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Globalization Madagascar Deforestation Is Having Term Paper

Pages:5 (1592 words)




Document Type:Term Paper


One is a comprehensive means to increase gross domestic product and average real incomes via conscientious tourism and service industry occupations. Eco-tourism is a distinct possibility for a country that is well-known and well-regarded for its unique biodiversity. The presence of animals that can be found no other place on the planet can drive tourism demand for visiting Madagascar. If local communities manage their own tourism interests, rather than selling out to global corporate tourism interests, then it is possible to have a sustainable tourism model that will improve local economies and local ecosystems.

Madagascar has rich potential for an ecotourism destination. However, the pressure from China to exploit natural resources, and the corruption of local and federal governments, is leading to devastating consequences. Without resorting to external military intervention, it will be difficult to extricate the current corrupt officials out of Madagascar. The country needs to develop a ground-up politics that minimizes the power that is the current ruling elite have over natural resources and land. How to accomplish this lofty goal remains a mystery, but a comprehensive plan of education and ecotourism will help Madagascar tremendously.


Butler, Rhett. "Impact of Deforestation." 22 July, 2012. Retrieved online:

"Deforestation of Madagascar," Retrieved online:

"Deforestation in Madagascar: A political crisis and the lingering effects of colonialism." JSTOR Plant Science. Retrieved online:

Harper, G.J., Steininger, M.K., Tucker, C.J., John, D. & Hawkins, F. Fifty years of deforestation and forest fragmentation in Madagascar. Environmental Conservation 34(4), 2007: 325-333.

Kull, Christian. "Deforestation, Erosion, and Fire." Environment and History. Vol 6, No. 4, Nov 2000.

Sussman, Robert W., Green, Glen M. And Sussman, Linda K. "Satellite Imagery, Human Ecology, Anthropology, and Deforestation in Madagascar." Human…

Sample Source(s) Used


Butler, Rhett. "Impact of Deforestation." 22 July, 2012. Retrieved online:

"Deforestation of Madagascar," Retrieved online:

"Deforestation in Madagascar: A political crisis and the lingering effects of colonialism." JSTOR Plant Science. Retrieved online:

Harper, G.J., Steininger, M.K., Tucker, C.J., John, D. & Hawkins, F. Fifty years of deforestation and forest fragmentation in Madagascar. Environmental Conservation 34(4), 2007: 325-333.

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