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Drug Use As A Leading Cause of Poor Academic Performance Among College Students Essay

Related Topics: Alcohol College Drug Abuse Student

Pages:3 (839 words)



Topic:Academic Performance

Document Type:Essay


Preventing College Students from Drug Usage


Prevention of substance abuse in college is frequently discussed and researched and this makes it vital that many colleges implement multiple preventive strategies to determine the one that works. The first one is the education of college students on the impact of drugs and their academic performance. Students must be informed of the negative effects that drug use has on their body and their academic performance (Abelman 4). This will assist the students to make informed decisions about their drug consumption. The college should have drug prevention programs that are targeted towards new college students and those who are most prone to drug abuse (Califano 1). These programs will demonstrate to the college students the negative effects of drug use not only on their academic performance but also on their lives as well (Abelman 5). While it might seem the programs are scaring the students, it is better if the students have all the information rather than them not having any information at all. With education, students can choose to avoid using drugs or over-consuming alcohol.

The second one would be lecturer training programs. These are programs targeted at lecturers who are teaching in colleges. The programs will educate the lecturers on the methods that can incorporate into their classes when they notice that students have poor academic performance and they suspect it could be caused by drug usage (Cadigan et al. 386). Lecturers are in a better place to notice how students behave when they are in class and this would be a good avenue…

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…or using drugs. Prevention is always better than cure, and by implementing the education program the college would be working towards teaching the new students the dangers of drugs and how this will affect their performance (Dennis). Without this information, most students will be using drugs and they will lose focus on what is vital when they are in college and this is their education. Lecturer training is aimed at arming the lecturers with the knowledge they need to identify students who might be having a drug problem. This strategy will go hand in hand with that of a counselor, who is charged with training and encouraging the students to kick their bad habit. Lecturers are better placed to identify when a student's performance is dropping and actin can be taken early to rectify whatever…

Sample Source(s) Used


Abelman, Dor David. "Mitigating Risks of Students Use of Study Drugs through Understanding Motivations for Use and Applying Harm Reduction Theory: A Literature Review." Harm reduction journal 14.1 (2017): 68. Print.

Cadigan, Jennifer M, et al. "Patterns of Alcohol Use and Marijuana Use among Students at 2-and 4-Year Institutions." Journal of American college health 67.4 (2019): 383-90. Print.

Califano, Joseph A. "Wasting the Best and the Brightest: Alcohol and Drug Abuse on College Campuses." 2007. Web.

Dennis, Dr. Kim. "Recognizing, Understanding and Combatting Alcohol & Drug Abuse on Campus." n.d. Web.

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