphasizes the need for dentists-patient relation as the dentists is the only person with the skill, expertise and training to identify and address all the healthcare needs of the person. The report suggests the need to rely on the dentist before making suggestions and decisions on the formula to use to attend to the oral health conditions. This forms a basis of the legislation as it seeks to involve the professionals in the field to help tackle the issues of ill health.

Talking Point

The main purpose of the dental hygiene is to prevent the building up of plaque, the sticky film of bacteria forming on the teeth. Thus, the first point of focus of the legislation is the avoidance of the causative agents of the ill oral health (Rinzler, 2011). According to research by the American dental association, poor oral health hygiene forms the leading cause of ill health in the vast populations suffering from ill oral health. The other leading causes of the ill oral health include, diet and nutrition, exposure to fluorides, tobacco and alcohol usage, injury and other associated medical conditions in order of their prevalence. This indicates that most people do not understand the significance of oral health hygiene. Secondly, the rising intake of tobacco and alcohol in the society is causing challenge to the management of quality oral health. The foods we take in the present world lack most essential minerals necessary for health oral health development. The water and other drinks contain fluorides, which erode the teeth resulting in cavities, among other infections. Therefore, the legislation will focus on the prevention aspect of the causative agents of the ill health present in the society. As the philosophers suggest, prevention surpasses cure in importance; hence, the people need to learn to prevent the causative agents of ill health (Rinzler, 2011). The true picture is that most oral health infections result from the defective preventive measures against the causative agents of ill health.

The coverage of the current regulations relating to the field of Medicare is the second talking point, as it does not sufficiently tackle the requirements of people suffering from ill health. The befit packages offered by the government and the insurers do not fully address the needs of the oral health care facilities. Many people are suffering from the ill health; but they cannot access the quality treatment they require due to preventive measures in the industry. Such preventive measures and aspects preventing the people include the costs of treatment and the related aspects of costs. Therefore, the bill seeks to legislate the incidences of access and affordability of quality and effective oral health services to ensure they identify the conditions in their early stages and address them accordingly. The new legislation seeks to recognize the value of standalone dental plans, which will seek to provide the health care services exclusively.

The third point of contention and discussion is the relation between the aspects of infrastructure and the personnel to handle the issues of ill oral health in the country (Rinzler, 2011). The infrastructure in the country supports and provides for quality oral health. However, the infrastructure remains unexplored, leading to the need for a better approach to addressing the aspects of the ill health. The factors emanating from this fact is the issue of awareness in the part of the people on the essence of good oral health and the utilization and expansion of available structures. The bill also focuses on the issue of the personnel training and qualifications, as well as, the numbers of personnel available to attend to the people. The American population is vast; and requires several dental professionals to handle all the claims of the people sufficiently. Therefore, the bill also has a section of addressing the issues of the course program of dentists and other oral health professionals. This act aims to establish quality service delivery to the deserving American citizens. The quality and essence of good health is incomparable to any other factor in life. Good health is the basis of overall good life; hence, there is the need to establish the infrastructure required to handle the development of the ill oral health in the country.

The Bill Writing

Bill no. 2013/12

Health care reform and oral health

1. The bill proposes that children be integrated into the essential package benefits packages that the state insurance exchanges as established in the patient protection and affordable care act. This includes provisions for patients to seek and access affordable and quality health care for the better services of the people.

2. The bill proposes the establishment of a national strategy that will coordinate and promote disease prevention, wellness and the inclusion of public health programs in the law. The law calls for development of a five-year evidence-based education of the public campaign that will focus on the childhood carries, value of prevention and the overall oral health of pregnant women and at-risk populations. The provision will allow patients to access the $11 billion to expand the community health care centers, which will incorporate dental health care centers (Parsons, 2013).

3. The bill also proposes setting of a regular review of the payments to dental professionals to ensure that the professionals get good compensation. The Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACCPAC) will review the issues of the oral health professionals in their procedure to payments.

4. The bill also proposes the inclusion of infrastructure in the development of the health care centers and education-based programs for the general population; in addition to the dental health providers in their gauge to establish quality service delivery.

5. The bill proposes that the health care advantages of from the national government be distributed evenly, catering for all sectors including the oral health of the general population. The bill will handle the key issues related to resource distribution and deployment in the department addressing oral health of the populace.


1. Whereas the implementation of the comprehensive dental reform act of 2012 is breaking the grounds for the development of quality health provision to the people, this new bill aims to improve on the developments brought by this act (Oral health bill, 2009). The policy action of this bill will traverse the overall oral health provision services, focusing on all the stakeholders of the oral healthcare department. This bill will develop the ground for the establishment of effective and quality health care that regulates the general health of the people.

2. Whereas the current bill provides for the development of the education-based programs on the essence of quality oral health care, the policy action of the new bill will boost the scope of the previous act, providing a diverse approach to the awareness programs and consequent improvement of the action. The act will guide the oral health department to creating an awakened public with understanding of effective and quality health care.

Respectively Submitted,

Group name





Friday June 7th 2013

The provision of better oral health care

1. Whereas the government is providing service of oral health to the people, the population remains unaware of the essence of quality health care.

2. Whereas the oral healthcare department is providing services to the population, the access to these services has hindrance due to the costs and the inaccessibility of the infrastructure.

3. Whereas most people have the desire to maintain a hygienic oral health, they do not understand the causative agents of poor ill health; hence, they do not address the root cause.

4. The association of American dentists should seek redress of their issues from the federal government to allow them to provide the quality healthcare the population deserves. The related bodies such as MACPAC should address the issue of the dental professionals.

Respectively Submitted_


The provision of quality health care is essential for the overall health development of the people. The government should adopt bills and regulatory laws that address the core issues concerning the health of the populations. The citizens deserve quality, oral health care and thus the need for public education and awareness. The facilitation of effective oral health will improve living standards of many Americans.


Sample Source(s) Used


Chattopadhyay, a. (2011). Oral health epidemiology: Principles and practice. Sudbury, Mass:

Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Ramseier, C.A., & Suvan, J.E. (2010). Health behavior change in the dental practice. Ames,

Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell.

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